How soon after birth did you BF

My son was born blue and not breathing after they checked him over, and i delivered the placenta...they handed him over to me and he was rooting already! So i nursed him straight away:-)
He was born around 9pm, I had to have blood transfusion, so wasn't until the next morning, close to around noon, before I started feeding him. He had some formula in the meantime. My milk came in on day 3 and his latch was all fine. Our problems were due to too much milk instead.
I had a quick cuddle then lo was with daddy and then in crib sleeping while I was stitched. The midwives didn't encourage me and just said when I was ready to let them know. It must have been about 4-5 hours before I tried. Next time I want skin to skin and to do it straight away

This is what happened with me and I'm determined to make sure I try straight away no matter how exhausted I am!
In theatre while being stitched up after my section
After my c-section, I was encouraged to try after 2 hours, but he didn't actually latch and feed until the end of the first week, and wasn't EBF until day 10. DS2 was latched on within an hour of being born, when he started rooting at my husband while I was being checked over after my initial cuddle. As I understand, most babies will try and feed within an hour of birth, but then might get sleepy for the next few hours and not be interested. Best to get it all kicked off as quickly as possible, give them lots of chance to practice and lots of colostrum! :)
Babies are actually ok for I think it is up to 36 hours (possibly 48 but I can't remember) without a feed, but colostrum is important for flushing through the meconium. That's not to say baby would be happy without milk for that long, but it would be healthy, they burn calories from their fat, but it's one reason why doctors can be wrong for suggesting formula if mum has a struggle with the first few feeds but wants to keep trying. Colostrum is a very small amount anyway it's not really about weight gain at that point it's setting up the digestive system.
10 mins with first, had to get c section sown up.
well over half hour with second and they where messing with heat lamps and I was getting bothered.
few mins with Last one after skin to skin and I remember mins after birth eating a choc bar and breastfeeding lol
10 mins with first, had to get c section sown up.
well over half hour with second and they where messing with heat lamps and I was getting bothered.
few mins with Last one after skin to skin and I remember mins after birth eating a choc bar and breastfeeding lol

Oh gosh I wish I could have done that, after pains had me throwing up, I couldn't eat for ages! BF obviously made it worse, I had to BF with a bowl next to me! (Sorry TMI!)
10 mins with first, had to get c section sown up.
well over half hour with second and they where messing with heat lamps and I was getting bothered.
few mins with Last one after skin to skin and I remember mins after birth eating a choc bar and breastfeeding lol

Oh gosh I wish I could have done that, after pains had me throwing up, I couldn't eat for ages! BF obviously made it worse, I had to BF with a bowl next to me! (Sorry TMI!)

First two times I was throwing up after too but it was whatever drugs I had. I had no drugs the last time. Big difference to me it made.
10 mins with first, had to get c section sown up.
well over half hour with second and they where messing with heat lamps and I was getting bothered.
few mins with Last one after skin to skin and I remember mins after birth eating a choc bar and breastfeeding lol

Oh gosh I wish I could have done that, after pains had me throwing up, I couldn't eat for ages! BF obviously made it worse, I had to BF with a bowl next to me! (Sorry TMI!)

First two times I was throwing up after too but it was whatever drugs I had. I had no drugs the last time. Big difference to me it made.

I don't know why I just get horrific after pains, I had a quick completely natural home birth and I was on all fours screaming with them afterwards, was WAY worse than labour, I got them badly after DS1 as well which is odd apparently, I'm not sure if it was from the amount of RLT I drank. They lasted a good few days as well, I had to feed with a TENS machine lol.
I cant remember exactly but definitely within the first 30 mins. Maybe less.
10 mins with first, had to get c section sown up.
well over half hour with second and they where messing with heat lamps and I was getting bothered.
few mins with Last one after skin to skin and I remember mins after birth eating a choc bar and breastfeeding lol

Oh gosh I wish I could have done that, after pains had me throwing up, I couldn't eat for ages! BF obviously made it worse, I had to BF with a bowl next to me! (Sorry TMI!)

First two times I was throwing up after too but it was whatever drugs I had. I had no drugs the last time. Big difference to me it made.

I don't know why I just get horrific after pains, I had a quick completely natural home birth and I was on all fours screaming with them afterwards, was WAY worse than labour, I got them badly after DS1 as well which is odd apparently, I'm not sure if it was from the amount of RLT I drank. They lasted a good few days as well, I had to feed with a TENS machine lol.

ouch, I do remember some after pain but had morphine first time. My last labor was very very painful. I remember trying to pee after it and nothingt came out, for hours I needed to pee and couldn't. I was in pain crying and rocking back and fourth on the bed as my bladder was about to explode. I finally peed a bucket amount of pee and had to show I did to midwife. I recall texting my partner thinking something was wrong and I was about to die. No one tells you about that pee thing, never had it first two times.
10 mins with first, had to get c section sown up.
well over half hour with second and they where messing with heat lamps and I was getting bothered.
few mins with Last one after skin to skin and I remember mins after birth eating a choc bar and breastfeeding lol

Oh gosh I wish I could have done that, after pains had me throwing up, I couldn't eat for ages! BF obviously made it worse, I had to BF with a bowl next to me! (Sorry TMI!)

First two times I was throwing up after too but it was whatever drugs I had. I had no drugs the last time. Big difference to me it made.

I don't know why I just get horrific after pains, I had a quick completely natural home birth and I was on all fours screaming with them afterwards, was WAY worse than labour, I got them badly after DS1 as well which is odd apparently, I'm not sure if it was from the amount of RLT I drank. They lasted a good few days as well, I had to feed with a TENS machine lol.

ouch, I do remember some after pain but had morphine first time. My last labor was very very painful. I remember trying to pee after it and nothingt came out, for hours I needed to pee and couldn't. I was in pain crying and rocking back and fourth on the bed as my bladder was about to explode. I finally peed a bucket amount of pee and had to show I did to midwife. I recall texting my partner thinking something was wrong and I was about to die. No one tells you about that pee thing, never had it first two times.

That's so strange, I've heard labour paralyses your bladder, I have always been a frequent wee-er even at night but after giving birth it always resets me for a while, I will probably go back to my old ways eventually. That sounds so painful, it's weird all the things you don't hear about before hand!
The sooner the better. Ive had 3 babies now, the first was a natural delivery and the other 2 were csections. Havent had any issues with supply or getting babies to latch. With a natural delivery once baby is cleaned off etc, you can breastfeed right away...with my csections I started nursing with 15-20 min after my section. Which worked wonderfully. The rule of thumb, is that the sooner you have baby latch on and nursing, the better success you will have with it.
Within minutes. He was born, placed on my chest, we gave kisses and then I latched him on.
In recovery room after they had stitched me up (emcs) with my first. Just under an hour for my second - I would have preferred to sooner but I had to wait till the midwife had finished repairing the damage and I didn't think to try before she had started as I was kind of in shock (very fast labour and vbac in early hours of morning of elective caesarian)
About 30 minutes I think. Hubby held her whilst I was sorting the placenta out!
I had a section both times and fed in recovery for the first time. With DD it was when she was about an hour and a half, the midwives did all the work as I had a general and was very poorly (was in intensive care for 3 days after). With DS it was a straightforward elective and I fed him in recovery less than an hour old, the only reason for waiting that long is you can't hold baby to breast while they're stitching you up. After vaginal births you pretty much offer the breast straight away..
With my first, it was an hour later while in recovery (emergency section).

With my second it was 15 minutes later, while being stitched up (planned section). She was rooting on her own hand about 2 minutes after being born, she was hungry straight away.

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