Things that have been said to me by family and close friends who know we're having trouble TTC:
* If IVF doesn't work you can just adopt like all the famous actresses
* I just can't believe it because I am so fertile I wouldn't know what its like
* I wish I didn't have baby #2 i'm sick of changing shitty nappies...followed by 'i'd be shattered if I got pregnant again'
* You're lucky you don't have to lose weight, I have all this baby weight to lose
* You just need to relax and stop thinking about it, it worked for me (coz it only took you 2 months you stupid cow)
* Damn, I really want my kids to have some cousins
* I told my 'then' best friend that we have major sperm problems and she laughed...hahah, so funny
That hurt the most
* You have no idea how hard it is once you have kids (yeah, I wish I did know
So many more, I think i've blocked out most of them for obvious reasons.