At 5 weeks I took a clearblue week estimator test and got 3+. Well today I got bored and used my last one and it say 2-3 weeks Does that mean anything? Anyone else ever been in the same boat but have a healthy pregnancy?
Those tests are shit. I freaked out the other day because of them. My HCG levels should have been over 200 and I took the test and got a "pregnant 1-2" (the manufacturer says anything 200 or over you'll get a 2-3). Luckily I was getting my blood drawn that morning. My levels came back at 267. I've read lots of people getting responses that weren't accurate like that.
I don't know why I did this to myself. I had bloods for the 3rd time this morning so I should know something Monday. I never should had caved and took another one.
They should take those things off the market until they can work out their issues. I see this same post about 3 times a day. They are just freaking out pregnant ladies who are freaked out enough already.
I used a weeks estimator ONLY as the second test I took right after I got an unclear reading on a standard test. You know that moment, you think you see a faint second line...and twist and turn the test, making sure it's not your crappy bathroom lighting I took the weeks estimator simply because I needed something to spell out in clear English to my confused fretting brain "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" and thought it'd be fun to see how far along it said I was (although I already had an idea since I'd noticed when I ovulated and almost instantly just knew it had happened).
These tests need to be looked at as a novelty only, and I really think they are most accurate when used very early. I never used one to test later on...because of course I had to use the whole three pack in a 24 hour know...just to make sure
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