I know I know but please read. Update


Proud mummy
Nov 19, 2012
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You've all seen my posts moaning about my rubbish GP so I've registered with another one but will take up to a month to change over. If you havent, my surgery sucks and I hate going as they just make you feel stupid. So I'll ask you guys what you think til I can get to see a new doctor

My almost 4 year wasn't well as few weeks ago, vomited and couldn't sleeping with a sore head plus fever. Ever since I've noticed she can't cope with noise. She started nursery 2 days after this and her teacher has mentioned it to me a few times as well. In the house when her brother cries she covers her ears and cries too saying her head hurts at the Base of her skull. As soon as the noise stops so does the pain.

I never noticed it before but maybe this happened before. It maybe just got worse after she was ill.

Ive just made a huge complaint to the health board about the surgery so uncomfortable taking there but don't want her suffering. Any ideas???
No idea what it could be but if you are really worried could you take her to A&E? Or maybe there is a walk in clinic who will see children too? Our nearest one is only for grown-ups, so no idea if there others who do see kids.
It's the weekend so why not call NHS 24 on 111 and get her seen at an out of hours GP clinic? They'll be open all weekend and if you tell the call handler that she's having very sensitive hearing causing headaches since a virus they will take your details and will either refer you themselves or get a nurse to call you back and arrange an appointment. That way you get to see a Dr without the concern of going to your old practise. Let us know how it goes.
^ that's a great idea. But let's hope the on call GP is not your old one!
I agree with ringing for a put of hours appointment. But also ring the new gp up. We changed recently and was all done in 3 days and they said they are more than happy for you to go straight away if you need a urgent appointment hope she's ok
Hey, did you get to speak to a doctor? I hope so. You can also go to any other gp as a temporary patient. X x
Your new GP should still see you usually it's getting your medical records over etc that takes time. x
hey, thanks for the input everyone. I phoned OOH for advice and they suggested I phone the new GP to explain which I did. New gp has said it likely noise sensitivity which is common in young children, which can often be be made worse after about of illness. I've to keep a record of it, how she reacts and a note of the headaches. She's to go back in a few weeks regardless and she will be referred to an audiologist possibly. I've had migraines since childhood so it may be that she suffers from them so need to rule them out. especially from her being unwell the other week which went along the lines of a migraine xx
DD1 does this from time to time . She hates loud noises and will cover her ears . She doesn't like loud clapping or loud music or when DD2 is being too loud . She will cover her ears and say it's too loud .

She will be 5 in February . She's had a full hearing test etc . Everything was fine . I've just put it down to her having sensitive ears !

Hope your DD is ok now and you have a better relationship with your new GP . I think I posted on your other threads about hem being useless ! Fingers crossed she doesn't suffer from migraines ! X
We had a horrid week here but it had confirmed to me that something must be up with her. Myself, hubby and our son had the sickness bug for 2 days, Isabella had it for 9 days. She was seen by the doctors twice (once ooh and they other our GP after not keeping even fluid down for 29 hours) but they can't find anything up with her. I'm not complaining about the doctor, the were great just nothing showed up just a fever and told she will eventually gethe over it. Again she complained about her head and now cries constantly about her head and can't stand noise. She went back to nursery on Monday and her teacher mentioned to me that she thinks she needs her ears checked (that was without me saying anything as I didn't want to plant any seeds) so they are getting someone in as it will be quicker than the referral from the doctor. The doctor has said to just monitor and see how she goes x
Just a little update on my little munchkin....

took her to the doctor again! We have had several days of crying non-stop as she's been tired, not wanting to do anything an a sore head. He checked her fully and she's got sinusitis!! It would explain her sore ears, head, disturbed sleep and why she's so tired. Why she's so sensitive to noise and why she's as cranky as a hormonal woman! He said she's probably had it weeks and the pressure in her head is probably the root cause of all of it. It would also explain why she took so long for her to get over the sickness bug that tells rest of us took only a day or two to get over.

I'm annoyed! I really am. She's been seen by so many doctors and she's been sent away after being told it's just viral while all along we knew it wasn't buy hey, we know now. She's got steroid drops to clear it and a saline spray for after a few days to help just clear the remaining yuk out as it will take a while.

Just shows how much gut instinct matters. Thanks for everyone's advice and if you have kept checking this post x
What a run around!!! I'm so pleased somebody found the cause, hopefully she will get over this real quickly now, nothing worse than a child in pain:(. Keep us informed, so pleased for you both :)
How annoying that you have had to go through all this! :( I hope that she is on the mend now :hugs:
Thank you! Yeah hopefully it will make a big difference quickly and she can get back to normal. Doctor said it should only take 3/4 days for the drops to work so here's hoping by the end of the week I'll have my happy girl back
That's great. Hopefully she'll be fully recovered soon! :)
Oh no that's awful . Hope she gets better quickly poor little girl ! Good job she's got a great mummy on top of things !
Glad you finally got an answer, hope your little one gets better soon!x
Aww poor girly. I hope she's feeling herself again soon <3

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