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ID'd for medicine!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
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Has anyone ever been asked for ID to buy medicine? I am so mad and what happened the other day...

I went to my local sainsburys to buy some calpol where a young girl refused to serve me it as I had no ID( we are in process of buying a house so hubby had it)
I've not once been ID'd for calpol, or other meds.
I'm 23, married and have tattoos (clearly over 16!!!) so was very shock and embarrassed by the situation :(
Aw try not to take it personally, some people are rubbish at guessing ages- she might ID e everyone under the age of 60! Or she might have got in trouble for selling something to someone under-age before so she's being extra careful now.

I got ID'd for buying Pritstick- which is none toxic and not age controlled- when I was 23, I had 2 of my students with me and was putting the shopping on the schools tab (was taking the kids as part of a life skills session), the guy knew I was a teacher and therefore had to be an adult, was a bit silly!
It is possible the till flashes up a warning to ID and being new/jobsworthy/anxious or unsure, she asked you without really checking. When i worked at Tesco I got a message to ID for lots of things on the till and when i first started sometimes I would ask without really checking because they do a lot of scaremongering about massive fines if you let someone slip through with age restricted products and I was scared!

I have a lot of sympathy for checkout staff having to ask for ID because it is awkward and people do react angrily but you can really get in trouble if you make a mistake so it's best to cover all bases.
If it was alcohol I wouldn't of minded as I would expect it.
But out of all the times i've bought it, it's never happened before even in that store.
She seemed quit smug about the situation which annoyed me more x
My mum who is 58 got id'd for knitting needles while i,her 27 year old daughter was with her in the dunelm mill the worlds gone mad !
I got ID'd when I bought call of duty for the xbox. I'm 28 :dohh:

I wasn't sure whether to be insulted or take it as a compliment xD
I got ID'd for Canestan in Sains. "Swallow me up now ground"
I got i.d when trying to buy those pain killers for period cramps tmi and every time i try to buy migraine medication.... oh also, razors, some sprays or chemical products, normal pain killers, i've been made to put some back when trying to buy multiple packets. I get i.d for everything, i don't often both to try and buy if i have no i.d on me. i'm 28.
Im now 28 but when I was 24 I got ID for strepsils, I was a teacher (now sahm) and was qualified to teach the age that they were checking me for lol which was 14. I don't drink so don't generally need id but if I do get something I always make sure to have id. I wouldent have expected it on calpol though
I worked in a drug store and they wanted the dates on lic typed in. for many over the counter drugs and also cigs. I have to say this was the MAIN reason I dreaded work was all the id asking:( I personally do not always have id(if going in I wil bring just my cash leaving wallet in car more often then not)

It could be a job loss for the cashier if not spotted asking. And some are bad at judging age(raising my hand...)
That's really annoying, I get Id'd all the time but it hasn't ever happened for Calpol.

I wouldn't be mad though, she is just following procedures after all. I worked in a shop and someone underage came in to buy something, I asked ID and they left. Then the police arrived and said it had been a sting operation (we had passed obviously) and we would have been fined thousands if I had sold it, and clearly I would have lost my job too. It sucks to be asked when you really need the product but if people looked young I would ask them even if they had tattoos etc, because my job/the business (which was an independent shop) depended on it. So it's not really the cashier's fault.

I don't look young though, you've just presumed i do.

It would be different if it was an item for an 18 year old.

I've been a mum for 3 and a half years, regularly buying it and that's the first time I've been asked so that's why I wasn't happy about it.
Had no problems buying other age restricted items either

I don't look young though, you've just presumed i do.

It would be different if it was an item for an 18 year old.

I've been a mum for 3 and a half years, regularly buying it and that's the first time I've been asked so that's why I wasn't happy about it.
Had no problems buying other age restricted items either


I'm surprised you were asked too. But if you're 23 then you're under the limit for most supermarkets ID policy, so even if you don't look less than 18 then they would still be right to ask you if that makes sense.

I'd be a bit annoyed too, but just not at the cashier. Just because other people haven't asked doesn't mean she wasn't in her rights. Her job and livelihood could be riding on it.

edit- some people can be over-zealous though. They probably should try looking at someone befor blindly asking for id.
Calpol is 16 not 18 :flower:

It doesn't matter. All age restricted products you need to look a certain age. That was the way it was when I worked in a shop. And most of the shops around here and supermarkets you have to look 25. I hate getting ID'd too. I'm 23 and buying alcohol and medicine fills me with dread because I don't have ID x
A lot of supermarkets have an across the board under 25 policy now. So even if your buying a product for a 16 year old if you look under 25 they are supposed to ask for id so even if she had estimated your age correctly she should have still asked you for ID.

Some of it is OTT but in the company I worked for I know colleagues were given criminal records for the sale of alcohol to underage people. Plus a fine for the colleague, her store manager, even if he isn't in the building at the time as his name is on the stores licence, and a possible loss of licence for the store for a minimum of three months. When you look at it from that point of view wouldn't you double check just to keep yourself right?

As far as the calpol goes its the paracetamol in it that causes the issue. There is a limit to how many packs of paracetamol you are able to buy in one transaction. Its set up stupidly though.

Once I had to refuse to serve someone buying two packs of 12 paracetamol (24 tablets) and a bottle of calpol, she had to leave one pack of paracetamol. But later was able to sell 2 packs of 500 paracetamol (1000 tablets) which is surely more dangerous. If your going to overdose deliberately your not gonna do it on calpol surely?

Silly rules but as I say its not worth risking a criminal record for
I totally agree. The individual can be charged if they sell to someone they shouldn't and therefore they're in a horrible position. My cousin has been verbally abused for checking before, but its her job.

I get its annoying as it happens to me too - id'd for nail scissors a couple of years back! But its not a personal insult and I just pass my id and make a joke about how old I actually am and hopefully I'll still be id'd when I'm 40!
I just can't understand why it's never happened before. I regularly buy it and have for 3 1/2 years aswell as paracetamol for me and never been asked for ID before. If it happened regularly I'd of made sure I'd taken my ID :dohh:
I just can't understand why it's never happened before. I regularly buy it and have for 3 1/2 years aswell as paracetamol for me and never been asked for ID before. If it happened regularly I'd of made sure I'd taken my ID :dohh:

There are definitely more zealous people in my local tesco. One of which I never go to if I'm not sure I've got my ID on me.

This person once id'd me and my husband. I had my driving licence but DH had nothing (we're 30). She almost refused to serve me as he couldn't prove his age although I was way overage. I did kick off then. Would you not serve a mother with their child as they're underage?!

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