HSG experiences..please share!

I see, THANK YOU so much. which of those two did you have first? why did you end up having to do two if you don't mind me asking? Don't they both access the same the thing?? And which of the two would you say is better to do and why?


i had the HSG first and then the sonohystero 2nd - i don't htink it matters which one happens first.

Each test looks at different things:

the HSG flushes dye into your uterus and through your tubes, via xray the dr can watch the dye as it flows through your tubes. if there are any blocked tubes, or tubal issues it will be seen here because the dye will not pass through

the sonohystero fills the uterus up with saline (so it's not pushed through into the tube). once the uterus is "inflated" with saline the vaginal u/s can take pics of the uterus lining..look for any abnormalities - polyps, fibroids, uterus strucutre issues

i had the hsg to make sure my tubes were clear bc i've had cysts removed and issues can arise (scar tissue, torque/pulling on tubes etc)
i had the sonohystero bc i've had uterine polyp

I see. therefore, I'm guessing they'll do the sonohystero on me and IF they don't find anything, then perhaps they'll have me get an HSG done to check my tubes. Because a Sonohystero does not thoroughly check your tubes for blockage then, correct? How many mgs. or what brand of pain killer did you take if any before your procedures?

Correct, sonohystero only looks at the uterus. HSG checks the tubes.

Generally, if you have issues getting a bfp - HSG is first because no BFP at all could mean tube blockage. If you are getting BFPs but then m/c, then perhaps sonohystero first, because tubes are good if you're getting BFP but perhaps issue with uterus lining.

I took 2 x 200 mg advil...i took one pill 1 hour before and the other pill 30 min before...just to spread it out, i didn't want to take both 1 hour before and then they wear off by the time i get in there....i found 2 x 200 mg sufficient, however i did not have any blockage in tubes and i have read that there is more cramping/pain if tubes are blocked

BreakingDawn, you have helped me in so many ways with your responses! I truly appreciate all of your feedback. I take it, your still tcc. Idk how long ago you had these procedures done..but i'm praying you get your :bfp: real soon. :hugs:
BreakingDawn, you have helped me in so many ways with your responses! I truly appreciate all of your feedback. I take it, your still tcc. Idk how long ago you had these procedures done..but i'm praying you get your :bfp: real soon. :hugs:

Thanks hun. I only had the tests done around Nov 1st. I got all my results back and will be starting clomid next cycle.

You're welcome, i'm glad my experience can help someone else. I know when I was in your shoes I was googling all sorts of things.

Goodluck...let me know how it goes.
hi ladies.
so finally i had my HSG done today and thankfully it wasn't that painful what i thought n heard about.
i went to hospital this morning, the nurse i had was so kind and helpful she explained to me every thing very briefly before the procedure and put my mind on ease but at the end when she told me that i m going to have a male doc today it wasn't comfortable for me at all but i couldn't help it, i had to get it done anyway. when doc came in i found him nice n gentle but still it wasn't that comfortable which i would be wid a female.
he started procedure n the only painful thing was putting catheter in. it felt like af cramps and a little pressure but all was fine after that.
i asked the doc if he could tell me i've ovulated already or not and he said he can see meture follicles and i ll b ovulating in couple of days and but thought i already did...
when it finished he told me that my tubes are all fine n my ovaries are healthy too :)
he wished me good luck to get a bfp soon. i was pleased to know the results.
m going to see my consultant in a week time so ll get to know whts next now.
i bled a little after the procedure n my uterus is little tender but no cramps or pain.

have u had it done today Tattlebaby???? how was ur experience????
Hi ladies!

Yes I got it done too!! just got home right now. Today I'm on CD8 & I had two procedures done. I had a Pelvic Trans-vaginal Ultrasound first and then a CT Scan (HSG). The Pelvic Transvaginal Ultrasound was really nothing, similar to the insertion of a tampon only alittle bigger and with a cold gel. The CT scan was really not that bad. I got all worked up for nothing. I experienced major cramping for only about a min or two, only during the insertion of the catheter really. Alot of the liquid that was inserted came back out so they had to clean my gown before I got up, but that was really it. Right now I'm not experiencing any cramps, just a headache and some spotty discharge sorry (tmi). I'm so happy that's out of the way tho. Unlike you Miriam, I have to wait until Monday or Tuesday for my test results :shrug:.. Maybe because of the Thanksgiving Holiday. It kind of sucks tho..i was hoping to get some answers right away. But atleat I feel accomplished today, like we're getting somewhere. Hubby is still waiting on his Insurance to kick in so he could go for his SA. I hope these two procedures are all thats needed to access the problems if any. I will keep you guys posted. Thank you :kiss:
@Miriam: Did your procedure (HSG) involve ink (dye)?? Mine was only with saline solution inside the catheter I believe, & then they scanned my uterus with an x-ray machine.
@Miriam: Did your procedure (HSG) involve ink (dye)?? Mine was only with saline solution inside the catheter I believe, & then they scanned my uterus with an x-ray machine.

