How many people had a breach baby at the anatomy scan and baby went head down later?


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2014
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Hi ladies.
I'm popping in from the second tri. I had a scan at 19+1 and my baby seemed quite happy to have head up and feet down. With dd she was always head down. Has anyone else had a baby in breech position at this scan and baby moved head down later?
Or is your baby still in breech and do you need a caesarian?
Baby was breech at my 20 week scan and was still breech at my 28 week midwife appointment - pretty sure she is still breech now tbh but I will find out at my 31 week appointment

MW said not to worry as still plenty of time for her to turn :thumbup:

Also my son was breech until 30 something odd weeks and he turned :thumbup:

Try not to worry baby has plenty of time still to turn around :hugs:
They don't even consider position of the baby until at least 28 weeks usually as baby is spinning all over the place and has bags of room to move. I had a breech presentation at 34 and 36 weeks (was head down at 28 weeks) and at 37 week presentation scan baby was head down and engaged. Much too early to worry about position at this stage hun, baby will be somersaulting all over the place.
My DS went from transverse, breach to head down at my 20 week scan. This LO was transverse and then breach when we finally got it to move. Both went head down later on- at 20 weeks they have loads of space to move around and will likely flip around daily. This LO was breach at 28 weeks and 30 weeks, neither of which the MW or consultant was concerned with as it was still early. Now LO is head down at nearly 36 weeks.
First was breech at 20 week scan and stayed breech until 36weeks when he turned head down.

This one was transverse at 20 week scan, went head down a few weeks later, then breech, then head down again.
He was breech at my 28 week scan and two weeks later (in my scan a few days ago), he was very clearly head down.
DS was breech then, and I think until around after 25 weeks, I cannot remember exactly but before 34 weeks baby turned, and I actually felt it, it woke me up!!!!
My daughter was breech all the way up to 34 weeks (and I also had a low lying placenta). She turned at 34 weeks and it was confirmed by scan at 36 weeks (and that placenta had moved). I had a perfectly straightforward natural home birth at 37 weeks. They flip around a lot in 2nd tri and it's totally normal for them to be breech then as well as into the middle part of 3rd tri before they tend to turn to get ready for birth. If it doesn't happen on its own, there's lots of things you can do to encourage better positioning (exercises from Spinning babies, seeing a chiropractor or osteopath to sort out the alignment of your pelvis, gentle swimming or immersion in water to help baby float more, etc.). These things helped me, but I wouldn't be at all worried now. Closer to 30 weeks I'd start to think about if you need to do anything to encourage better positioning, but you've got so much time. There are plenty of babies that don't even turn until labour starts and come out head first, and there are also plenty of mums who opt for a breech birth (I'm not sure I would have the first time, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I would next time).
My twins have been beech and the other transverse since my 20 week scan , they haven't moved at all and I've had scans every few weeks , had one today and still the same and got my next scan in 2 weeks and if they are still the same then I'll be having a c section.
MIne was all over the place (head up, head down, transverse) during the anatomy scan - SO wiggly! Settled into head down about 30 weeks and hasn't moved since. :)
I was transverse at 20 week scan, I'm 35 now, and baby is frank breech.
LO was breach until 26 weeks. Dr said they wouldn't even consider it an issue until 34-36. He has turned and is now head down but I know that can change again.
They don't even consider position of the baby until at least 28 weeks usually as baby is spinning all over the place and has bags of room to move. I had a breech presentation at 34 and 36 weeks (was head down at 28 weeks) and at 37 week presentation scan baby was head down and engaged. Much too early to worry about position at this stage hun, baby will be somersaulting all over the place.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This! 20 weeks the baby's position doesn't even matter ;) don't worry about it, it's weird they would even tell you about your baby being breech, my baby was laying sideways at my anatomy scan :)
At a 28wk growth scan mine was breech....Dr said most babies turn head down so not to worry as they'll check at 36weeks.
However I felt her turn a couple of days before my 32week scan....but still felt kicks at my knocker line so wasn't sure of her position. At my scan it showed she's head down now. With her feet over her head so that's why I still have low down kicks
Thanks ladies. I clearly don't need to think about it yet :)
I'm not worried because I will do what I have to do anyway to get baby out happy and healthily :) :) :)
Little man was breech at all my scand but turned about 34 weeks for my first growth scan. He has remained head down since :). My mom said my older sister was breech until she was in labor and then she flipped. So your lo can flip even last minute!
Don't worry at all yet at 19 weeks. It's way too early. It's only if baby hasn't flipped by 36-37 weeks that it can be a problem (due to them running out of space and amniotic fluid levels decreasing at that point, which makes switching positions harder). At your weeks mine was lying transverse. At 21 weeks he had turned breech and remained like that until at least 27-28 weeks. Then I had a big scan at 32 weeks and he was on his way to turning, but not flipped yet. At 35 weeks though he was head down and quite low too, and has remained like that ever since. I've read that only 4% or so of babies have a breech presentation st birth, so the chances of your baby assuming the right position eventually are overwhelmingly in your favor :winkwink:
Both of my twins were breech at 22w and 26w, both are now head down.
Don't worry at all yet at 19 weeks. It's way too early. It's only if baby hasn't flipped by 36-37 weeks that it can be a problem (due to them running out of space and amniotic fluid levels decreasing at that point, which makes switching positions harder). At your weeks mine was lying transverse. At 21 weeks he had turned breech and remained like that until at least 27-28 weeks. Then I had a big scan at 32 weeks and he was on his way to turning, but not flipped yet. At 35 weeks though he was head down and quite low too, and has remained like that ever since. I've read that only 4% or so of babies have a breech presentation st birth, so the chances of your baby assuming the right position eventually are overwhelmingly in your favor :winkwink:

Thanks Christi - 4% I like those odds :)

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