I understand. First time I'm ever posting on my problem. I'm 33yrs old. My DS is 8 yrs old and been married for almost 14 yrs. We started ttc when DS was 5. Its been over 3yrs now! I had a break down last night
. Im tired! depressed and cant seem to find comfort anywhere about this. " dont worry so much", "Just relax", "It will happen" AND YES! At least one had the guts to say well... you have Junior! Aghhh!
that makes me mad. Its getting overwheling and want to give up. My DS is also dealing with it, When he was 6, He told his teachers I was pregnant hoping that it would come true. It gets even harder when he asks When?? Why is it taking so long?? Its hard becuase I need to stay strong for him, When I try not to dwell on it, he reminds me. I'm PMSing real bad right now! yes I got AF. Hence, DID NOT WORK! Well here is what I am doing now:
Started last year with 3 rounds of Clomid-Nothing-Gave up for almost a year then started again.
Low progesterone 7. something when I started the process 1 yr ago.
Started Femara 2.5mg 2x p/day CD3-7 w/ IUI
Prog test at CD21, Result 18 (RE Nurse said that really good?!)
Got AF after spotting for 5 days. Hence, it hit me hard to know I got AF!
I'm gonna dust it off and try again...I guess
DILEMMA: (Well I have a lot)
#1 So scared of taking Femara because of what I read. I know that reports say that Birth defects happen only if the woman is pregnant.
Are there any moms out there with healthy Babies born w/ Femara??? I've read only of women that are pregnant but not with born children.
#2 My RE's Nurse said that if I get an Ultrasound to check my Follies, I have to get an HcG shot?? Is this true?? I'm already having a hard time deciding to take Femara. Also My RE did not do any Ultrasounds or bloodtests while I was on Clomid. I realize this now, Wasn't he suppose to? I had to ask for blood work during my 1st round of Femara. Please give me your input on this??