I got a letter printed in the paper........but


Proud dad
Sep 17, 2006
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In wednesdays metro (free paper on the bus and train) there was an article about teens who thought if they smoked it would the unborn baby smaller and therefore allow for an easier birth.

I couldnt believe what i had read so decided to write a letter hoping it would appear in the letters page.

this is what i wrote.

To all the teens who think that smoking in order to make the baby smaller in order to allow for an easier birth.
Yes this is true smoking will make the baby small but it wont mean the birth will be easy. It also increases the chance of your unborn child developing brain damage, cerebal palsy, asthma, growth problems later in life, premature birth and death.

only annoying thing was the gits got my name wrong i signed it Valentine75 they signed it Valentine
:roll: Numb nuts!!!!
Well done you!

I heard them debating this on the radio the other day and people were actually daft enough to email in to say they were doing it! :shock:

They had a couple of midwives ring in and say that it is definitely happening but that it's not just teens who are doing it.

Stuff like this makes me so angry. Where's the justice in the world if someone who would deliberately harm their baby are the ones getting pregnant and the people who would love a child totally and utterly are not.

...ahem... rant over :oops:


Helen said:
Well done you!

I heard them debating this on the radio the other day and people were actually daft enough to email in to say they were doing it! :shock:

They had a couple of midwives ring in and say that it is definitely happening but that it's not just teens who are doing it.

Stuff like this makes me so angry. Where's the justice in the world if someone who would deliberately harm their baby are the ones getting pregnant and the people who would love a child totally and utterly are not.

...ahem... rant over :oops:



You're right tho babe, I totally agree!!!
Seen this in the local paper the other day and couldnt belive it.

Nathan was small at 5lb 12oz because he was premature but I was still in baaaaad pain when I was in labour and giving birth :shock: lol
I've heard that my name has confused a few people so i'm gonna set the record straight

I'm ArcaneGirls other half

Its not the first time i've had my gender confused lol

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