I hate my job! RANT



So how many of you that are working and you tell your boss that you are pregnant have been given more work and harder hours to do after you told them! I can't believe this! I am so :growlmad: If I didn't need the money, I would have quit already! I worked last saturday on the late shift which is the worst shift of the week and I pulled all the muscles in my neck and through my back. I wanted to go and down a bottle of alcohol to kill the pain and of course, I can't. Hubby even offered to take me to the ER, it was that bad. I told him no because I can't get on anything anyway, so I felt like I had to suck up the pain. I have been :cry: from the pain and still very sore. The ironic thing thing is that before they found out I was pregnant, I was working the early shift. I didn't get home to almost midnight last saturday. Usually the latest we went home is 10:00PM. UGHHH When I tried to go home earlier, they wouldn't have it and gave me a frustrated look. It is sad when I don't want to work anymore because they are overworking ME! I can see a difference between then and now! I am counting down to the 8th month when I can tell them that I am outta there!
Not sure where you are located but here in the US they have to accomodate and work aorund your new abilities. Easier work load etc. They are probably doing this to get you to quit so they don't have to deal with you later when you go on leave. I would see if there is a higher up supervisor with your company to talk to about this issue.
Not sure where you are located but here in the US they have to accomodate and work aorund your new abilities. Easier work load etc. They are probably doing this to get you to quit so they don't have to deal with you later when you go on leave. I would see if there is a higher up supervisor with your company to talk to about this issue.

The sad part is that I am in the US, Florida! They have upped the load instead of making it easier. Yesterday, I was scheduled to work and I left my older daughter with my youngest and made it in to work. Got a call as soon as I walked in from oldest daughter saying that she wasn't feeling good at all and wanted me to come back home! Thank God for me, not for her of course. She really wasn't feeling good. When I mentioned to them that my other daughter was sick, they became very angry. Mind you, I am working 8.00 an hour and my kiddos come first. They complained that they had to clean tonight and that a manager was showing up the next day. It would have been another looonnng night. They don't care. Hubby wants me to work all the way and doesn't understand the crap that I am going through!
I totally understand even though my job has not changed it is very manual labor 8hrs/day 6days a week and night shift makes it worse.I went to the dr a few weeks back with alot of cramps after some heavy lifting at work.Everything was fine.I asked the dr about the lifting he said I should be fine doing anything now that I did before I was pregnant.So I am just taking a slower pace at doing the same things I always have.GL I hope it gets better for you.
So how many of you that are working and you tell your boss that you are pregnant have been given more work and harder hours to do after you told them! I can't believe this! I am so :growlmad: If I didn't need the money, I would have quit already! I worked last saturday on the late shift which is the worst shift of the week and I pulled all the muscles in my neck and through my back. I wanted to go and down a bottle of alcohol to kill the pain and of course, I can't. Hubby even offered to take me to the ER, it was that bad. I told him no because I can't get on anything anyway, so I felt like I had to suck up the pain. I have been :cry: from the pain and still very sore. The ironic thing thing is that before they found out I was pregnant, I was working the early shift. I didn't get home to almost midnight last saturday. Usually the latest we went home is 10:00PM. UGHHH When I tried to go home earlier, they wouldn't have it and gave me a frustrated look. It is sad when I don't want to work anymore because they are overworking ME! I can see a difference between then and now! I am counting down to the 8th month when I can tell them that I am outta there!

WOW!!! I was just about to post the same exact thing. I work as a cashier at this gas station and just told my boss I am pregnant bc he kept asking y I was so sick. I told him I recently found out I am pregnant and I am getting very sick all day long. He turns around and makes me go outside and do trash, sweep the parking lot, and clean the yard thats inbetween the parking lot and the main road. I then got back in and told him I can not be doing this and they just turned their head at me. He then told me to go put the window cleaner in the buckets outside which you have to carry this heavy bucket full of water and soap. Which just about killed me bc I didnt want to stretch any stomach muscles. They switched my hours. I dont get no lunch break or ten min breaks anymore and I have just about had it. I have been crying nonstop this week bc of work. It is stressing me out. I dont want to MC bc it took me a long time to concieve. I dont know what to do bc we cant afford me to quit but I cant afford to lose this baby that I havent even see yet and more in love with than some money to pay a few bills.

I dont know what to do??
Not sure where you are located but here in the US they have to accomodate and work aorund your new abilities. Easier work load etc. They are probably doing this to get you to quit so they don't have to deal with you later when you go on leave. I would see if there is a higher up supervisor with your company to talk to about this issue.

