I got Ben's B'day Pressie =:O)


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Ok my Son's Birthday Pressie arrived yesterday. Well one of them

I got him a Lazy Town Dress up Sporticus set, I know he's just going to love it.

It's not his Birthday till next month but i've been playing with the buttons on it all day while he was at school :lol: It's really cool :D
lol aww i no wot u mean i h8 tht programme chloe loves it so much!!!
This is it

Its a kiddies programme but its all about getting up and moving and not being lazy, so its really good for the kids Oh and the guy who plays Sportacus is a right dish too with a very nice body :wink: :oops: :lol:
sings... go go go get up lazy town!!!!
aaah wots the other song... go on ...
tootsie come on!!! im goin demented tryin 2 remember it LMAO
ha ha i remembered!!!!

bing bang binga binga bong silly words that make me feel like dancing......
Boobity Boo song

Cake Song << American voices :roll:

Twenty Times song

Galaxy Song

You are a Pirate

And this one is in reference to everyone on here Gizmo Guy
u nvr put bing bang!!! now i look a nutter!!!
My Oh keeps looking at me wondering why i've got Lazytown blaring out of the computer :lol:
just tell him ur on here im sure hell understand!!!
:lol: he gives up with me on here :lol: When i do managed to get on the computer its very hard for me to drag myself away :lol:

Nut he's sitting there wathching Wrestling so :p to him :lol:
im sat here wondering why i am still listening 2 lazytown.....

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