I have been struggling with the idea of stopping feeding lo for a while now. I want to stop so OH doesnt feel i have a special power that he doesnt possess and also because lo is going to nursery in september and i hate pumping. But he loves boob so i feel really bad. Until last night! He woke up at half 11 and was on the boob on and off until 3am!!! He is 9 months old!!!! I got so fed up and am of course shattered. My nipples are raw as he just kept latching on and pulling off. I have had enough, im ready to stop. Thing is, we co sleep and although we put him in his cot every night, he is always back with us by half 11/12. So how do i deter him from feeding when he smells it all the time. He also insists on boob when he is tired/upset and pulls my top down and oushes his face into my boobs! Any ideas how to put him off?