Heres my story!!!! Lol
October 2011, came off of bc
November 2011 BFP
December, wedding night December 19th confirmed I was misscarrying
January, start my period on my honeymoon and on my actual birthday the 7th
April-October opks, cervical position, and cm
November and December and a bit of October 83 day cycle no period until january 2013
January- started bbt
Feb-doctor told me he refused to run test due to my young age and told me I was not ovulating due to stress, he was a dick. I started soy cd 3-7
March-did soy again cd3-7
April- soy cd 3-7
And now im waiting to ovulate, I've become a fatass lol and gained 40 lbs.
I think a lot of my issue is my weight but shit. I know women bigger than me who pop babies out like no ones business! !!
Hubby has testicular issues (has had torsion once and epididtmytis twice)