The sad part is that I am in the US, Florida! They have upped the load instead of making it easier. Yesterday, I was scheduled to work and I left my older daughter with my youngest and made it in to work. Got a call as soon as I walked in from oldest daughter saying that she wasn't feeling good at all and wanted me to come back home! Thank God for me, not for her of course. She really wasn't feeling good. When I mentioned to them that my other daughter was sick, they became very angry. Mind you, I am working 8.00 an hour and my kiddos come first. They complained that they had to clean tonight and that a manager was showing up the next day. It would have been another looonnng night. They don't care. Hubby wants me to work all the way and doesn't understand the crap that I am going through!

Again u said it right on. I work for 7.25 and my hubby doesnt understand either and I am rly emotional today and he just keeps saying whats wrong and I try to explain work to him but yet he doesnt get it. I am tired, havent got to spend one day to celebrate the news of my pregnancy yet, and I am just losing it I think being happy and enjoying my pregnancy is worth more than 7.25/hr. and being treated like crap. Not to mention gas prices are way too high right now and I can barely make it to work as it is...so why even bother anymore...but hubby dont get it. :(
Not sure where you are located but here in the US they have to accomodate and work aorund your new abilities. Easier work load etc. They are probably doing this to get you to quit so they don't have to deal with you later when you go on leave. I would see if there is a higher up supervisor with your company to talk to about this issue.

The sad part is that I am in the US, Florida! They have upped the load instead of making it easier. Yesterday, I was scheduled to work and I left my older daughter with my youngest and made it in to work. Got a call as soon as I walked in from oldest daughter saying that she wasn't feeling good at all and wanted me to come back home! Thank God for me, not for her of course. She really wasn't feeling good. When I mentioned to them that my other daughter was sick, they became very angry. Mind you, I am working 8.00 an hour and my kiddos come first. They complained that they had to clean tonight and that a manager was showing up the next day. It would have been another looonnng night. They don't care. Hubby wants me to work all the way and doesn't understand the crap that I am going through!

Again u said it right on. I work for 7.25 and my hubby doesnt understand either and I am rly emotional today and he just keeps saying whats wrong and I try to explain work to him but yet he doesnt get it. I am tired, havent got to spend one day to celebrate the news of my pregnancy yet, and I am just losing it I think being happy and enjoying my pregnancy is worth more than 7.25/hr. and being treated like crap. Not to mention gas prices are way too high right now and I can barely make it to work as it is...so why even bother anymore...but hubby dont get it. :(

It is sad to read your previous post and now this one that we are going through the same thing. UPDATE though, I got into an argument with Hubby last night and told him that they are working me to death and that they are putting the baby at jeopordy. (I know I misspelled that) From the last Saturday that I worked, I have pulled every muscle in my neck from head to shoulders and have been :cry: my eyes out from the pain every night. I am scared to take anything and the pain will not go away. Hubby mentioned this morning that I may need to see a chiropractor. He told me to go on an quit today so I am going to hand in my resignation later today. I cannot last another day from the pain alone. I am going to write in that letter how they are pushing their employees to the brink! What satisfaction that I will get! :happydance: Hopefully, I will start to feel better! Maybe you can start looking for another job. It sounds like you are still early! I am almost into my 2nd trimester so I think it is to late for me! Good luck on your end! :hugs:
I totally understand even though my job has not changed it is very manual labor 8hrs/day 6days a week and night shift makes it worse.I went to the dr a few weeks back with alot of cramps after some heavy lifting at work.Everything was fine.I asked the dr about the lifting he said I should be fine doing anything now that I did before I was pregnant.So I am just taking a slower pace at doing the same things I always have.GL I hope it gets better for you.

It is manual labor on my end and the nights are the killers! The problem is that the hours are long anyway and when your schedule says to 9:30pm, they will push you to 11:30pm after a long day already. That is the killer! You are already exausted at 9:30 and they want you to work an additional 2 hours on top of the time that you are supposed to be getting off. That is how I have pulled every muscle in my neck and down my back. As my recent post, I am quitting today. I will not put my baby in jepordy for 8.00 an hour. Not freaking worth it! Of course, hubby is not happy but I don't care! Good luck on your end! :hugs:
i would add in the letter that you feel you have been discriminated against because you are pregnant, and see what they say, they might be scared of legal action and try and offer you better conditions etc
Not sure where you are located but here in the US they have to accomodate and work aorund your new abilities. Easier work load etc. They are probably doing this to get you to quit so they don't have to deal with you later when you go on leave. I would see if there is a higher up supervisor with your company to talk to about this issue.

The sad part is that I am in the US, Florida! They have upped the load instead of making it easier. Yesterday, I was scheduled to work and I left my older daughter with my youngest and made it in to work. Got a call as soon as I walked in from oldest daughter saying that she wasn't feeling good at all and wanted me to come back home! Thank God for me, not for her of course. She really wasn't feeling good. When I mentioned to them that my other daughter was sick, they became very angry. Mind you, I am working 8.00 an hour and my kiddos come first. They complained that they had to clean tonight and that a manager was showing up the next day. It would have been another looonnng night. They don't care. Hubby wants me to work all the way and doesn't understand the crap that I am going through!

