I think im broken!!!


mother of 1 DD
Nov 9, 2006
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Hi, well just thought i'd see if anyone else is in a similar situation as me as i'm now going insan that i'm the only one :wacko:
i'm married to my amazing soul mate, and we have a beautiful 4 1/2 year old daughter, we decidd to start trying again 3 1/2 years ago so there wouldn't be a large age gap...well i was dreaming!!
5 miscarriages later adn we're still tryin...found out i was pregnant over a week ago, and tried not to get our hopes up, but easier said than done,and now we've been devasted again at 5 1/2 weeks with another miscarraige which started yesterday:cry:....i think i'm actually going to lose the plot i really don't understand...i'm 24 years of age and fairly healthy but seemto be broken when t comes to producing children.
i was diagnosed with mild hughes syndrome and i also have PCOS but don't have too much of a problem conceiving it's keping them. i was advised heparin injections to help thin my blood, but i lost 2 babies on those inhjections so now they've changed their mind...i keep gettin told "you're young, you've got plenty of time" and quite frankly i just feel thats just a cop out. surely 6 miscarrages isn't NORMAL!!!!??:growlmad:
what is so frustrating is mydaughter was conceived unexpectedly, whilst i was taking oral contraceptive!!

anyway Rant over sorry...just hurting at th moment and am hoping there are other ladies out there with similar problems!?:shrug:
aww so sorry for all your losses hun xxxx

you must be going through hell at the moment, im not in the same situation so dont really have any advise sorry.

you have however got a daughter through a successful pregnancy so it should be able to happen again. fingers crossed for you.

sending you lots of hugs, and pma at this difficult xxxxx
thankyou for your kind words! i think the fact that i have my daughter makes it more frustrating, because i know i can do it....just wish i knew what was going wrong!! :nope:xx
I'm so sorry for your losses :cry:
I too have PCOS and have had years of difficulty conceiving and holding onto the ones I do conceive. It will be the PCOS that's causing you the difficulties, Im sure. Are you on Metformin? That may help you. Also, I would see your gyn about egg harvesting for IUI. You might not be that far down the line yet.....but its worth a talk? Your PCOS will probably be making you release old "crap" eggs that would never be viable. So, the magic is happening, but the egg can't keep up. This is exactly whats happening to me. Please don't think you're broken; your lovely daughter is testiment to that :hugs:

I really hope you get everything you wish for and if you need a chat, you know where I am :flower:

:dust: Helen x :dust:
Bless ya hunny, don't think you're broken, don't give up hope.

I hope you get a new brother or sister for your little daughter soon :) x
fallen angel- thank you for your thoughts!!
and MRSHENNIEB- well after reading your post i having been researching and talking to my husband, it really does sound like that could be whats happening!! i've never been offered any meds for my PCOS because i don't seem to have that much a problem getting pregnant, it's just keeping the pregnancy that's the problem. but as you said if it's only crappy eggs i'm getting it's not going to progress anyway! thank you so much, i#m going to sit down with my consultant at my next appt and discuss this with him! booked in for a scan on the 26th, to check my uterus and ovaries so will just wait and see if they find anything then!!
Oh good, I'm glad all that made sense! :thumbup:
I always think its better to have an idea in mind WHY these horrible things are happening, no matter how scary the outcome is. It's a much better place to be, than thinking there's no hope and you're broken. Honestly chick, there's SO much hope there for you and I'm sure you'll get your answers!!
:dust :hugs: :dust:
I may be completey off base so I hope I dont offend but have they checked your hormone levels - low prostegene is a cuase of miscarriage and you would have been getting hormones from the pill when you conceived your daughter. It might be worth askng
I was thinking the same thing Quartz. Low progesterone can cause a short luteal phase and I know other hormones play a role in keeping the pregnancy. maybe you've already had hormone levels tested but if not, good idea.

So sorry for all your miscarriages. I simply cannot fathom how awful that would be to go through. Thinking of you and hoping beyond hope you get some answers and solutions soon.
Thanks Quartz and lemongal7 , and to be honest no untill today and my mass google researching it had never crossed my mind, i think i've just believed everything the doctors have told me with such faith that i figured they'd fix the problem, but i'm starting to think they've missed something!! i have an appt with GP tuesday, and also scan at Fertility hosp on tuesday too!! will see how they go and go from there, but i am determined to get answers i have really had enough!!
sorry must be hormonal at the moment...rant over!!
ive read some people try asprin after multiple mc's and thankfully their baby made it. Ive also heard progesterone can help aswell, can you see if you can get your progesterone levels checked as I have read that some people with PCOS have low progesterone levels.

Good luck, I hope it happens for you soon x
Hey, that's something else to ask about! And, who knows - maybe it's as simple as that...there are easy fixes for a low progesterone level. Good luck...hope your appt goes well. keep us updated!
yes i am going to ask my consultant to check the levels. and i already take an asprin plus heparin injections when i conceive due to my blood disorder, and neither hav hlped me carry to term, so i guess i'm down to the hormone levels xx:wacko:

thanks again girls will let you know how tuesday goes!! :flower:
These ladies have offered great thoughts, good luck with your appt and keep us posted.
With recurring miscarriage have you spoken to a reproductive immunologist? I had no idea that there are time when our bodies can actually be "allergic" to our own pregnacies and fight them like they fight an infection. I you have not already I HIGHLY recommend looking one up in your area. Here is the site for a DR in NY who is reported to be AMAZING!

