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I have no excuses, Im just green with jealousy!

My excuse? I don't give enough of a cr*p about having toned abs to sacrifice my time...and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm not obese and my diet doesn't affect my health so I see no "need" to look like her.
Larkspur you took the words right out of my mouth! haha

Honestly, I have no interest in looking like that. She looks great, well done her.
I like the way I look and so does my husband. That'll do me.
Oh wow looks like my body before I had my 1st lol after I've had this baby I'm deffinatly getting myself back to the gym 2-3 times a week I want my pre pregnancy body back :)
I've never looked like that so it's unlikely to happen now!

Her image and body is obviously very important to her - good for her if she wants to spend her time exercising. Me? I prefer to spend my free time with my hubby and LO or chilling. Will I ever look like her? No. But she's way more likely to get shin splints ;0)
I don't need an excuse to not look like that. I have a REASON my child is more important to me than looking good in a bikini.

If she can look like that without depriving her children of her time then good for her, I suspect however that she spends a lot of time exercising when she could be enjoying her children.
I exercise every day and never deprive my children of time with me. I either push them in our double buggy whilst running or wait till theyre in bed and my husband can watch them. I also work out in my lounge whilst they're napping. Making sure I exercise makes me a better mother and one who is in the best physical condition to race around after a toddler and a baby. I respect that not everyone wants to exercise but it's a bit unfair to cast aspersions over her parenting because she works out.
My excuse? It would take me a couple of hours a day to look like that... plus a few days of surgery! Exercise can't take away stretch marks or saggy boobs :rofl:. So I have the choice - spend three hours exercising or three hours with the kids (or relaxing... so I can be a nice chilled out mum, of course!).
I exercise every day and never deprive my children of time with me. I either push them in our double buggy whilst running or wait till theyre in bed and my husband can watch them. I also work out in my lounge whilst they're napping. Making sure I exercise makes me a better mother and one who is in the best physical condition to race around after a toddler and a baby. I respect that not everyone wants to exercise but it's a bit unfair to cast aspersions over her parenting because she works out.

Exactly this. I owe it to my kids to be healthy, so I can play with them and not get tired, and have a greater chance of a longer life with them. And quite frankly I deserve the time to myself to exercise, it helps me de stress. I am not a better mother for it, just a healthier one. X
I don't think anyone is saying don't exercise at all! That would be mad!
but the amount of exercise it would take to have a body like that would be a full time job for some...!
I exercise every day and never deprive my children of time with me. I either push them in our double buggy whilst running or wait till theyre in bed and my husband can watch them. I also work out in my lounge whilst they're napping. Making sure I exercise makes me a better mother and one who is in the best physical condition to race around after a toddler and a baby. I respect that not everyone wants to exercise but it's a bit unfair to cast aspersions over her parenting because she works out.

Exactly this. I owe it to my kids to be healthy, so I can play with them and not get tired, and have a greater chance of a longer life with them. And quite frankly I deserve the time to myself to exercise, it helps me de stress. I am not a better mother for it, just a healthier one. X

I find exercising makes me a calmer person in the day to day routine of being a sahm. It's my time to burn off any frustrations I may have and the endorphin rush afterwards makes all the sweat worth it! Like you one of the reasons I exercise is so I will be around for as long as possible to see my children grow up and hopefully have grandchildren. I love knowing I'm reducing my risks of certain illnesses and I'm also being a positive role model for my kids.
I exercise every day and never deprive my children of time with me. I either push them in our double buggy whilst running or wait till theyre in bed and my husband can watch them. I also work out in my lounge whilst they're napping. Making sure I exercise makes me a better mother and one who is in the best physical condition to race around after a toddler and a baby. I respect that not everyone wants to exercise but it's a bit unfair to cast aspersions over her parenting because she works out.

