I need help: Explosive child..*really long. Sorry*



I'm not sure what to do anymore, or where to turn. I've talked to a close friend, and she gave me some suggestions, but I'm just about to break...

My 3 y/o (4 on halloween) Brayden is out of control. I think he might be a little bi-polar. First I thought it was maybe Obsessive-compulsive, because he was freaking out over things like what color bowl he ate out of, or what carseat he was using. Then it changed to, Mood swings like you wouldn't believe.

Yesterday for example. We were upstairs at the neighbors (she has two girls 2, and 6) and the kids were playing perfect. And all of a sudden brayden and trevor (yea her girls have boy names) are screaming at each other. I go in there and they are fighting over a blanket. Brayden wants it, and trevor says no because it's her moms blanket. I told them to stop fighting and told brayden that he couldn't have the blanket, because it wasn't his. He then screamed at me telling me he wanted it. I then remembered in "The explosive child" That you need to ask why they want what they are asking for. So I ask him why he wants the blanket, and he just says because I want it. I told him that it wasn't his, and there was no reason for him to need the blanket, and i took it out of the room. He cried for like 2 minutes then they were back to playing nice. Just like that. He went from screaming and fighting to perfectly happy. then they started fighting again, Over a toy. And so I told him that we were going home, and he was going to have lunch then take a nap. He threw a fit didn't want to go downstairs. I started packing up the stuff i had ( my cell, laptop, charger, house keys) and I asked koda to carry the laptop charger down stairs for me, and all of a sudden brayden was totally happy and wanted to help. He was all for going downstairs.
So we get downstairs and I ask them to help clean up the livingroom, they both did great. Then told them to go play while I made lunch. Then he asked for some juice, I told him he could have some with lunch, and he freaked out, yelling how he wanted juice, and he wasn't hungry and he's not eating. He started bawling and ran to his room. I tried getting him when lunch was done and told him he had lunch and juice at the table and he yelled and told me he wasn't having any and started crying again. He made me feel so bad. I felt like a bad mom for making him wait 10 minutes to have some juice. He eventually cried him self asleep.

There are days where it's worse than that, and then there are days where he goes on throughout the day without a problem at all.

I thought it was attention he needed. So I give him attention. We watch movies, play video games, we play bored games, and read. And he still has fits.

I've tried all different kinds of discipline. Spanking, time outs, going in the corner, taking away toys, video games, making bed times earlier, no desserts. I've tried praising koda when he's good, and letting brayden know that if he's good, he can get treats too. Nothing sticks.

I've tried different approaches. I've tried Plan A,B,and C (plan A is Strict. My way or no way. Plan B is flexible. I understand you want this but why, reasoning. Plan C I try to avoid at all cost. It's just giving the child whatever he/she wants, and giving in to the fits.) I've tried ignoring it. again, nothing sticks.

I'm just out of options. It's making me feel like such a horrible parent. I don't understand how koda (he's 5) can listen so well, and brayden be this way. We treat them the same. Neither is given any special treatment.. He has a good life.

I just don't understand what a 3 year old has to be so angry about.

