ok so this cycle i was on my first round of clomid. since about 6dpo my nipples have been really tender to touch ( just my nipples ) since about 7/8dpo i have had a little nausea. i checked my cm and its a sticky white mucus. i know im probably just putting symptoms where they dont belong but im really praying that this is my month. i know the only way to find out for sure is to take a hpt i just dont want to be let down
for the women that have had bfp's before what were some things ya'll noticed?
I got pregnant on my second round of Clomid and I noticed increased CM (changed in consistancy, it just seemed to be more). I had a lot of period like cramps (just not as intense) they were fairly constant and my nips started to ach (similar to pms you would be amazed with how similar early pregnancy feels in comparison to pms).
I got my BFP 9dpo with a FRER and fyi the lines one those suckers are soooo light at first they are hard to see (I didn't get a decent line on one of those until I was like 13 dpo), the first one I took I thought it was a bad test so I took 3 more and they all came out the same faint but defenitly there. I went to the store and got a clearblue (-/+) that also came with a digi (it was a confirm pack I highly reccommend that). The -/+ came out a LOT darker than the FRER and the plus showed up really, really fast and quite dark. Then I took the digi and it said "pregnant".
Mild cramps were my first real symptom as well as mildly sore nips and fatigue. good luck hun! I hope you get your long awaited for bfp! After I stop bleeding from my current M/C I am going to try Clomid again. Hey, and just a tip, I used preseed and softcups my second round of Clomid (I didn't use either for my first) and BAM I got my bfp. I am convinced that is what did the trick, I will be trying them again next time around!!
good luck!