He has a temperature and has been so grumpy - I couldn't take his little cries anymore - they break my heart!! and comfort sucking between the cries was constantly needed.
I had to give Lucas a dummy after about three weeks as he is such a sucky baby he'd be attached to me 24/7 if he had the chance !
I didn't want to give him one to start with but when i read about some of the benefits like helping to prevent cot death it made me feel better that and my poor nips couldn't take much more !!!
As long as your baby breastfeeds ok, there is nothing wrong with a dummy.. The main concern with them is if your baby hasnt figured out bfing yet... at almost 6 weeks im sure your baby has!
There is so much stigma attached to dummies but if they work for you and your little one, it's got to be better than them screaming and getting distressed.
Don't feel bad Hun. We gave Cooper a dummy after a few weeks for the same reason as mama2be. I decided for me a dummy was better than giving up bfing as my nips were his dummy and they weren't healing. That was 5/6 weeks ago and I can still count on one hand how many times he has used it.
Fred has a dummy, think he started with it about 6 weeks or so, only uses it sometimes in the day if he is really tired, he never needs it at bedtime x wouldn't worry about it hon i don't know why there is such a stigma about them!! I had one till I was 5....
my mum took it off me when i started school and said i could have a Carebear! so i agreed, hid a behind the sofa and would come home from school get behind the sofa cuddling my Carebear and sucking my !!! till i got busted, no more OR carebear!!!!!
Awww don't feel bad, all 3 of my boys had them within days of birth, never had any problems knowing where the food came from and it helped them so much. I don't think there is anything wrong with them and there are actual benefits to them using them
I'm goin out today to get a couple and try H with them to see if helps her feed properly when it is meal times in stead of comfort sucking all day! So I'm there with you hun xxx
aw dont worry, we had to give Riley a dummy at the end of week one, he wanted to be on the brest all the time, was using me like a comforter, and he is still brestfeeding fine, but it is a godsend..
dont stress about it x
My LO has had a dummy since about 10 days he knows that milk doesn't come out of it and sucks at it differently if its booby he wants, he has such bad wind that keep giving him booby to settle him was causing him more tummy ache as he was then over flowing and cross and in pain all at once.
He now gets the dummy after feeding if he wont settle I hope later when his wind settles for it just to be a bedtime thing
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