its good to know that every thing went ok for you n u ll get a good result very soon.
and as far as i know i think it wasn't an ink coz when it leaked out it was colorless or was a very light brown but i was spotting too at same time so i dont know. and they did an internal scan after injecting that liquid in.

can i ask u about ur ovulation. did u ovulate already or u waiting to???
my ff gave me a cross-hair today on cd 12 but at the time of scan doc told me that i ll b ovulating in couple of days so m confused now.
My hsg I think had an iodine solution...I freaked out at first when I went for mine...but it wasn't that bad :) glad I did it...less to worry about and more answers :) hope your results come back positive. I'm surprised he didn't tell you then...mine told me he was 99% sure mine was clear...before I got dressed....so that was nice to not freak out all weekend wondering! :)
Douches aren't good for ppl ttc...it screws with the ph of your whoha :) so I wouldn't do a douche or enema ...

Your doctor might prescribe you an antibiotics before and after the hsg to prevent infections. And be sure to take pain reliever before going...
@Miriam: Did your procedure (HSG) involve ink (dye)?? Mine was only with saline solution inside the catheter I believe, & then they scanned my uterus with an x-ray machine.

its good to know that every thing went ok for you n u ll get a good result very soon.
and as far as i know i think it wasn't an ink coz when it leaked out it was colorless or was a very light brown but i was spotting too at same time so i dont know. and they did an internal scan after injecting that liquid in.

can i ask u about ur ovulation. did u ovulate already or u waiting to???
my ff gave me a cross-hair today on cd 12 but at the time of scan doc told me that i ll b ovulating in couple of days so m confused now.

Hmmm..seems you and I perhaps had the same type of procedure done. I too spotted brownish afterwards and into the very next morning, but very little.. 1 good panty liner was enough. No I have not Ovulated yet. I had the procedure done on CD8 today I'm on CD9. I usually Ovulate around CD17-21. By FF do you mean FertilityFriend? If so, you could let ff guide you towards your O days, but sometimes your body can be delayed or get ahead of its normal routine. So just to be on the safe side I would start using opk's to not miss your window. From what I understand during a Pelvic Ultrasound, the physician can watch development of the follicles and determine if a woman is ovulating. So you're either ovulating now or about to. Perhaps your eggs are just developing now and he was able to see that somehow in what I think is called your "Reserve". What CD are you currently on? Maybe we can be cycle buddies O:). Typically a woman Ovulates on CD14. But every woman is different, like myself for example. Only way to know for sure is to test with opk's. GL catching that eggy!
Thanks for posting this thread. I have to go for an HSG in the new year if we're still having trouble and I'm pretty scared, and generally unimpressed. Did you end up doing the enema and douche? I've never heard of such preps in anything I've read re HSG. My doc just wants me to take so pain killers first. :shrug:

I really hope you get your :bfp: before the new year then. But if you do end up getting it..don't let the Internet drive you crazy with other people's experiences. That's what I did, and I really worked myself up for nothing. Don't get me wrong..perhaps i was lucky. But ultimately look at it from a different point of view. Whether its extremely painful or not painful at all, at least you'll be learning about your body's anatomy on a whole new level, and it will really give you a clearer picture and answer to why you might be having trouble conceiving. And here's a tip..READ..READ..READ!!! Research and locate a clinic that you find suitable for your procedure. The place my gyno recommended me to go to did not impress me at all and they were the ones that told me to do the fleet enema and douche beforehand. And I was like.. "why?! should I have to do any of that when an HSG has nothing to do with my backside or intestines, & douching from what I've read messes with your body's natural PH." Plus DH wasn't cool with the idea too. He was the one who told me look elsewhere. And the painkillers neither of the clinics told me about. I actually took painkillers beforehand because I had done my own research and so luckily I did. Who knows thats probably why my procedure wasn't so bad. The only thing I've read that is typical of getting an HSG is, beforehand and/or afterwards the physician may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. I wasn't given anything :shrug:. Idk if this should be of any concern right now, especially because I feel perfectly fine and don't think I'll need it anyway. But yeah GL with yours if when you ever do end up getting one.
My hsg I think had an iodine solution...I freaked out at first when I went for mine...but it wasn't that bad :) glad I did it...less to worry about and more answers :) hope your results come back positive. I'm surprised he didn't tell you then...mine told me he was 99% sure mine was clear...before I got dressed....so that was nice to not freak out all weekend wondering! :)

I feel the same way, relieved that at least thats out of the way. Thankyou for your kind wishes. And yes, I wish he would've given me atleast some feedback right then and there, as this wknd is feeling longer and longer by the second. Hope you get your :bfp: soon too!
I noticed that ttc doesn't help time go faster...it seems to go on forever...forever waiting on results...forever 2 week wait...forever waiting on af to show...time goes soooo slow :/
HI, I'm new here!!! I have yet to do a HSG! Doc says its my next step, did a US a week ago, now waiting on the Doc to get my results. Just checked my Utris and my Overies, after that Doc says A HSG will be scheduled.... lol excuse my spelling, you would think I;m still in PreSchool.... anyways I'll let u ladies know how my experience is going...