Dr. Braverman Reproductive Immunology: www.preventmiscarriages.com
Not saying he is the guy for you but his site has very interesting info!

Best of luck to you on your path,
Hi, well just thought i'd see if anyone else is in a similar situation as me as i'm now going insan that i'm the only one :wacko:
i'm married to my amazing soul mate, and we have a beautiful 4 1/2 year old daughter, we decidd to start trying again 3 1/2 years ago so there wouldn't be a large age gap...well i was dreaming!!
5 miscarriages later adn we're still tryin...found out i was pregnant over a week ago, and tried not to get our hopes up, but easier said than done,and now we've been devasted again at 5 1/2 weeks with another miscarraige which started yesterday:cry:....i think i'm actually going to lose the plot i really don't understand...i'm 24 years of age and fairly healthy but seemto be broken when t comes to producing children.
i was diagnosed with mild hughes syndrome and i also have PCOS but don't have too much of a problem conceiving it's keping them. i was advised heparin injections to help thin my blood, but i lost 2 babies on those inhjections so now they've changed their mind...i keep gettin told "you're young, you've got plenty of time" and quite frankly i just feel thats just a cop out. surely 6 miscarrages isn't NORMAL!!!!??:growlmad:
what is so frustrating is mydaughter was conceived unexpectedly, whilst i was taking oral contraceptive!!

anyway Rant over sorry...just hurting at th moment and am hoping there are other ladies out there with similar problems!?:shrug:

I am so sorry to hear about your loss!!
I just found this section I primarily hang out in the wtt forum.
Have you ever been tested for mthfr???
I ask this because I just found out I have it
Its a clotting disorder that also causes your body not to absorb ANY of the b vitimins (Folic acid is b9) which also causes neural tube defects that can cause you to loose pregnancies.
I have had three mcs and they ran the test for it
My doctor said I need to take a MEGA dose of folic acid (most ppl ttc take 400 - 800 micrograms a day and I have to take 4 MILLIgrams a da) and a baby aspirin everyday.
He told me that I HAD to do this for three mos before ttc.
Basicaly what I am saying is, They may have been on the right track with the heparin but with out the folic acid mega dose it could have caused other abnormalities preventing it for being a viable pregnancy.
I hope this has made sense.
I am just getting it figured out myself.
God Bless you :hugs:
I hope you can get an answer soon :flower:
We have a 3 1/2 year old DD, who was conceived without a problem--a complete and utter surprise! We started trying when she was 1, and 2 1/2 years later--we're still trying. We lost a baby in May and have had no luck since.
It is so frustrating, like you said--we've done it once, so obviously it CAN be done--by why does our body not cooperate?!
I'm in the same boat too! I have a 3.5 year old little girl. We started trying when she was 2. I've had 3 mc's (2 MMC, and a CP). My most recent loss was just last week. I'm getting referred to the FS. I already know that I have a blood clotting disorder, but my doc doesn't seem to think that's the problem.

It's so stressful....my little girl just wants a sibling so bad. It breaks my heart that I can't give it to her.
I'm in a similar situation too. I have a 3 year old daughter and have been trying since she was 8 months but have had 3mcs since. I have had all the testing done and all came back normal. My doctor told me it was a string of bad luck. It is hard knowing that I have to rely on luck to have a sticky bean. My daughter asks me all the time why she does not have a brother or sister and it breaks my heart, I often feel like I have failed her. My doctor did tell me that she would put me on aspirin and progesterone the next time I do get my BFP. I hate knowing that once I do get that BFP that it is only a tiny step in such a long and worrisome journey. I wish I could go back to those carfree pregnancy days!

I'm so sorry to everyone who has suffered a loss or is having trouble TTC. I hope all went well with your appt.
hey ladies..i have 2 daughters..my first was a big surprise..i was pretty young and after a year off of the depo shot (i stopped because i gained 40 lbs yikes!) i still barely had periods..i did have some here and there but not even close to regular..so i just figured if im not getting periods im sure i cant get pregnant (we just used the pull out method) and got pregnant after just 2 accidents! and after i deliereved her i had like 4 normal periods and then they stopped altogether for like 3 months so the dr put me on provera and then clomid..first cycle i got pregnant right away..so i figured that it would be that easy again on clomid..i was wrong! last year in november i was started on it again..didnt ovulate..then december didnt ovulate..finally did in january and had a chemical...so we took 6 months off of ttc..started the clomid in september and ovualted right away..i was really hopeful and nothing..then last month i ovulated and just got my AF today..i called the dr and let them know i started..the nurse said she was gonna let the dr know and she might up my dose..so hopefully something will help..i feel like im broken..i cant get pregnant whether i ovulate or not and its really frusterating :(

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