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I would like some thoughts please,


Call me Max - Mum to 4
Mar 8, 2009
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I am past worrying what people will think when i express concern that my eldest has adhd, i really feel at the end of my tether with her, so i would like some opinions. The reason i first ever considered it, was from having a close friend with a son with ADHD, whom told me that summer is very like her son, and also my sisters little boy. I am quite a strict parent, meals are meals, bed is bed etc, i dont take much nonsense at all with regard to the important things and my children have a very good diet.

Summer is 4 years 3 months and a bright girl. She walks on her tiptoes, has done since around 2 years of age. I was told it was habitual and she would grow out of it by the time she was 4. She now walks 99% of the time on them. She can walk flat, but only for very short periods of time, when you remind her.

The problems I am having with her, i find them hard to explain. She has constant meltdowns over very silly things. For example, the other morning she had a fit over her breakfast, because there wasnt 'space' in her bowl to put her spoon in. The day before she wouldnt eat her dinner, because she hadnt had sandwiches for her lunch (i had given homemade muffin pizzas for a change instead). She is very OCD like. Everything must be just so.

She does not listen, or make eye contact. I can tell her to stop doing something, turn back round and she is doing it again straight away. I then ask her what i just said, and she is blank. The blank vacant look is so familiar. Like she is anywhere but in her head listening to me. I try to crouch down to her level and ask her to look at me when talking, but more often than not she gets distressed and starts shouting, i cant!

In terms to meal times, she has to use both hands to eat a meal, one to hold a spoon, the other to push food onto the spoon. She is unable to manage anything requiring needing two hands, such as say, holding a yogurt and eating out of it with a spoon at the same time, more often than not she spills it or it lands on the floor. She is a very messy eater simply put.

She has no idea how to start conversations, every single day she asks me, what is your favorite colour mummy? And every day the answer is the same. Its like its part of her routine. She also has no clue about when its okay to speak, social cues as such, she just starts talking when and how she likes and more often than not its gibberish, hard to make sense of though she does talk well, its what she says.

She slept well as a baby, but as a child, she seems to be up most of the night, even though she doesnt sleep in the day and she says she is just not tired. She is then awake before 7am every day, no matter how much sleep she has.

She cannot sit still at all, something has to be moving and she has to make some sort of noise all the time. Finally she has to have the last word over everything, if she is introuble say and i tell her i dont want to hear it, shecant let it rest until she has got everything in her head out, either to elsie or to her toys.

Is this just how a four year old is? I have to admit, that bar my own child, i have no experience of kids. They do go to playgroups, they do socialise, but you are always told not to compare. I find it hard not to, now that my other daughter is 3, and whilst not as intelligent as summer, seems to be able to do everything else easier, with more understanding. My 3 year old can have proper conversations that you understand, have two handed coordination etc. I dont mean to compare, its just hard not to when i feel like there is something different about my 4 year old. I struggle to have much of a bond with my 4 year old :( I make one on one time with her, but ihave to keep it VERY short as her attention span is so short.

Does anyone have any advise? She went to preschool for a short time last year before mason was born and starts fulltime in august. I asked them if they had noticed anything, she said that summer was a lovely child with a very WILD imagination. I watched her at preschool one morning and found she was very, demanding, of the play leaders. I heard one play leader say to the other, that summer has her 'own special routine'.
There are definitely some cause for concerns from what your saying, especially how she isn't aware of social cues and has poor eye contact. I would go to your doctor ask for a referral for an assessment by a specialist in children and education. If you ask her school as well to get some assessments done by an educational psychologist that should help. It could be absolutely nothing, so I don't want to alarm you. Many children at that age need and crave routine and have melt downs over such small things as you have described. Shecould also just be going through a more demanding time with you having a young baby and being pregnant again. Hugs to you and I know that some other mums on here will have good advice for you too.
thank you, its just nice to hear someone actually take my concerns properly. I have mentioned to the health visitor once about the eye contact, her advise was to make sure she doesnt watch tv.

I do feel for her, she has had a lot happen in her life, elsie arriving, a big move from bournemouth to inverness (600 miles) when she was around 2 and half years, mason arriving, starting preschool and now another baby and house move. Its a lot for her.

She is a good girl, she does like to please. She is more exasperating than naughty behaviour. I would just like to know if there is anything underlaying her behaviour, as i just amnt sure how best to try to cope with her just now. If it was say ADHD, or some form, at least i would be able to find out how best to respond to her, how to understand her better. Just now i feel like she and i are on different sides of the planet. Its not a nice feeling to have :( and if i feel like that, goodness knows how she must feel.

