I miss cuddles :(


Mom to Sam & Dylan
Dec 18, 2008
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Now that my LO is nearly 7 months, he no longer likes to lie in my arms or have cuddles and I feel really sad and like he doesn't love me anymore!! I know that's dramatic sorry :/

don't get me wrong, he is still insanely clingy in as much as I can't leave him for a second, sometimes I have to still carry him around, etc, so he's incredibly hard work at the Moment. He will sit happily on my lap and will turn round n look at me and smile which is adorable but I turn him round for cuddles he pushes me away n tries to get down!!!

Was anyone elses LO like this and when they got older they liked cuddles again? I'm a very loving person n would b devastasted if Sam just decided he didn't like affection!!
I know what you mean... La never cuddles me when bfing like she used to, I miss it!
We're the same. Aisling was quite ill with a fever a few days ago and all she wanted was to be hugged and cuddled - I wanted her to get better quickly for her sake but really really enjoyed the cuddles, it's been so long!
Glad I'm not the only one (sorry!) hopefully once they get a bit older they might change? My theory is that Sam at his age doesn't know love as we know it, probably more need and recognition perhaps and that's the way he loves.... But as he gets older he will actually understand more of what love is so will b able to express it and accept it more! Plus-and more likely-he's just got so many other things to see and do right now!! Hehehe
I know exactly what you mean. Emma won sit for cuddles now, but I do get some ust before her bedtime when its wind down time. She is ill at the moment and she fell asleep in my arms on the sofa and it reminded me of when she was tiny.
I think it is a natural stage - they are at this point just learning the difference between themselves and you (prior to this, you were somewhat of an extension of themselves to them, if that makes sense - essentially, when you weren't there, to them you were there because they were there if that makes sense), and that when you go away, you are gone, but also that you come back (opject impermanence and the ensuing separation anxiety). Now begins the slide into toddlerhood, which is all about differentiating themselves as individuals. So the cuddling might not go back to the way it was when they were a newborn, but this is necessary in order for them to grow up. It will likely wave in and out over the next few years - like if your LO has stranger anxiety, etc.

Huge hugs to you! It is sooo hard when they push away :(

I hear you!!! Myles is the same, the only time I get to cuddle and kiss him properly is when he is asleep! Also when you try to kiss him he keeps turning his head away, DH and I laugh about it and try to catch him on the lips :rofl: I think it is just a phase, they are asserting their independance (I hope anyway :()
I hear you!!! Myles is the same, the only time I get to cuddle and kiss him properly is when he is asleep! Also when you try to kiss him he keeps turning his head away, DH and I laugh about it and try to catch him on the lips :rofl: I think it is just a phase, they are asserting their independance (I hope anyway :()

Hahaha Sam does this too!! So funny! Unfortunately eventually he gets a kiss whether he wants one or not! ALthough I am teaching him the kiss, I actually say to him now "Sam can mommy have a kiss?" and emphasise the word 'kiss' and then give him a kiss so that he will learn eventually what is it is!

I hope so too, otherwise we'll have to resort to secret nighttime cuddles forever!! hahaha
Ruby has never liked cuddles, and has never wanted to lie in my arms! She just wriggles and moans.
My baby isnt a cuddler either - and hasnt been for the past 1 1/2 months - she likes to be held but wants to be in an upright position looking around or standing on me. Cuddling to her means she's missing out and she doesnt ever want to do that! She doesnt have a wind-down stage which is when most kids are cuddly.
My guy isn't a cuddler either! If he is tired he will fall asleep in my arms, but if I am holding him he wants to be facing out always! Cries if he is facing his mummy - sniff!


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