IBC Breast Worry. Please Read. Freaking out!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

I am hoping someone has or had something similar with a very normal outcome.

over the last week or so (i think)i noticed some changes on my breats.

I have the swollen skin on the inside of both breasts and underneath.
Is red/warm, pitted and thick skin and slight burning sensation.
Doctor has put me on antibiotics firstly for mastitis (non nursing) but i am SCARED.
Everything i google comes up with IBC but i can't get any doc to take me seriously because i am 26 years old. Problem is my mother had breast cancer in her 40's.
I am 18 weeks pregnant. My breasts went from a/b to E already!
At first i thought it was from the bra's i was wearing, but i have not had a bra on at all for the past 2 days and no change, still ridged under the breasts (old stretch marks are very raised and under the breasts is very dark red) and dimple skin on the inside of the breast. Outside and top of the breasts are fine (right now) and i have no fever
Just looking for some hope while i go through this course of antibiotics so stop myself from freaking out so much.
First off, being pregnant does TONS Of changes on our breasts, and thought your not nursing, your breast are getting ready to produce milk. At 18 weeks, its possible you may even have colostrum and not even noticed it. So Mastitis is possible, don't goggle.

My breast have period where they don't hurt at all, than for a month they are sore every day. I started leaking colostrum with my daughter around 18 weeks, with this one I was by 9 weeks. there are a lot of changes going on in our breasts theses days, after all they have a big job ahead of them if you decide to breastfeed.
I would go to the er. I had the same symptoms and they took me immediately. It turned out to be nothing but with ibc time is of the essence.
I would go to the er. I had the same symptoms and they took me immediately. It turned out to be nothing but with ibc time is of the essence.

They have told me to wait out the antibiotics which i understand but yes time is essential.
What tests did they do to rule it out? What did it end up being?

I keep getting told it "might" be from the pregnancy or an infection. But i can't understand how when it is just the skin
"What is mastitis?
Mastitis is an infection in one of the mammary ducts in your breasts. If you have mastitis, you may notice that areas of your breasts are:
You may also feel a lump, which is often referred to as a blocked duct.

You may also have flu-like symptoms, such as:
•a headache
•a temperature
If you find yourself with mastitis, you're not alone. About one in 10 breastfeeding moms get it and some bottle-feeding moms do too.


Sounds like this....

IBC, is rare... Thought the symptoms FOR It are similar to mastis, it would be rare for IBC to spring up while you are pregnant. So treating with antibiotics is a good choice. (it also tends to be more common in seniors, than young adults).

Does breast cancer run in your family otherwise?

Anyways -- I will post this, as it is a bit of a blurb on how it is "tested" for IBC.. Thought I really do believe you are not a concern for this...

"3.How is inflammatory breast cancer diagnosed?

Inflammatory breast cancer can be difficult to diagnose. Often, there is no lump that can be felt during a physical exam or seen in a screening mammogram. In addition, most women diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer have non-fatty (dense) breast tissue, which makes cancer detection in a screening mammogram more difficult. Also, because inflammatory breast cancer is so aggressive, it can arise between scheduled screening mammograms and progress quickly. The symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer may be mistaken for those of mastitis, which is an infection of the breast, or another form of locally advanced breast cancer.

To help prevent delays in diagnosis and in choosing the best course of treatment, an international panel of experts published guidelines on how doctors can diagnose and stage inflammatory breast cancer correctly. Their recommendations are summarized below.

Minimum criteria for a diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer include the following:

A rapid onset of erythema (redness), edema (swelling), and a peau d’orange appearance and/or abnormal breast warmth, with or without a lump that can be felt.
The above-mentioned symptoms have been present for less than 6 months.
The erythema covers at least a third of the breast.
Initial biopsy samples from the affected breast show invasive carcinoma.
Further examination of tissue from the affected breast should include testing to see if the cancer cells have hormone receptors (estrogen and progesterone receptors) or a mutation that causes them to make greater than normal amounts of the HER2 protein (HER2-positive breast cancer).

Imaging and staging tests should include the following:

A diagnostic mammogram and an ultrasound of the breast and regional (nearby) lymph nodes.
A PET scan or a CT scan and a bone scan to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Proper diagnosis and staging of cancer helps doctors develop the best treatment plan and estimate the likely outcome of the disease, including the chances for recurrence and survival.
However, in doubt. Definitely seek a second opinion if your not comfortable with your first response.
However, in doubt. Definitely seek a second opinion if your not comfortable with your first response.

