How Much Envy Do You Have? ....


Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
LOL questions are sooo funny!!! ....

Your Envy Quotient: 24%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 48%

You are an envious person, but only at times.
Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.
Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.
And then maybe people will be envious of you.

How Much Envy Do You Have?

Oh dear :oops:
Your Envy Quotient: 59%

You are an envious person, but only at times.
Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.
Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.
And then maybe people will be envious of you.

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 22%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 19%

Envious? You? No way!
You're happy with what you've got going on, and what someone else has doesn't change that.
When people succeed, you are happy for them. You know you'll get yours eventually!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 26%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 24%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Jo said:
Your Envy Quotient: 48%

You are an envious person, but only at times.
Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.
Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.
And then maybe people will be envious of you.

How Much Envy Do You Have?

Oh dear :oops:

lol i got that opne too but i didnt like it so i threw a strop and didnt post it lol
Your Envy Quotient: 35%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 12%

Envious? You? No way!
You're happy with what you've got going on, and what someone else has doesn't change that.
When people succeed, you are happy for them. You know you'll get yours eventually!

these quiz are so true heheheh
Your Envy Quotient: 11%

Envious? You? No way!
You're happy with what you've got going on, and what someone else has doesn't change that.
When people succeed, you are happy for them. You know you'll get yours eventually!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 45%

You are an envious person, but only at times.
Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.
Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.
And then maybe people will be envious of you.

How Much Envy Do You Have?

Your Envy Quotient: 38%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 5%

Envious? You? No way!
You're happy with what you've got going on, and what someone else has doesn't change that.
When people succeed, you are happy for them. You know you'll get yours eventually!

I soo dont ever get envious of people, Ianswered Never to every question bar the forst one, cause Iagree that Paris Hilton did cock all to earn her money!
Your Envy Quotient: 46%

You are an envious person, but only at times.
Perhaps certain situations trigger your envy. Or maybe you're especially jealous when you're feeling insecure.
Instead of letting that green monster out, work on making your own life better.
And then maybe people will be envious of you.

How Much Envy Do You Have?

mwah ha ha damn the green eyed monster!!!
Your Envy Quotient: 78%

You are quite the jealous person, even if you don't know it.
And the true bummer is: you're too envious to really appreciate what you have going on.
Just remember, no one has the perfect life. So love the one you have!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 26%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 40%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

How Much Envy Do You Have?

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