I can not really answer the question due to very irregular periods and although we was trying I did not use my ovulations stick that DH bought (I always go by the rule of trying every day or two to cut down on the stress of trying at the right time and so I can't miss the ovulation). But I knew I was pregnant 2-3 weeks before I got my BFP (although I did not believe it until my BFP) and the first one was a stark white line so I thought it was an evap line and the next two were so (very, VERY) faint I still thought they were evap lines!
I was up until 11DPO when I got a faint on a tesco own brand, then later that day on a FRER.
Then on 12 DPO I did FRER and CB digi with my hubby.
I was still getting on CB normal tests at 14 dpo when every other brand was giving me
Just in case it helps anyon here is my FF chart:
Just in case it helps I was taking EPO, using a mooncup, and using preseed. I was also charting my temps, and using IC OPKs from CD10, then when it got close to my OV day (generally CD18) I was using CB digi OPK too (started using those on CD14 to CD18 when I got the +OPK)
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