1st off all hunnie I would ditch these tests and get another brand

there's some cheapiEs on eBay which are call clungune there in a pink and white wrapper they are far the best ic's at the moment

I know it's hard but try not too stress too much

and when it comes too testing especially with ic's put it on the side come back too it at 5-8 min without squinting I lf you see a clear faint line then woop it's your BFp but ifs it a squinted just ditch it too avoid the heart break if it is a Evap

if you want too avoid Evaps all together use first response early result you will know if it's BFp or not because a distinct pink line will show and if its grey you defo know it's the indent line

but just keep positive hun your ticker says you haven't being trying long it's really dishearting at 1st but when you get into the swing of swings it's easier lol

are you temping ?? And using opks xx