Hyperthyroid/Thyroid storm

Monzter I hope it goes well for you!! Let us know what your endocrinologist says!:hugs: I agree it's important to listen to our bodies...I'm glad my dr listens to me about it as well. We know it better than anyone else so we know when something isn't right. Unfortunately I have heard stories like yours far to often with thyroid disease :cry: glad someone is finally listening to you!

Mummy, where are you originally from? Welcome stateside :flower: I hope it's been good to you! China was amazing....amazing food, amazing people, amazing culture! I miss it everyday but I am happy to be home with family.

I got meds :happydance: b6 and unisom....,he told me to call back within a week if they don't start working but I have noticed they have taken the edge off :happydance:
And he gave me a quick ultrasound so I could see baby:cloud9:
Being in the hospital did they give you loads of scans? I'm sure it was reassuring to see baby :hugs:
My results were good free t3 and t4 are in normal range and tsh is finally starting to register but still out of range but better than before so I am staying on the 50mg twice a day. And I gained two lbs. :happydance:

Yeah it is crazy how the different drs don't communicate often...it seems weird or inefficient :shrug: did they suggest you see a perintologist? It seems as though obs and endos should work together more closely!

How are you feeling today? Are your thyroid and ms symptoms getting any better?? :hugs:
Oh man monster :( That's horrendous!!! Absolutely shocking that you were left to deal with this for so long with no help :( These symptoms are truly horrendous, I did one month before managing to get in with the right person and that was more than long enough and yes in storm you do feel like you're going insane, how you did this for years I don't know :(:hugs: Let us know how your endo goes today :hugs:

Kala, I'm from the north of Scotland, very different from here!! Now we live San Diego :) Its a lot of fun immersing yourself in a new culture, I can see why you miss it! Always good to be near family though!

Yay!! Even getting that edge off is a huge relief! hopefully it eases for you even more soon! Awww :cloud9: Did you get pics? Its about a million scans lol, I have 1 every week, every 2 weeks min :wacko: That's brilliant!! Sounds like you've hit a good balane with your meds and symptoms, when do you get tested again?

I think half of it is my fault for not understanding the system but then the system is very complicated!! Yeah my OB sends me to perinatology right away with my pregnancies being so high risk.

I think the symptoms are improving some, the weight is still dropping but not like before and insomnia a little better:thumbup:
Hi! Thanks for your understanding and well-wishes. :) I've had a rough road with this for sure! Like Kala said- my story, sadly, is a common one.

It seems my thyroid is failing, and I'm flipping over into Hashimoto's disease. The endo has put me on levothyroxine. I'm somewhat relieved that I'm going hypo without RAI or surgery. I know management of hypo can sometimes be difficult after those interventions. But, I also know that hypo can be well managed with well tolerated meds. (I was a wreck on methimazole!)

I hope the medication is helpful for me and the baby. I know it's a class A drug and that eases my mind. I feel so much better knowing that the LO is getting what they need and this wasn't missed. Thank goodness I went with my gut and switched to this Midwife. Honestly, she may've saved my LO's life... By LISTENING! It's one thing to go through this when it's just me- but for the baby to be put at risk... IMO totally unacceptable!

This endo knew his stuff. Even for an oddball like me. Lucky for him! I was ready for a fight today! LOL In the end, I was fighting back tears. FINALLY they hear me! I can't quite explain how much that means to me. And just in time! :)
Monzter that sounds so positive!!!! What a relief finding the right people:hugs:

Does the hashimotos match your symptoms? Very glad the medication for it is a lot safer:thumbup: That's 3 of us with oddball thyroids now:haha:

Are you in the states? Its strange to hear about midwives when its so OB orientated here! How often will you be monitored now?:hugs:
Yes, I'm in the states. I decided to switch to the ob/midwife practice because my old McDoctor's office was so rushed- I was worried something could be missed or slip through the cracks. Worried, with seemingly good reason! I felt like I was on an assembly line!!

