But how can I tell him I looked when he asked me not to?
He's terrible at gift giving. He thinks he's good at it and in one way he puts a lot of thought into it.
But in another way, he hasn't put any thought into it because this is something I already told him I don't want.
It's a limited edition of a book by an author I love, but I've read the story and don't like it that much and I don't 'collect' books in the way this one is meant to be collected, I just buy lots of them and read them.
We were talking about it a while ago when he asked if I had every single book by this author and I said all but this one. He got very excited about it and I said I didn't ever want one, because I don't.
But he doesn't listen to that, he thinks I was just saying it because it costs a lot of money.
But I really don't want it. I know I sound ungrateful but he has spent a lot of money on things I really don't want or like over the years and I'm running out of things to do to stop him, especially when telling him outright that I don't want something doesn't work.
I used to pretend I liked things because he has been thoughtful and generous, then I tried dropping hints about things I did want, then outright saying "I don't like/want that" and if that doesn't work what can I do?
God I just read this back and I sound so spoilt "I keep getting expensive gifts I don't want, help!" But really, we can't afford to waste money on things that are going to waste and although I am grateful that he tries so hard I need to stop him doing it. I'd be happy with something cheaper that I did want or need or even nothing at all.
He's terrible at gift giving. He thinks he's good at it and in one way he puts a lot of thought into it.
But in another way, he hasn't put any thought into it because this is something I already told him I don't want.
It's a limited edition of a book by an author I love, but I've read the story and don't like it that much and I don't 'collect' books in the way this one is meant to be collected, I just buy lots of them and read them.
We were talking about it a while ago when he asked if I had every single book by this author and I said all but this one. He got very excited about it and I said I didn't ever want one, because I don't.
But he doesn't listen to that, he thinks I was just saying it because it costs a lot of money.
But I really don't want it. I know I sound ungrateful but he has spent a lot of money on things I really don't want or like over the years and I'm running out of things to do to stop him, especially when telling him outright that I don't want something doesn't work.
I used to pretend I liked things because he has been thoughtful and generous, then I tried dropping hints about things I did want, then outright saying "I don't like/want that" and if that doesn't work what can I do?
God I just read this back and I sound so spoilt "I keep getting expensive gifts I don't want, help!" But really, we can't afford to waste money on things that are going to waste and although I am grateful that he tries so hard I need to stop him doing it. I'd be happy with something cheaper that I did want or need or even nothing at all.