TaNasha, it could of been implantation spotting or I hate to say old blood from your last period and AF is on her way GRRR... Ugg the waiting... I get that right before I start
Here is some info I found for ya... Wishing you the best and a
Implantation bleeding and spotting happens within 1-2 days after arrival of the blastocyst in the uterus, usually around 9 days after ovulation (dpo), with a range of 6-12 days. At that time, the blastocyst is barely visible to the naked eye, probably smaller than the dot above the letter "i". Once implantation happens the blastocyst becomes the embryo.
Is It Implantation Bleeding or a Menstrual Cycle?
Implantation bleeding usually presents about a week before your menstrual cycle is due to begin (or a week after ovulation). Many women refer to this as spotting or do not even notice the bleeding at all. The closer to the day when the menstrual cycle is supposed to begin that the bleeding is noticed, the less chance of it being implantation bleeding.
It is important to understand that the blood associated with implantation bleeding is not going to be fresh blood. The time it takes for these drops to move out of the body ages the blood. It will appear dark brown, even black by the time the spotting occurs.
If what the woman feels is implantation bleeding is followed by a lighter flow or normal menstrual cycle, the blood was probably not associated with the implantation of the egg.
Is Implantation Bleeding Common?
Implantation bleeding is a result of the egg implanting in the endometrial lining of the uterus. It happens in most pregnancies, but not every woman notices the blood. Between 20 and 30% of women have spotting associated with the early changes of pregnancy but this spotting is not the same as implantation bleeding in most cases.
Sounds very promising for you hun... Crossing everything for you