My new provider's office is the only practice in my area (eastern MA), that offers OB and nurse midwife care as far as I know. And they're in-network with my insurer! I HOPE HOPE HOPE more offices like this one will pop up. I feel so lucky to have the best of both worlds, with MD's and NMW's working together. They are in residence at the hospital I'm birthing in as well. WHICH BTW, is slated to offer nitrous as pain relief by the time of my due date... Fingers xd!!! I'm the biggest fan of women having every option under the sun for maternity! Don't care HOW anybody else wants to do it, just so long as they CAN.

My symptoms over the last few years have matched up with Hashimoto's, but I didn't know that was possible! Honestly, it hadn't crossed my mind. I figured my thyroid was burning out, but the docs kept saying I was fine and in remission. So many of the hypo/hyper symptoms are interchangeable too.

I have been exhausted. EXHAUSTED!!! Every day is a struggle to do the basics. I left my business working with animals behind a year ago. I thought I was just burned out and couldn't take the physical demand. My muscles have days where they are so weak, and then I'm fine for a day. I feel like I'm dragging concrete blocks around. My hair sheds like crazy and is so dry. My skin is dry. My nails have cracks that won't heal. My eczema flares up. Nothing seems to motivate me, even if I am really excited for it. I have a hard time focusing and retaining information, or making and sticking to plans. I've lost friends from canceling things over and over when I just can't get up. Managing my weight is extremely hard. I've cried so much because I always feel like I'm letting someone down, dropping the ball, and not living up to my potential.

I've basically been going through the motions! It's wreaked havoc on my self-esteem too. I want to do better, to be a better partner, and friend. I've been trying so hard! Therapy, antidepressants, schedules, "applying myself". You name it...

But, I know me!! I've said it all along... If this were a problem that I could just THINK my way out of, or WILL my way through- I'd kick it's ass! Lol. But its hard to keep believing and insisting that something is really wrong, when the professionals aren't getting it. They're the ones with the fancy educations! ;-) Who am I to tell them they're all wrong, and I'm right?

Not sure about extra monitoring yet. I do know there will be a lot more bloodwork than normal! I am hoping my baby was getting enough tsh in my first trimester. But, I'm just grateful he/she will be getting what they need now. I had NO IDEA the kind of effects my thyroid could have on this LO. THANK GOD I'm being treated!!!!
:hugs: oh my goodness monzter! You poor thing!! I'm so sorry you went through this all!! So glad you are finally being heard!! It sounds like you gave a nice place to go to now!
It's very interesting I gave eczema as well!! Ugh autoimmune!

How are you feeling mummy? Are the symptoms getting better?

I saw my dr last Thursday and I asked again for I know the millionth time....it's better for me to be on PTU than not right? Haha and same answer...yes! I just need the reassurance! Who knew the thyroid could have such an affect on pregnancy!

Monzter....I believe the dr who found my hyperthyroidism in my first pregnancy saved my DS life. I was bleeding and as soon I started the medication about eight weeks it stopped! So as much as it sucks to have to take medication at least we know it's good for our babies!! :hugs:
Hey guys!! Crazy busy here with school and appointments:wacko:

Monzter I can not tell you how jealous I am that you're in line for gas and air!!! My second was a natural on it and it was amazing stuff:thumbup: It sounds like you've found the best place care wise:hugs: I feel lucky with my OB too, she's pretty much the only OB that would let me attempt a VBAC after 2 c sections!

It seems that whichever way the thyroid is going it doesn't feel good :( I'm really sorry the symptoms are hitting so hard and you had to deal with this with no help and no recognition :(:hugs:

Symptoms seem about the same :/ I had a bad night Monday night but in general better than before! How's yours the last couple days? Sickness easing?

After going through everything, way better on the PTU than not!

I got my panorama blood tests back (the none invasive prenatal screening) Baby came back low risk for everything and its a GIRL :happydance::cloud9:
Omg mummy!! :happydance::happydance: congratulations on your healthy baby girl!!! :cloud9: So happy for you!! So how many girls and boys in your family?

