I understand wanting to have someone by your side but have you considered all of the completely miserable couples with children who are going to the Zoo and parading around as happy? My own mother who had 4 children and was married for 45 years told me in no uncertain terms that being single with child is "easier" than married with child. Yes some men are good husbands and father **Some** but few. You don't have to do extra laundry or iron suits or deal with a man who has wandering eyes right in front of you. It could be that I am bitter and jaded but I just don't come across many super fantastic men who seem worth all their hassle. In 2012 there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single with child and maybe you should "own" your life and make no excuses for it. The hours those couples spend arguing and bickering and complaining about each other - worrying if the other is cheating etc.. Ughhh, dreadful..