How Much For A Bag Of Sweets?


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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We went into town & went by a sweet stall thing in the street MMmmmm they smelt soooo yummy I had to have some!! Alot of it was home made stuff Mmmmmmmmmmm So we grabbed a bag each & treated ourselves ..

Honestly it was £23 :dohh: I had to turn round to OH an say "how much did he say" :rofl: Well thats our treat for the month ... On a plus side I will enjoy watching a movie & getting fat on homemade fudges & sweeties :happydance: Well need to after paying that much :rofl:

reminds me of when we stayed in Hilton on park lane for my 30th,bottom bar at the bottom of hotel 2 drinks were £5 odd went upstairs to look at view of london ordered g and t twice drank asked for bill......ready? £35 arrrrgh nightmare,lol

hope you enjoy your sweeties and hope they arent your craving lol or will be one expensive pregnancy


reminds me of when we stayed in Hilton on park lane for my 30th,bottom bar at the bottom of hotel 2 drinks were £5 odd went upstairs to look at view of london ordered g and t twice drank asked for bill......ready? £35 arrrrgh nightmare,lol

Same as when I lived in Barcelona 3 beers at a swanky bar down the Ramblers came to 65 euros :shock:

do they have liquid gold centers?! lol

Enjoy :D

:o What? That's daylight robbery!
Dunno I had a bout 4 :rofl:

I feel like **** in the evenings at the moment :rofl:
Oh wobbs what are you like?
I went on a quarter and spent £30!!!!! Though in my defence some of it was for my dad:blush:
your bubba has expensive tastes lol already
We went into town & went by a sweet stall thing in the street MMmmmm they smelt soooo yummy I had to have some!! Alot of it was home made stuff Mmmmmmmmmmm So we grabbed a bag each & treated ourselves ..

Honestly it was £23 :dohh: I had to turn round to OH an say "how much did he say" :rofl: Well thats our treat for the month ... On a plus side I will enjoy watching a movie & getting fat on homemade fudges & sweeties :happydance: Well need to after paying that much :rofl:

I'd have told them where to stick their sticky sweets at that price!!!

I'd want them to have money in them!!!

No Fear!
save me 1 and none to lala!

She settle or she still crying??? :cry:
£25!? :shock:

How big were the bags? They'd have to be the size of a carrier bag for that to be right!!!
LOL like teh ones you get in woolies.

Imi shes fine babe :hugs: Just about to settle her properly ;)

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