well one month i had quite a few symptoms and thought i would get my bpf but didn't get it i was tied, had bruised feeling boobs, cramping,back ache
however this month i got my bfp and had no symptoms apart from boobs hurting on 10/11 dpo .. like sharp shooting pains.but others do get what they think are symptoms..i would say prob around 7dpo as you can't implant earlier than 6dpo anyway t notice anything ??
it just depends every pregnancy has been different for me symptom-wise so can never tell (if only it was that easy! )
implantation can happen anywhere between 3-12 days after ovulation and that has been different each time for me too so just depends! test on the day your af is due at 14dpo or thereabouts and if negative (and still no af) test again a few days later as some people dont implant until later
Well, my bb's have been so sore and tender since 1dpo. I'm only 3dpo!My bb's are never affected during my cycles so this is totally new for me... what this means I have no clue but I'm anxious to find out!!!
i feel different this month too i usually spot and have sore boobs and my stomach bloats 2 days before af but i havent had that yet and according to my cbfm i ovulated 15 days ago. fertility friend says af is due tomorrow so will see what happens!
i hope this is all of our months
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