I called FOB back today after I hung up on him (HAHAH) and we started talking about my med bills and this and that. He said he is willing to pay all the med bills and half of whatever I buy for the baby. He told me he really didn't want to go to court because he would have to take time off work and he'd probably lose his job over it. So he asked if I would sit down and come to some agreements with him about the whole ordeal. He said we can come to terms on the visitation rights, what he pays me monthly, etc. He said that he is willing to sign a contract with me instead of going through the whole court system. He told me that he will pay half of any med bills we have with the baby, half of the diaper food and clothing expenses, and on top of that give me money to help for the whole month.
In my opinion it's better then going to court and if he signs a contract with me (I will get a lawyer to write it out and advise me on it) there is no way he can pull any stunts. My only worry is that if things go sour and he decides he doesn't want to follow the guidelines of our contract that I will be screwed because I'll have to make a date with the court, get a lawyer, wait on the judges ruling, etc.
What does everyone think of this plan? So far he has been very honest and giving as far as financial aide. He has paid some of my med bills, bought the baby 150 dollars worth of stuff, and checks up on a daily basis to see how everything is going. I really at this point have no reason to doubt he wants to take care of his responsibility with helping with the baby. On the days he says I will have money for my med bills is the day I get the money, he has brought me to the majority of my doc appointments, etc.
Do you think it would be better to skip the courtroom and just make agreements on financial aide and visitation rights? Or would it be better to just go to court? Please be honest and blunt cus I don't want to make the wrong move.
In my opinion it's better then going to court and if he signs a contract with me (I will get a lawyer to write it out and advise me on it) there is no way he can pull any stunts. My only worry is that if things go sour and he decides he doesn't want to follow the guidelines of our contract that I will be screwed because I'll have to make a date with the court, get a lawyer, wait on the judges ruling, etc.
What does everyone think of this plan? So far he has been very honest and giving as far as financial aide. He has paid some of my med bills, bought the baby 150 dollars worth of stuff, and checks up on a daily basis to see how everything is going. I really at this point have no reason to doubt he wants to take care of his responsibility with helping with the baby. On the days he says I will have money for my med bills is the day I get the money, he has brought me to the majority of my doc appointments, etc.
Do you think it would be better to skip the courtroom and just make agreements on financial aide and visitation rights? Or would it be better to just go to court? Please be honest and blunt cus I don't want to make the wrong move.