Symptoms all about the same...nausea is becoming more manageable...hoping from the meds!

This pregnancy is different from my last one so I'm wondering about what is baby's sex!

That is quite amazing about your ob! I have never heard of them allowing vba2c is the US! Love it!
This will be my 4th girl, I have 2 boys :) I knew from day 1 this was a girl lol, my girls and boys have very very different symptoms! Cant get over the low risk too! Twice I've had to have a CVS due to high risk results from nuchal scan and bloods!

I'm so glad your nausea is easing with the meds:hugs: What are your differences between the 2 pregnancies? See if we can do gender guessing:happydance: My boys I did get sick but much more manageable, I got huge like immediately and it carried on to the end and the cravings were unhealthy. Girls, very sick (this time more than usual but still same pattern), weightloss and don't get much of a bump, the cravings more sweet, like smoothies etc.

It was a bit of an interesting discussion to get to the VBAC allowing, main reasons in my favour were, that I have had a VBAC inbetween the C sections, I deliver fast and easily (my last natural, it was 4cm to out in 15mins!!), I just don't heal from the C sections with my connective tissue disorder. She was very supportive and willing to go with it:happydance: Just have to convince perinatology next week!

I was just thinking kalabear, I haven't noticed anywhere near as much bleeding from the sch since starting the PTU, its amazing what it can do!

When everyones next scan? You guys going to ask for the panorama test? Its my first time getting it, was just a blood draw then a week or so later get results:thumbup: Unless you guys are team yellow? I was going to be and didn't even last 12 week :rofl:

Have you started shopping yet? I'm window shopping, have crib and furniture stuff but need a new stroller and new baby girl clothes. I donated all my preemie girls to the NICU when Alasdhair was in, we weren't planning more kids:dohh: Thinking to wait for black Friday sales though!

Hope everyones having a good day:hugs:
Good thinking about Black Friday!! :thumbup: I will probably wait until then too! Although we are trying to stay team yellow...just not sure if we will make it! :haha:

I love how vbac discussion is becoming more common in the US. I have never given birth naturally so I have to convince the surgeon. My dr is supportive as long as baby's position is okay and surgeon approves. He even said he wouldn't have a problem giving me small doses of pitocin if it came to it!! :happydance: he said recently the hospital we are giving birth at didn't allow vbacs but has since changed their standing. Although the vbac stats aren't great at this hospital I still think it's worth a shot! But whatever the surgeon thinks is best (within reason) I will do. Good luck with perintatology next week!! Let us know how it goes!!

I wonder if bleeding in early pregnancy and hyperthyroidism is connected?? It's so interesting what we can find out about talking to other women in the same situation! So glad it's diminishing for you!!

How are you feeling monzter? Any news?

This pregnancy I'm not bleeding and not as violently ill but I wonder if it has more to do with the PTU than the sex? I have some similar symptoms..dry skin on my face and acne on my back ewww haha! Eeeee I wonder what it is!! I'm never going to last haha!
Black Friday has good sales so makes sense:thumbup: We've been looking to get ready, mainly a new car:wacko:

I was going to do team yellow too, didn't last long:dohh: Do you think you'll give in?

I hope you get your natural birth, well I hope we both do! I had a little Pitocin at my last VBAC, just to get started then it was off as things moved very fast:baby: VBACs really should be allowed as much as possible, with monitoring it is the best way to deliver both for mom's healing and babies lungs.

I think there may be a link, well hyperthyroidism is linked to miscarriage. I have a sch too so lots of factors, either way good to not be bleeding! I was told its linked with hyperemesis too, so for sure the PTU makes a massive difference:thumbup: How's your sickness been last few days? :rofl: Give into it!! Maybe do a reveal? I was going to do that too but couldn't last without blabbing lol:dohh:
Some pics :baby:


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