I hate my brother right now


Mommy of 4, WTT
Aug 18, 2010
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We had a conversation on the phone yesterday and he just HAD to talk about food.

Well, he tells me I need to let him eat his grilled cheese, and what happens? I've been craving grilled cheese since then. I have the cheese, but no bread.

Know what's worse than being pregnant with cravings? Being pregnant with cravings and it's not pay day yet.

Oh my goodness! DO I know the feeling. I have been craving fries for DAYS! And the other day one of my best friends tells me she is having fries! Luckily we got paid yesterday, and I picked up some to make for dinner tonight. I can not wait!
That's been another craving of mine...poutine. Fries, gravy (poutine sauce) and cheese curds. Yum!
I am always down for some poutine. Unfortunately, cheese curd is very hard to come by here. :(
I love fries with gravy! it is been a favorite of mine since my teens! I think i will make some gravy to go with the fries tonight. It will be so good!
I've got leftovers to eat up for dinner -- lemon garlic pork tenderloin with roasted veggies (snow peas, orange pepper, yellow onion, and red potatoes). It's good, but it's not poutine...
Used to be hard to come by here too. They just started selling poutine sauce and cheese curds in the grocery store in the last year
ONE local grocery store gets them in on the very very rare occasion, but they are so outrageously expensive! I used to have a friend who worked there, and he'd let me know when they hit the 50% off bin, but he moved. :( Boo.
That sucks. I agree, they are expensive, but OH SO WORTH IT!!! Between two grocery stores in my city that carry it, one charges $4.99 for a bag, and the other charges $7.99. The two stores are owned by the same major company and within a 5 minute drive of each other.
I would happily pay that price! It's closer to $10 for a tiny little dish of them -- just a handful of curds.
FunYuns here. Don't ask me why. It's either them or spicy chicken sandwiches.
lol Tasha, I can make extravagant meals but ALWAYS ALWAYS manage to screw up pancakes. ALWAYS
I am the same way with pancakes. I can not make them to save my life!
Glad I'm not the only one lol! I make awesome roast dinners, amazing casseroles etc.... Bloody pancakes hate me!!!
I always want salad with a side of bacon cheese fries. Lol!
Glad I'm not the only one lol! I make awesome roast dinners, amazing casseroles etc.... Bloody pancakes hate me!!!
French toast is another one that I can not for the life of me manage to make well.
I always want salad with a side of bacon cheese fries. Lol!

That sounds good! Except for the bacon.
I have been obsessed with raw cabbage lately.. And peanut butter. And the two together taste amazing.
I'll be happy if hubby remembers to snag me a Big Mac on the way home from work tonight.

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