Thank you,
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 40's.

This has been sudden (i think) i didn't notice the thickening of the skin until last sat and when pressed the skin would dimple. Now it just has a dimpled appearance without touching the skin surface.

It cover the whole underside of both breasts as well as the inside (cleavage) of both breasts. Almost where they would rub together if touched.

I have been told they won't do anything until i finish the course of antibiotics. If no change then they will look at further testing.

Thanks to the pregnancy hormones i am a wreck. Hoping that in a weeks time i can be embarrassed to say it was nothing.
I've had mastitis and it sound very like it. Try not to worry as soon as the antibiotics are done you will know more and least your aware of it and have seemed advice x
Earlier in pregnancy and again recently I had itchy, red toughening of skin ect on only one breast. Dr didn't do anything, I also haven't grown much at all in this dept ... It ended up going away on its own although I used tons of moisturizer. After the itching stopped I had super dry skin.

I googled too an had the same results. Freaked me right out :(

Hope all turns out fine for you
I have very similar things happening with both my breasts. they're very itchy, red, hot, puckered skin etc. and I was scratching in my sleep and they were getting scabby and bleeding...my doctor wasn't concerned and I wasn't either and chalk it up to changes because of pregnancy. Its just been very very uncomfortable and I'd like to breastfeed so I'm afraid it won't clear up. My Dr gave me some cream that she described as similar to a diaper rash cream and its been very helpful in clearing it up. But if I don't keep up using it, the symptoms come back again. I really think its pregnancy related but of course for peace of mind..get a second opinion :)
Also try not to google. I'm a bit of a hypocondriac and I know googling brings about absolute worst case scenarios and just causes stress. So try your hardest not to do that :)
I have had two minor cases of mastitis (caught early, resolved with antibiotics within 2 weeks), but my symptoms were never as severe as what you have described. It seems like initially treating with antibiotics does make sense, but my understanding is that you should see improvement within a few days, not needing to wait for the entire course to complete.

As PP said, if you are uncomfortable with the diagnosis, it is *always* ok to get a second opinion than to really stress out and worry. Pregnancy hormones do make us a bit crazy, and we start second-guessing our instincts and gut, but I think its better to stick to your instincts and be proven wrong than to try to ignore them :)

Good luck, and I hope it is mastitis, since the alternative is worse!
I think that if your doctor isn't worried then you shouldn't be either. Like he said, wait until you are done with the antibiotics and then go from there. I found a lump in my breast and had to go see a specialist and have tests done to find out that it was a fibroadenoma (non cancerous lump) but my doctor told me that 80% of breast lumps/problems are NOT cancer. Don't worry hun. I know its scary but from what the other girls say it sounds like mastitis.
Something no one has pointed out is that IBC is very very unusual to have in BOTH breasts, its usually just one. Because you have symptoms in both, its more likely to be mastitis.

Please trust your Dr is keeping it in mind, but I am also an advocate of knowing your instincts. Finish the AB's, and if that doesnt solve the problem, chase up your Dr. The only concern, is other than biopsy, and MRI, everything else to diagnose involves radioation, which if its not IBC can potentially be very harmful to your baby, and I KNOW the Dr wont want to put you through that decision unless they had fully explored the alternatives first!
It sounds more like intertrigo...I doubt ibc as the previous poster said its rare for both breast. It sounds like some type of dermatitis... It could be yeast or bacterial. If the antibiotics don't work I would ask for a cream to put on the area. Your dr can give you a pregnancy safe cream/ointment for yeast and bacteria. Your breast have grown a lot so there is more rubbing together and sweat. Once it clears you could put a powder between breast and under a few times a day and it would help. Sounds like it feels awful :(
Just an update.
A week of antibiotics and its gotten slightly worse (started to be slightly painful) have been referred to a cancer specialist. Hopefully getting an appointment ASAP.
Midwife has said if it was Mastitis i would have seen an improvement, if not symptoms dissipated by now. She is still hoping it has something to do with pregnancy hormones but we will see.
Beyond frightened
I would think cancer in both breasts with symptoms appearing at the same time would be rare. I know it's impossible but try and think positive. Keep us updated x
That's what is keeping me from total freakout :) Hopefully will now get some answers and i can laugh at myself

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