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I have no excuses, Im just green with jealousy!


Proud FTM
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
Saw this article today and I have to say I am in total AWE of this woman but can understand how its polorised opinions when she posted it.

It's a bit of a reactionary title as there's no real reason a new mum HAS to work for a great body, but she looks amazing so good on her! To be able to spring back into shape like that quite often requires you to have genetics on your side though...so I don't know how much I believe her response.
Blah that's all - think she has far too great an opinion of herself and she has done this to get a reaction - which she has got hasn't she?

(Ps yes I'm aware of the irony of my reply lol)
If she looks that good after 3 kids, one in the last year, then good for her. But that's at best an ill advised csption to put on her photo - most mums of even 1 let alone 3 kids struggle to get their bodies into shape. Yes it "can be done" but it's incredibly hard and should not be expected of women. There's nothing wrong with having saggy bits, stretch marks etc - I'm proud of what my c-section scar and stretch marks represent.

The article goes onto explain she's a former bulimic, being this size and shape doesn't come easily to her, and runs two businesses. This makes me think two things:
- shouldn't she know better than to try to shame other women when she herself has had experience of an eating disorder
- I'm not jealous of a woman who has to work extremely hard to get that body shape when she also has two businesses to run, when does she see her family? I have to work full time and if I was to get my body into her shape I'd never see my husband and daughter, I'd be in the gym constantly!
What's my excuse? Mine is I don't have someone to photoshop my saggy ass away!
I'm still struggling to lose my baby belly and LO is now over 2 but I agree with what she is trying to say and don't find it offensive in the slightest. I know that if I exercise 3 - 4 times a week for an hour at a time, together with eating healthily I can achieve my perfect size but hold my hands up and admit that I have used the fact that I am too busy with my baby / toddler to do this. That said her post doesn't make me feel shamed, I find it inspiring, so I'm off to do some crunches and yoga now ;)
Lol i did wonder if there was a touch of the photo brush going on! And yes it is an attention seeking photo title but I guess she is in the business of self promotion. I read somewhere that she only does an hour a day workout and cuts out things like tv etc so that she makes the time.
What's my excuse? Mine is I don't have someone to photoshop my saggy ass away!
I think it's great she can look that good- especially after 3 kids-- but let's get real here, not all women CAN look like that no matter HOW hard they try. I will say, even though I look and feel better now that I did pre-baby-- no way would I EVER have the time or energy to put in to look like her! Even if I did- unless I get some good air brushing on my cellulite, it's not happening! :haha: And I do go to the gym 5-6dys a week and watch my diet and use weights etc... part of why she looks like that is just sheer genetics. I do agree that we should all take care of ourself (within our own standards)- whatever that means for YOU... but to say "what's your excuse?" - yea, that is a bit OTT. Making it out to be like anyone could or should look like that- and personally, although I think she looks fab, I wouldn't want rock hard abs- I like some fluffy curves ;) To each their own! I don't take offense from it- just find it very self indulgent. lol. Again, to each their own.

AND- sorry to go on here... some things can happen to women during pregnancy- out of their control- that NO amount of excercise or diet can fix... just saying. She should count herself lucky and remind woman, of all shapes and sizes that just living a healthy life and feeling good in your own skin is more important than a flat tummy!
My excuse is that I have better things to give a fuck about than toned abs, lol.
Yikes I'm so jealous! But not jealous enough to get off the sofa and do any exercise :dohh:. My excuse: I'm too damn lazy :blush:.
To be fair to me (I feel I need it right now :haha:) My stomach muscles separated badly with my 1st LO and won't go back any closer without surgery, no amount of exercise will tone my midsection like that. Also I am totally covered in stretch marks, even if my body was toned like hers it still wouldn't look "nice". I know a lot of us are the same. A lot of what made her look that way it is hard work but some of it is also luck.
'What's your excuse?' Is just a very pig headed title. As if it should be expected of women to have to look that way and spend most of our precious time (and energy) losing weight, getting fit and toned. Surely you wouldn't have much time to spare with your family with two businesses and that fitness regime to keep up with. Not every mother is as interested in fitness and not every mother has the determination and willpower to stick at such a gruelling regime. It is hard work, very, very hard. And motherhood and all our other responsibilities are hard enough without putting a massive fitness regime on top of it. Some of us like to chill in our spare time!
It's great that she's made all that effort, but by talking about "excuses" she is basically accusing other women who don't look like her of being lazy or unmotivated. It's one thing to be proud of yourself, but another to put other people down.
She looks awesome, good for her. No excuses from me, I'm too lazy to work that hard and I know it! :haha:
She does look fab and tbh I could look loads better than I do but I like to use my free hour once kids are in bed to sit on the sofa and eat BUT no amount of exercise could make my body like hers, ive got stretch marks galore and an overhang from my c section plus im sooo pale that it makes it all look a million times worse!
She does look fantastic, i think its a stupid title. My excuse is that im with my lo everyday and our exercise is walking, i would rather be on the floor playing with los dolls and other toys than going to the gym and once she is asleep i like to read and spend time with dh. I have to say i dont know where she fits gym in
She looks amazing... I'm incredibly jealous. I workout 2 hours before LO wakes, pretty much starving myself on 300 cals a day and I'm still overweight :cry:
She looks amazing... I'm incredibly jealous. I workout 2 hours before LO wakes, pretty much starving myself on 300 cals a day and I'm still overweight :cry:
Honey, I'm sorry but any nutritionist in the world will tell you that starving yourself and exercising excessively is both extremely dangerous to your health AND an ineffective way to lose weight long-term. You need to get some better advice immediately.
I don't think this woman is doing anything but bring pretty honest. We unfortunately live in a society where it's become the norm to be overweight or obese and it's a very frightening situation. Aside from the fact she looks amazing, the impact upon her health and mental well being are immeasurable.

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