On a better Note... a Friend of mine did a HSG and a few months later she got PG!! she now has a beautiful baby girl!!! So lets not give up!!! WE CAN DO THIS!! :) :)
Ive heard about women getting pregnant soon after an hsg...lets hope it happens to us! :)
@Miriam: Did your procedure (HSG) involve ink (dye)?? Mine was only with saline solution inside the catheter I believe, & then they scanned my uterus with an x-ray machine.

its good to know that every thing went ok for you n u ll get a good result very soon.
and as far as i know i think it wasn't an ink coz when it leaked out it was colorless or was a very light brown but i was spotting too at same time so i dont know. and they did an internal scan after injecting that liquid in.

can i ask u about ur ovulation. did u ovulate already or u waiting to???
my ff gave me a cross-hair today on cd 12 but at the time of scan doc told me that i ll b ovulating in couple of days so m confused now.

Hmmm..seems you and I perhaps had the same type of procedure done. I too spotted brownish afterwards and into the very next morning, but very little.. 1 good panty liner was enough. No I have not Ovulated yet. I had the procedure done on CD8 today I'm on CD9. I usually Ovulate around CD17-21. By FF do you mean FertilityFriend? If so, you could let ff guide you towards your O days, but sometimes your body can be delayed or get ahead of its normal routine. So just to be on the safe side I would start using opk's to not miss your window. From what I understand during a Pelvic Ultrasound, the physician can watch development of the follicles and determine if a woman is ovulating. So you're either ovulating now or about to. Perhaps your eggs are just developing now and he was able to see that somehow in what I think is called your "Reserve". What CD are you currently on? Maybe we can be cycle buddies O:). Typically a woman Ovulates on CD14. But every woman is different, like myself for example. Only way to know for sure is to test with opk's. GL catching that eggy!

yes seems like it was same procedure. i bled little during and after the procedure and still getting brown cm somtime it has a litle red in it too. r u getting it too?????
as far as the ovulation i dont really know when i ovulate this month but i think it happened before HSG so m not counting my self in for this month coz i missed it. next month i ll defiantly use opk n will do every thing properly.
but keep me posted abt urself. hope u ll catch the egg soon :)
wish u all the best.
I sure hope it happends to all of us!!! we would be a Pregnancy Pact ;) I am excited to get mine scheduled!!! :)

Baby Dust all the way from Canada!!! :)
I sure hope it happends to all of us!!! we would be a Pregnancy Pact ;) I am excited to get mine scheduled!!! :)

Baby Dust all the way from Canada!!! :)

Thanx n lots of baby dust to u n all the best for ur hsg :)
@Miriam: Did your procedure (HSG) involve ink (dye)?? Mine was only with saline solution inside the catheter I believe, & then they scanned my uterus with an x-ray machine.

its good to know that every thing went ok for you n u ll get a good result very soon.
and as far as i know i think it wasn't an ink coz when it leaked out it was colorless or was a very light brown but i was spotting too at same time so i dont know. and they did an internal scan after injecting that liquid in.

can i ask u about ur ovulation. did u ovulate already or u waiting to???
my ff gave me a cross-hair today on cd 12 but at the time of scan doc told me that i ll b ovulating in couple of days so m confused now.

Hmmm..seems you and I perhaps had the same type of procedure done. I too spotted brownish afterwards and into the very next morning, but very little.. 1 good panty liner was enough. No I have not Ovulated yet. I had the procedure done on CD8 today I'm on CD9. I usually Ovulate around CD17-21. By FF do you mean FertilityFriend? If so, you could let ff guide you towards your O days, but sometimes your body can be delayed or get ahead of its normal routine. So just to be on the safe side I would start using opk's to not miss your window. From what I understand during a Pelvic Ultrasound, the physician can watch development of the follicles and determine if a woman is ovulating. So you're either ovulating now or about to. Perhaps your eggs are just developing now and he was able to see that somehow in what I think is called your "Reserve". What CD are you currently on? Maybe we can be cycle buddies O:). Typically a woman Ovulates on CD14. But every woman is different, like myself for example. Only way to know for sure is to test with opk's. GL catching that eggy!

yes seems like it was same procedure. i bled little during and after the procedure and still getting brown cm somtime it has a litle red in it too. r u getting it too?????
as far as the ovulation i dont really know when i ovulate this month but i think it happened before HSG so m not counting my self in for this month coz i missed it. next month i ll defiantly use opk n will do every thing properly.
but keep me posted abt urself. hope u ll catch the egg soon :)
wish u all the best.

I see. I only got very little brownish cm for the day of the procedure and the day after. But today I'm all done with both of my tests and my Doc. got back to me. She says everything is clear and that I'm ok. She wants DH to go in and have his SA, as thats when we could really rule out any concerns if any. I can't wait for his Insurance to kick in already. I'm going crazy with that :growlmad:.

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