how much milk in a bottle does you 1-2 month old take?


Toms Mummy

Ive just started giving kate the occasional bottle. I only started today so don't have a supply yet.... I plan on pumping every morning but giving a bottle every other day in the afternoon hoping that this wont effect supply.

So I only had 3oz today (from one boob this morn. I didn't want to express from both incase she woke for a feed).... She took the whole 3oz and then fed fully from one side and took a bit from the other.... My question is, is how much does your lo take from bottle to be full/satisfied?

Also, what do you think of pumping/feeding schedule? I'm only giving a bottle every other day to get her used to bottle for the occasional times I'll be away from her over xmas and possibly next year
When Milo was 1-2 months old he would take about 2oz at a feed. Now he takes about 3oz.

I pump every morning after the first feed to keep up a good freezer stash, but generally Milo only has a bottle once a week on a Saturday when I go to the gym. He's been absolutely fine with the bottle on a once a week basis. Based on my experience I'd say that a bottle every other day probably isn't necessary, but maybe if she were to be more reluctant than more frequent bottle feeds would be important.
Thanks pielette... So she's taking more than your lo did at her age, hmm. Will try again on sat and see if maybe she wanted a comfort feed after the bottle. She did throw alot up about 15mins later!

I was thinking of maybe cutting bottle down once she has got used to taking it..... Hopefully shell be happy with 1 a week.
Definitely possible that she had eyes bigger than her belly! Which bottle are you using? We use the medela calma which requires virtually the same effort to get the milk, there isn't a steady flow into his mouth.
Yeah I think so too! We're using the calma ones too, they seem great so far!.... I pumped 4oz from one side today so will give that to her tomorrow and see if it stay down or she still needs boob afterwards :)
At 2 months old my LO was eating 3.5-4oz breastmilk a bottle every 2-2.5 hrs during the day. She's now 5.5 months old and eats 6.5oz every 3-4 hrs and she's perfectly healthy (93rd percentile length, 83rd percentile weight). Especially if you're already pumping 4oz from one side, I'm thinking she just might have a big appetite, which is totally normal :) But yes, make sure she's keeping much of it down and that you have the slowest flow nipple she'll tolerate

I would stick with a bottle every 2-3 days for a few weeks until your LO really gets the hang of it. We had introduced a bottle at 7 weeks and it took her a few tries to take it. We then fed her every other day from a bottle for a week. She had taken them great so we slacked a little and fed her once from a bottle over a 1-2 wk period and when we tried a bottle the weekend before daycare she through a fit and wouldn't take it. She eventually did at the 11th hour but I feel like we went too long without giving her a bottle and she started to have breast preference.
Thanks biotech.... Shes 11lb now at 5 weeks so is a chunky girl, I think she does have a big appetite :)

My son never took a bottle as I left it too late to try, so determined not to let that happen this time! X
My little guys the same age and we just introduced the bottle . He only takes 2.5 oz and then is full but that about all I can pump anyways so it works out well.
My wee girl takes 4oz and is a few days short of 5 weeks. She weighed 8lb 8oz last week so is just a wee toot but likes her grub lol x
I gave her another bottle today. She ate 2.5oz and then was satisfied and didn't want boob :).... She is fed on demand so I guess the amount may vary every day but she usually goes round 2hrs between each feed... I think I'll stick to putting 3oz in the bottle for now :)
My 8 week old has been taking 4-5 oz since 5 weeks old. Sometimes she'll still want boob after! she's a chunky monkey...
My 2 month old takes just over 4oz (120ml) per feed. Found kellymom very helpful when figuring out amounts so DS can't overfeed.
My daughter took on avg around 3oz at 8 wks. I only offered her 1 bottle in the evening just so I knew she would take one just in case.

I always feed on demand and when MIL had to watch her for a day at 15weeks so I could travel for a dr's appointment, she'd mostly eat 3-4oz every 2-4hrs with an occasional 6oz bottle.
I pump after morning first feed to build stash plus whenever I skip a feed by offering a bottle. Jenson tends to take 3-4oz depending on time since last feed then will go 3 hours. If I offered a boob after the bottle I'm pretty sure he would take it! I've started offering this before bed and giving 3oz, pumping 5oz then offering a small feed in bed to sleep. I offer 3oz then another oz if still hungry.

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