Thnx for asking bigfoot.
Well i researched the oss or is it ohss the hyperstimulation thing (with pregnyl) and it suggested tht it is very rare with half the dosage so i took half the injection vile and quickly pressed the rest of it down the sink before I felt too greedy and wanted more or thought oh no i need more..u knw the damn doubts.
So this morning i bedded with preseed and am now gona start taking baby asprin. Along with all the vitamins im already taking from the maryln glenville book, (mayb thts what made me over stimulate) jst a thought because in my first ivf when i was only 29 or 30 i had 12 eggs and 5 fertilised in my second ivf i had 14 eggs and 7 fertilised so thts half fertilisation rate in the dish (2 embryos transfered each time and never a pregnancy) so I figured that well with bedding I have never had a pregnancy so what are the chances I think I was over confused last night because in the morning the hospital were soo serious about the mulitiple scare that I was getting worried and in 2 minds. But lets face it im 39 and have been through all these ART cycles so in my case I figured its a pretty safe option. It depends on each individuals situation, but in America I think 3/4or even 5 follies in iui is common thats another thing tht helped me make up my mind.
Anyway Im jst going to go through this 2 week wait like any other one as I dont think the outcome will be any differernt than it has been in the previous 13 years of trying.
So now, note to self. Stop getting your knickers in a twist .