My family members all tell me the same thing. And when I tell them that I am trying that, that, and that. Their reply..? "Well maybe you're trying hard enough" I'm not trying enough. It just breaks my heart. I do try. I'm sick of spending my days crying and stressed out. I just don't know what to do anymore....
i really dont now why your baby is acting the way he is but i would suggest you and him go to a therapist, they would be able to assess him, probably buy watching him play and seeing one of these fits and then guide you. i am so sorry people say you are not trying hard enough, what a stupid thing to say to you. get yourself some outside support hun xx
Sorry hun, no advice here but didnt want to read and run. Hope things get sorted xx
No advice, sorry (but I agree that asking a therapist to observe his behaviour would be a good idea). Just wanted to say that I hope things get easier for you soon - you sound like a great mum, so don't let anyone make you feel otherwise :hugs: x
No proper advice but definatly try and seek outside advice, maybe you're first step is the doctors or if he attends nursery?? Maybe someone there could help purt you in touch with someone?? When does education begin over there? x x
what ever you do behaviourwise you need to be consistent with the discipline and use the same procedure every time, chopping and changing can make things worse.
I certainly wouldnt give in to him.
Regarding the juice incident i would have just said fine, you dont get any juice or dinner then untill later, and just provide something to drink later on but no dinner untill next meal times, i know its hard and i'm sure it hurts us more than them but you are doing fine!
The behaviour sounds ok to me, kids do freak out over things and will fight over minor things, my son will fight because he wants something and then be fine 2 secs later but then again i dont know your son and if you are worried then speak to someone about it.
Sounds just like my little sister, whos just turned 4. Our other sister is 6 and has no problems like this. But the youngest is a different story. Just like you described, fine one minute, tantrums the next. I thought it was quite normal for some kids though.
Hi, i just wondered if you had some kind of health visitor over there. She could offer advice and support, and give suggestions, or perhaps refer you to somewhere for help.
I have no idea how to help you but maybe he has a medical behavioural problem that could be treated. Seek professional advice, thats your best way forward, and understand that some children are like that, and that it is nothing to do with the way they have been brought up. Autism for example.
Keep strong xxx
what ever you do behaviourwise you need to be consistent with the discipline and use the same procedure every time, chopping and changing can make things worse.
I certainly wouldnt give in to him.
Regarding the juice incident i would have just said fine, you dont get any juice or dinner then untill later, and just provide something to drink later on but no dinner untill next meal times, i know its hard and i'm sure it hurts us more than them but you are doing fine!
The behaviour sounds ok to me, kids do freak out over things and will fight over minor things, my son will fight because he wants something and then be fine 2 secs later but then again i dont know your son and if you are worried then speak to someone about it.

I agree, i have seen plenty of children act the way you have described. My daughter will have a tantrum because she can't have something and then 2 mins later it's like she has forgotten about it. It would be a good idea to speak with your doctor and gather some information and have a professional look at his behaviour and see if there is a specific reason for his behaviour xx
Hypnorm is right hun, consistency is the key. Stick to one way and don't chop and change.

Personally I think Braydon sounds like a normal kid who's testing bourdaries, but if you are worried, get it checked out hun. You're his mummy and you know him best.

Good luck.:hugs:
Is there any parenting classes in your area....im not saying its your parenting but they may have tips for you and him and also, they may know the signs of behavioural problems and also how to get help etc.....
Hi there. I agree that some children love to test boundaries, and that may be what Brayden is doing. How is he with other people? And is this a new thing? I know that children test boundaries the most with the person they're closest to. If it's a new thing, it might be a phase, and if it's something you've noticed for a while, you might want to get an opinion from someone. If your doctor won't listen, keep pushing. Doctors don't always understand behavioural concerns.

I'm sure it's not your parenting. It sounds like you're trying everything, and I think it's a good thing that you've tried different approaches. If you do go to a therapist, make sure you explain that to them.

Best of luck with Brayden. Keep strong!
he sounds just like my little brother who is 8!! fine one minute then blows up the next. He has a paddy about silly things like he wont wear certain pants because they are "too black or too grey" and people will laugh at him.

he's just been diagnosed with dyslexia(sp) and they think this could be why he's like this!!
Sounds like typical childlike behaviour to me. I have a 3 nearly 4 year old, and he can blow up over the slightest thing. Children can be unpredictable, and i certainly wouldn't want to be labelling him at such a young age.
Hope you sort something though for your own piece of mind. xx
Go to a child therapist and nip this kind of behaviour in the butt! You need professional help if you feel helpless already. Family always give their advice but it is not always correct. Go to someone who knows what they are talking about...then give us an update! Good luck.It cant be easy for you.Otherwise apply for Supernanny to come to your house!

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