We waited until the gender scan. We had all the boy stuff we could want already, just would need two items. Now that we know it's a girl, I'm recycling the gender neutral stuff and buying girly stuff. We have bought enough clothing up to 6-9 months. We have the bouncer, jumper, size new born, one and two diapers (I'd prefer to cloth diaper, but we live with my in laws and they think it's disgusting). We also have enough swaddlers. I bought a couple of soft toys and some books. We have a parent swapmeet down here for gently used baby stuff. So we scored a bunch there. We just need the bassinet that will work for our room left.I have started buying size three diapers, and will start working on size 9-12 month clothes. Buying the clothes ahead of time, and when on sale, really helped us stay on top of clothes for my son. I have lots of 2-3 t items already and he is 23 months. I'm starting on more 3 t- 4t for him soon. It's easier to buy over time than all at once. I recommend it if you have the storage space.