Exactly this. I owe it to my kids to be healthy, so I can play with them and not get tired, and have a greater chance of a longer life with them. And quite frankly I deserve the time to myself to exercise, it helps me de stress. I am not a better mother for it, just a healthier one. X

I find exercising makes me a calmer person in the day to day routine of being a sahm. It's my time to burn off any frustrations I may have and the endorphin rush afterwards makes all the sweat worth it! Like you one of the reasons I exercise is so I will be around for as long as possible to see my children grow up and hopefully have grandchildren. I love knowing I'm reducing my risks of certain illnesses and I'm also being a positive role model for my kids.

No one is saying exercise is wrong. Obviously a bit of exercise every day is good for you.

The issue I have is that to look the way she does 8 months after giving birth she has obviously prioritised her exercise routine over her children to some extent.

Then she has the nerve to effectively say "I'm better than you" Just because she has a tight bum and a six pack.
I don't see her saying 'I'm better then you', I think perhaps you read it like this. It's a shame that people need to attack her and her parenting when I think she is inspirational.
She looks fab :thumbup: I bet she still pees her pants a little bit sometimes when a sneeze creeps up on her :haha:
:shrug: I am not bothered either way. I exercise daily by taking walks with my son, dogs, I dance about I burn calories cleaning etc. I'm not into going to the gym or doing the insanity work outs etc. I'm bigger than average but I have stopped eating as much as I used to :dohh: treat day was every day :haha:

She looks great, I wonder how she does it with 3 young children. I find it hard with just 1.
Sometimes it is hard, I certainty have days where I'm exhausted after running around after my two and for a moment I would rather sink into a hot bath or put on some rubbish tv. But I push those thoughts aside and concentrate on how good I will feel after a run or going to the gym.

It's great that your out and about with your dogs and your son, it all adds up!
Sometimes it is hard, I certainty have days where I'm exhausted after running around after my two and for a moment I would rather sink into a hot bath or put on some rubbish tv. But I push those thoughts aside and concentrate on how good I will feel after a run or going to the gym.

It's great that your out and about with your dogs and your son, it all adds up!

Thanks, I'm too self conscious to go to the gym right now. Perhaps when I'm slimmer :)
Don't worry about what anyone else us thinking. Everybody has to start somewhere and I know whenever I see someone who is new I think it's great that they're there and getting going. Certainly nobody I know would ever do anything but praise you for getting proactive, so why not give it a go. Before you know it you'll find that rather then exercising because you think you should you're actually looking forward to it and enjoying it.

Not sure where you live but have you heard of Park Run? It's on every Saturday and is a timed 5k. It's non-competitive, just you covering the 5k however you can. Some people run, others walk, some push buggies or take their dog! You could start by walking it and work your way up to running it. It's a fantastic community to be a part of, I love it. My son loves shouting 'go mummy' at me which us hilarious from the comfort of his pram!
Don't worry about what anyone else us thinking. Everybody has to start somewhere and I know whenever I see someone who is new I think it's great that they're there and getting going. Certainly nobody I know would ever do anything but praise you for getting proactive, so why not give it a go. Before you know it you'll find that rather then exercising because you think you should you're actually looking forward to it and enjoying it.

Not sure where you live but have you heard of Park Run? It's on every Saturday and is a timed 5k. It's non-competitive, just you covering the 5k however you can. Some people run, others walk, some push buggies or take their dog! You could start by walking it and work your way up to running it. It's a fantastic community to be a part of, I love it. My son loves shouting 'go mummy' at me which us hilarious from the comfort of his pram!

My OH does park run with Ashley every Saturday.

I think it's great that she's put all that effort in, although I do wonder if there's a bit of photoshopping going on. I do think the title is a bit confrontational though, there are ways of being proud of your achievement without bringing other people into it, she comes across as smug and condescending.

It doesn't bother me as I'm happy how I look but other women do have body issues and she should be able to empathise with that with what she's been through.
Well I just got back from taking my german shepherd for a walk in the forest so I've done something today :haha:

I've not heard of park run I'll look into it :)
Must've been a slow news day that day!! She looks good but who cares?!

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