sounds like today was one of those days where the fight feels a little too hard. I had that today too, though for different reasons. I love my kids, but urgh, sometimes it's so tough to endure the harder aspects. Keep at it, tomorrow may be brighter.
My youngest is rather temperamental too and loves a lot of attention. Right now she doesn't even want DH holding her. Just me. She cries if I'm not constantly interacting with her. she's overall a fun kid, but that neediness for attention is draining especially as I'm an introvert. My oldest is one too and would happily babble and play whenever I had to lay him down on the floor so I could cook or clean, etc. as long as he could see me, he was fine.
My youngest hated being in her crib at first too due to reflux. She is a good sleeper now but I did a lot of picking up, putting down in the beginning. I would lay her down awake and pick her up when she cried, soothed her (she might still be wimpering a bit) and then let her whimper and fuss a minute or so to see if she would quiet on her own. If not, I went back and tried again. My oldest never fussed himself to sleep. If he started to whine that was it. I had to go in before the tempest began. but he normally went down well. DD is still hit and miss--especially at nap time. She doesn't have a consistent nap schedule other than her afternoon nap. Maybe this is bad but sometimes she doesn't seem to want to sleep. So if she gets cranky but doesn't want the bed in the morning I will hold and rock her, do whatever it takes to destimulate her so she can calm down. Some days I just kind of throw in the towel and give her an early lunch so she can get ready for an earlier afternoon nap.
She also likes the sound of a fan. I don't think she really needs that white noise now but when she had a hard time falling asleep it seemed to soothe her. It's way too cold for a fan now, so I have it facing the wall on the lowest setting so she just gets the sound. In the afternoon, when I flick it on, it seems to trigger in her brain that it's nap time. she starts to cuddle her blankie and tiny stuffed giraffe and will murmer herself to sleep. Even at her worst, I now only have to usually give her one extra snuggle.