Again u said it right on. I work for 7.25 and my hubby doesnt understand either and I am rly emotional today and he just keeps saying whats wrong and I try to explain work to him but yet he doesnt get it. I am tired, havent got to spend one day to celebrate the news of my pregnancy yet, and I am just losing it I think being happy and enjoying my pregnancy is worth more than 7.25/hr. and being treated like crap. Not to mention gas prices are way too high right now and I can barely make it to work as it is...so why even bother anymore...but hubby dont get it. :(

It is sad to read your previous post and now this one that we are going through the same thing. UPDATE though, I got into an argument with Hubby last night and told him that they are working me to death and that they are putting the baby at jeopordy. (I know I misspelled that) From the last Saturday that I worked, I have pulled every muscle in my neck from head to shoulders and have been :cry: my eyes out from the pain every night. I am scared to take anything and the pain will not go away. Hubby mentioned this morning that I may need to see a chiropractor. He told me to go on an quit today so I am going to hand in my resignation later today. I cannot last another day from the pain alone. I am going to write in that letter how they are pushing their employees to the brink! What satisfaction that I will get! :happydance: Hopefully, I will start to feel better! Maybe you can start looking for another job. It sounds like you are still early! I am almost into my 2nd trimester so I think it is to late for me! Good luck on your end! :hugs:

I am glad you are going to be able to quit. My hubby and I got into a huge fight last night and this morning he finally said if I quit I have to look for another job. I am happy with that but I dont think I will find another job no one is hiring right now. So we will see. I dont want to quit working working isnt the issue its the way I am being treated now that they know I am pregnant its like they are pushing me to quit so they dont have to fire me. I dont know maybe I am just rly emotional. But I cannot stand working there. The boss is so unreasonable.
Girls, I am horrified to read your posts here :nope:

These are blatant discrimination to me because you are pregnant and that is against the law here in the UK. I was made redundant wrongly last year and fought my company with help from a solicitor and my uncle and his friend who were part of a union and got more of a payout from them in the end as they admitted they couldn't answer my questions as to why I'd been chosen (I'd worked there 19 years).

I have not told my work I am pregnant yet, I only started there last November and know they will probably not be impressed. I will tell them after 12 week scan as long as all is ok. But if I detect even the slightest sniff of discrimination because of my condition, I will not hesitate to fight it again :thumbup: It is wrong girls and the health of you and your :baby:'s is far more important than any job x
i feel your pain i too am counting down to 8 months & im outta there for a year! they should not be working you harder now that you're pregnant thats just bang out of order. im finding work very hard we have so many massive, heavy, uncooperative, insane patients (half of whom try to hit you, and always at stomach height as thats how high we have to have the beds to change them) & it makes me want to scream!!! not to mention my boss actually told me how unhappy she is that im pregnant. i would definitely speak to your boss & explain that you don't feel comfortable doing extra hours / heavier work. if no luck with that is there a human resorces dept or something? or someone higher up to talk to? :hugs: xx
i feel your pain i too am counting down to 8 months & im outta there for a year! they should not be working you harder now that you're pregnant thats just bang out of order. im finding work very hard we have so many massive, heavy, uncooperative, insane patients (half of whom try to hit you, and always at stomach height as thats how high we have to have the beds to change them) & it makes me want to scream!!! not to mention my boss actually told me how unhappy she is that im pregnant. i would definitely speak to your boss & explain that you don't feel comfortable doing extra hours / heavier work. if no luck with that is there a human resorces dept or something? or someone higher up to talk to? :hugs: xx

Out of all this, what stands out the most is that your boss telling you how unhappy she is! That would make me soooo angry! What freaking right does she have to tell you this! Did you say something to her after that comment?
Girls, I am horrified to read your posts here :nope:

These are blatant discrimination to me because you are pregnant and that is against the law here in the UK. I was made redundant wrongly last year and fought my company with help from a solicitor and my uncle and his friend who were part of a union and got more of a payout from them in the end as they admitted they couldn't answer my questions as to why I'd been chosen (I'd worked there 19 years).

I have not told my work I am pregnant yet, I only started there last November and know they will probably not be impressed. I will tell them after 12 week scan as long as all is ok. But if I detect even the slightest sniff of discrimination because of my condition, I will not hesitate to fight it again :thumbup: It is wrong girls and the health of you and your :baby:'s is far more important than any job x

I did try to wait to tell them but after 3 children, my uterus popped out 7 weeks. Mind you, I am not a big girl, it was all in the stomach so everyone new that I was prego before saying anything! The sad part is that employment will look down on employees, I believe as a burden because they think that we want do our job right! In the mean time, they treat us like crap. Which is not right!

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