If she looks that good after 3 kids, one in the last year, then good for her. But that's at best an ill advised csption to put on her photo - most mums of even 1 let alone 3 kids struggle to get their bodies into shape. Yes it "can be done" but it's incredibly hard and should not be expected of women. There's nothing wrong with having saggy bits, stretch marks etc - I'm proud of what my c-section scar and stretch marks represent.
The article goes onto explain she's a former bulimic, being this size and shape doesn't come easily to her, and runs two businesses. This makes me think two things:
- shouldn't she know better than to try to shame other women when she herself has had experience of an eating disorder
- I'm not jealous of a woman who has to work extremely hard to get that body shape when she also has two businesses to run, when does she see her family? I have to work full time and if I was to get my body into her shape I'd never see my husband and daughter, I'd be in the gym constantly!