So I tried to get to toddler group this morning. Massive fail. I had a bad night with DD (she was awake from 9.30 to 2.30am, then up from 4.30-6am) so OH dealt with DS for a couple of hours before work so I could get some sleep). I got up at 8.30 at which point DD needed feeding and it took ages for her to settle afterwards after which there was not enough time to get ready for toddler group. I tried putting her in the moby wrap but I'm not very confident with it and it got all twisted. She was still screaming her head off at this point and DS was demanding something or other so it all got very stressful. I tried putting her in the buckle carrier but that didn't work either as the straps seemed too tight. At this point toddler group had started and I abandoned the idea of going out. I feel like I'll never be able to get out of the house with two kids! My DS hasn't been out of the house for days (although this is partly due to the miserable weather). Arrggghhh......