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Huge bleed & haematoma at 5+3 :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Hi ladies, this morning I started bleeding heavily - bright red, no clots or cramps. I am 5 weeks & 3 days. I went to the epu and they did a scan and bloods. Hcg normal range for my gestation and the scan showed gestational sac, yolk sac but no fetal pole, all normal for 5+3.

They saw a very large blood clot or haematoma (also a subchorionic hemorrhage) which is between the placenta and the wall of my uterus. I just have to wait and see, rest (not easy with an 18 month old) & go back for another scan next Monday.

Has anyone experienced this? What was the outcome. The gyno said it can go either way, but obviously the fact that it is a large clot is not as good as if it were smaller. Feeling very anxious and sad. If this pregnancy is going to end I hope it does quickly, and not after weeks of bedrest and limbo :(
Try and rest up as much as you can, I know it's hard with you have kids but its really what you need to do.
Praying all will be ok and the bleed goes away.
Hi indigoskies, sorry to hear that you're having some problems. :hugs:

I started researching after having a bleed last week, and found this thread, which you might find helpful:
Thanks guys. I appreciate it. Thankyou for that link viccat. Do you know what caused your bleeding? Any improvement?
Thanks guys. I appreciate it. Thankyou for that link viccat. Do you know what caused your bleeding? Any improvement?
I don't know at the moment - got a scan this afternoon, and am actually keeping my fingers crossed that it is a hematoma! My bleed was bright red and running for an hour or two on Thursday evening (at 10+1) but has calmed down since, and I've just been spotting brown for the last couple of days. I've had no pain with it, and am just hoping that my little kidney bean is okay.
This isn't the same I don't think but it's a kind of positive story for you. With my stillborn I had 2 huge bleeds around 5 weeks and 9 or something like that. Well they said to me i was loosing her both times without a doubt. I bleed so much I was convinced that not only I was loosing my baby but I was going need need a blood transfusion. But she stayed both times and proved everybody wrong. Her death was nothing I do with the bleeds but I hope that this keeps your hopes up x
At 6w they found one at the hospital after I experienced the same bleeding. They have me the same explanation that it could go either way but the odds were in my favor. When I had my next scan at 7w they could still see it but I hadn't bled anymore since that one time. He isn't concerned about it as long as I stay rested. I was on total bedrest for almost two weeks but now it's modified till my next scan next week. I have four daughters so bedrest was not easy but l managed to some how make it work. Try and rest and drink lots of fluids. You can still see my SCH on the right on my scan.
Kerri28 that's great that they said the odds were in your favor. They basically told me it was likely I could miscarry. My SCH is also large and to the right of the gestational sac. it measures 3.8 x 3 x 1.3cm. I feel like the pregnancy is doomed to be honest.

I had a tiny SCH with my first pregnancy and only spotted light brown on and off for about 4 weeks. So this is very different. Does anyone know any statistics related to SCH and successful pregnancies?
Kerri28 that's great that they said the odds were in your favor. They basically told me it was likely I could miscarry. My SCH is also large and to the right of the gestational sac. it measures 3.8 x 3 x 1.3cm. I feel like the pregnancy is doomed to be honest.

I had a tiny SCH with my first pregnancy and only spotted light brown on and off for about 4 weeks. So this is very different. Does anyone know any statistics related to SCH and successful pregnancies?

Mine measured 3x2cm and the hospital was more upbeat than my actually doctor. He called me the next morning and very bluntly said whatever happens is going to happen and chances are this pregnancy isn't going to progress. I literally said I'm not going to be negative I'm going to stay positive and I'll show you a full term baby in 8 months! Be positive!!!
Just popping in from 2nd tri. I had bleeding (varied from red bleeds to spotting) from 6-14 weeks and for half of it I had no idea what was wrong and kept thinking I was losing the baby. The good news is that it reabsorbed and I haven't even had spotting for about 2 weeks now. I started bleeding noticeably less at around 11-12 weeks. From what I understand the statistics are hard to interpret since the location and size mean so much for the outcome, so it's hard to get a reliable stat for individual pregnancies.

I hope everything goes well and lots of hugs to you :hugs: xoxoxo
I had a bleed just as u described with my dd. I too was just over 5 weeks. I remember just standing up then suddenly a gush of bright red blood, not thick like af but literally like I had an open wound pouring! The bleeding subsided after a few days and I went for a scan at 6 weeks, there was my dd with a great heartbeat :). I was so convinced it was doomed but she's now 7 years old :) I just did what I was advised and rested (alot), dh did everything for me ;)
I started bleeding very heavily at 6 weeks and they saw a subchorionic hemorrhage.. I bled for 4 weeks and also passed large clots but the baby is fine so don't loose hope :)
Thankyou. You have given me a bit of hope. I guess my main concern is the fact that it's a quite large SCH. If it were small I don't think I would be so worried. I hope I am one of the lucky ones and my baby survives this.

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