I tend to mention these things and just be dismissed most of the time. My health visitor called me a natural born mother, but alli could think was, if that was the case, why do my eldest and i struggle so much?
I agree with lady3, you may have to insist on an assesment, but it is in Summers best interests cause if she does have a condition of some sort it would be best to get help in place for when she starts school.
hi, is summer starting school september? id make your concerns heard by them so they can moniter her thoughout the first term,

id also ask the doctor to refer to a consultant, from what you have said id be thinking more along the autisic spectrum than ADD/ADHD,

i dont want to scare you, and of course it could just be that so much has changed for her in the last year or so that holding onto set routines and strucure has become a comfort to her, ive worked all my adult life as a behavoiur therapist for autisic children and have seen time and time again that the earlier the diagonsis and the earlier the therapy the better the outcome

your a fantastic mother and should listen to your instinct, if something tells you Summer needs help then knock over whoever stands in your way to get it

Thanks hun, she doesnt start school till next september, they start later up in scotland, she was born beginning of april, just after the cut off date. I have decided that just now, i cant be sure it isnt just her little quirks and normal 4 year old, she is quite happy in herself, so i will see what preschool/school brings. I dont want to label her with anything unless absolutely necessary. I AM concerned, but not overly yet.
Def go to your doctor and ask for a referral. It could be a million things, but if it is autism she and you will be so much happier once you have the right treatments and things. You do get a lot of support once you are oN the right track. Good luck x
Hmm, really doesn't sound like ADD/ADAH to me as I've had ADD since I was a kid, but I don't have any problems with eye contact or socializing. Not to scare you but it sounds more like Autism to me, with the social stuff and routine craving, but I'm not a professional, could be a type of OCD, or just normal kid stuff! I'd get it checked out hun, can't hurt and it'll put you at ease to know.
I dont know, i suppose part of me wants to find out if it could be something, the other part just wants to think its just my summer, as exasperating as she can be. Her dad is worried, he feels responsible for an awful accident that happened when she was 7 months old...I had gone in to see a doctor, and summer had been asleep in his work van, so he stayed out with her, to wait for me. When she woke, he stupidly put her in the passenger seat beside him, then decided he wanted a smoke, so went round the passenger side, opened the door and started smoking. He said he looked to see if i was coming and that was all it took for summer to fall to the side suddenly, over his arm and down to the ground. I walked out literally 2 minutes later, none the wiser to find her screaming. She had a fractured skull with a hemotoma.

He often says, max what if what i did caused her to have some problems? He thinks things like head trauma can cause things like autism. I dont know. The doctors said she was fine, it would heal, we were lucky she was still very young and her bones were soft. I keep telling him that it was a long time ago and it wasnt his fault, he didnt mean for her to fall, but I know he is finding it hard when dealing with her, because he feels so guilty :(

I should get her checked out as much for him as for her really shouldnt i.
ive not read the other replies but to me it doesnt sound like adhd but some form of atusim!
the way she walks could me she needs extra surpport to put her feet flat! but no eye contact or getting upset cos she hasnt had certain things is def the way my cousin is who has it!

i would take her to the doctors and speak to them my cousin leads a normal life with just extra surpport with his autsium! xx
There is a degree of cross over though between ASD and ADHD presentations, so you do need a formal assesment. I say this cause my daughter has just (literally last week) been diagnosed with ADHD and her school are insistent that she displays autistic tendancies ( I disagree cause I have experience with Autism too) I think a proper assesment is the only way to know for sure what it is, but I do agree you would be wise to get her seen.
hiya - i am not an expert by any stretch but i have worked in "special schools". My first thoughts were - try and go with the routine as it sounds like your doing !!! and ADHD tends to display differntly. My thought were more towards aspbergers and autistic spectrum. I know from many parents it can be a nightmare getting a diagnosis and i too believe a label is hard - but... if you get one it can help !! you have a few more doors opened - for assitance.

I have read many of your posts and i really do think you seem like what my granny would call an earth mother !! I do hope that you get some answers either way

sending you hugs
you can't blame the accident for any problems she might have. Autism can be some thing you are simply pre-disposed to. Don't blmae yourselves.
Well she starts preschool properly next week, she missed out on half a year after mason was born (long story) but she will be there for a year now until school next august. The head play leader is lovely so i think i will mention i have some concerns to her, and leave it with her to see if she picks up on anything with summer.

My husband and i spoke a lot last night, and we accepted that she had had a lot of changes in her 4 years. 4 house moves. 2 new siblings and now one more on the way. Maybe she latches onto routine etc because its just the only stability she feels she has. If thats the case it makes me feel very sad.

I found she had peed in the bath today, the empty bath. She has been toilet trained from 20 months so i have no idea why. I asked her, and eventually she said, because she wanted to get in the bath. I now have visions of her suddenly peeing in random places at preschool. I just dont get her at all.

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