I am so behind


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2011
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I have tonnes of presents to wrap i am usually done wrapping by now.
I still have a food shop to do, i normally start buying cupboard bits mid november, and stash away so i dont forget anything.
The house is an actual mess. The kids have finished school so tidying without them around isnt going to happen.
There are not enough hours in the day, and im not sure how im going to get it all done.
Please send help.
Breathe! Do one small job now. That'll make you feel more together. Just start getting stuff done, don't think about how much there is to do or what the most sensible/efficient order of doing things is. I can spend all morning standing there thinking what should I tackle first...just do anything! Pick up a sock and chuck it in the washing basket. Tick. Haha <3
I've been ill so my plans have gone awry.
Do a list (check it twice lol) and just work through bit by bit. The most important things first presents and food then the tidy up. X
Don't worry about it. My house is a tip too. Doesn't stay clean for 5 mins. No old toys have been cleared out. Haven't cleaned the oven (it smokes so bad right now).
I've only wrapped family members and OH's presents. I'm struggling because DD1 has been staying awake until late and she comes downstairs to use the toilet etc and ALWAYS wants to be nosey with what me and OH are doing.
I managed to get the kids to help. We played beat the song. Everyone had to tidy as much as possible by the end of the song and the winner gets a chocolate to eat with the movie. They did get a bit bored so sticking a movie on for them while we tidy the kitchen. Which is my prefered room to clean. I need a bigger house, and less stuff. I really hope santa is bring me one this year.
That sounds like a great idea for getting the kids to help out. I'm glad it worked and you got things tidied up :)
That sounds like a great idea for getting the kids to help out. I'm glad it worked and you got things tidied up :)

I was amazed i have never thought of it before. It was only kinder minis but they are so competative it works for them. Im not usually so willing to let them have so much chocolate but since its christmas im gine with it. Plus i missed my floor.
I agree with pp...just do one job at a time and don't think about everything all at once. I'm so behind as well this year. Kids r home and it's like shovelling snow when it's still snowing! I'm behind with my general house work but I've been doing lots of deep cleans in the past 2 days (behind the fridge, cupboards etc) which have made me feel loads better. I've not got around to sorting old toys out either so no room for new things. I've not even bought any wrapping paper yet never mind wrapped anything. I've about finished shopping though. What's more is my car has broken down so it's in the workshop at the in-laws with ALL the santa presents in the boot so I'm guessing we'll be up half the night on Christmas eve wrapping them. Wow, reading that back I sound so unorganised!! Better get a move on &#128514;
God I've felt so behind on everything this year too. I've been so poor I couldn't afford to do everything when I normally would so its taken some of my spirit away. I've usually got all the snacky yummy stuff bought by mid Novemeber, all presents bought and wrapped start of Dec, Christmas cards start of Dec.... this year I'm going to buy the rest of my food tomorrow... along with my last 2 presents and some cards... its been dead stressful and I never wanna do it like this again!! xx
I haven’t wrapped anything yet, still waiting on a few amazon deliveries to arrive too!
Dh is out doing the food shop now so that will get ticked off, but I still have a ton of housework and cleaning to get done.

Don’t panic, just start somewhere, food and presents are top of my list because if the other stuff isn’t done, well no big deal. Ds won’t remember if the house was clean for Christmas!
I&#8217;m behind this year too but have decided some of it doesn&#8217;t matter, we don&#8217;t have people here for Christmas it&#8217;s only us and the kids are oblivious to the mess. I&#8217;m going to concentrate on presents then anything else is a bonus.

Plus my oh never does a single thing leading up to Christmas Day so I&#8217;m starting to think if he can do nothing so can I
I have been trying to think this through sensibly. The house- only people that will be here have seen it at its worst. The food- is all bought and if anythings missing, well,its no big deal. Its one dinner, and the kids barely eat any anyway. The presents- accept OHs help and let him wrap the easy boxes. The paper ends up scrunched in the bin anyway. Everything else- who cares. I want to have fun. So i might ditch everything and go into town tomorrow evening to see the christmas display.
That sounds like a good plan. Don't put too much pressure on yourself :)
In years to come you won't remember the mess!! I only like things tidy because I get stressed if it's not but I wouldn't do it for the sake of others
I&#8217;m behind this year too but have decided some of it doesn&#8217;t matter, we don&#8217;t have people here for Christmas it&#8217;s only us and the kids are oblivious to the mess. I&#8217;m going to concentrate on presents then anything else is a bonus.

Plus my oh never does a single thing leading up to Christmas Day so I&#8217;m starting to think if he can do nothing so can I

This is true. We have no visitors this year! I am cleaning up so I've got space for the new toys and am organised.
I have been trying to think this through sensibly. The house- only people that will be here have seen it at its worst. The food- is all bought and if anythings missing, well,its no big deal. Its one dinner, and the kids barely eat any anyway. The presents- accept OHs help and let him wrap the easy boxes. The paper ends up scrunched in the bin anyway. Everything else- who cares. I want to have fun. So i might ditch everything and go into town tomorrow evening to see the christmas display.

What a good attitude, taking a leaf out of your book! I've been stressing all day cleaning and tidying and the girls have been bored. Tomorrow is just about us as we're off to see family. No more silly stressing :)
I have found that since i did cbt its easer for me to shrug and let it go. I mistly just need to take a step back and think about it without catastrophising everything. No idea if thats a real word btw.
Sounds like a plan! The one thing that irritates me is when I take pictures and there's some horrible mess in the background/to the side ruining it. So if I only have time to tidy up, I just tidy and I don't clean or anything. You can't see dust in pictures!
I’ve come to the point now and thought sod it . The house is clean but the girls keep messing it up with toys and general mess ! I’ve only made room for new toys as we are not going to be here apart from Christmas morning !

I’ve still got loads to wrap gotta do that tonight not spending another Christmas Eve wrapping till all hours !

I agree food and presents first then everything else can wait (even if it will drive me craz lol )

Go enjoy Christmas with your family and worry about the mess later !

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