If I read one more thread...


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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...of a 37 week pregnant woman wanting to know tricks to induce labor cause she is ready to meet the baby, I'm going to scream!

Most first time pregnancies take 40-41 weeks, the baby needs to grow some more!!!
Plus these women will all be happily induced (cue the epidural, forceps or c-section!) and baby might have issues!

Leave it alone for gods sake - it will come out when it's ready!
:haha: My midwife looked at me like I was an alien a couple of weeks ago, when I refused her offer to give me a sweep at my next appt which would have been 39+2!
I would refuse to be induced too. I went 4 days over, but I said I didn't want to be induced if it came to it. She said it was fine and they would just monitor me. She didn't sound surprised and made it sound like it happened all the time - which is nice :)
That annoys me too. It annoys me no matter if the woman wants a NCB/homebirth or a medicated birth in the hospital. People really need to start letting their babies decide when it's time. So much research came out in the end of 2011 that said babies need to wait until atleast 39 weeks because even 38 weekers and 39 weekers can have short and long term complications. My first came at 41 weeks, all on his own, and my second came at 39 weeks and 3 days, all on his own.
My docs kept pushing for a sweep too. I said no every time(4x).
I have such a hard time reading 3rd tri sometimes, so many girls are so completely uneducated on the risks of induction. I know, I was one of them once upon a time! Even more disturbing are the number of doctors who accept and encourage the practice. There seem to be a few places on this planet where apparently babies come stamped with an expiration date rather than an expected date!

Sometimes I wonder if people are giving birth to a jug of milk or carton of eggs, LOL.
I agree. Convenience is never a good reason to put a baby at risk. I always wonder if these women realise that induction is a way more painful route than waiting for labour to happen naturally. I also find it disgusting that medical professionals woud be offering women unnecessary interventions. Parenting is a resonsiblity that begins before birth.
I'm fortunate enough to be living in Japan for my first birth. I think it's much easier to give into peer pressure when you don't have the best information. In Japan, a majority of hospitals, birthing centers, and widwives won't even consider induction before 41 weeks. Go figure that Japan also prefers not to use painkillers and has a low cesarean rate as well! Natural birthing is promoted all the way and I'm glad to live somewhere that the strength and ability is placed on the woman and not the drugs and doctor.
One of my biggest fears in induction - I'm so glad I found the natural birthing forum, and blogs such as mamabirth, and read 'Hey, who's having this baby anyway?' as I feel so much more educated, as we just know 'how it's done'.
I'll refuse sweeps etc, and want to try natural induction methods only as a last resort, the EDD is just that, babe will come when ready!
I feel the same way :( I went into my induction at 39 weeks blindly trusting my consultant. I don't have the same innocence they have about inductions.

I will always mourn the last few weeks of my pregnancy, the way I was treated during the induction (bullying by my MW), the c-section. I was emotionally numb for 8 months then came the feelings of failure and despair. I then grieved his birth and managed to move on.

I find it so hard to read this stuff because I was like that and I still regret it :nope:
...of a 37 week pregnant woman wanting to know tricks to induce labor cause she is ready to meet the baby, I'm going to scream!

Most first time pregnancies take 40-41 weeks, the baby needs to grow some more!!!
Plus these women will all be happily induced (cue the epidural, forceps or c-section!) and baby might have issues!

Leave it alone for gods sake - it will come out when it's ready!

Not all c sec's are a result from someone wanting an easy time of it :thumbup:

I don't think people should encourage something that necessarily isn't ready to happen either esp at the risk of the baby! Seems ridiculous when women have waited 37 weeks they cant wait 3 more :shrug: im in agreement with you there! :) xx
I agree. Convenience is never a good reason to put a baby at risk. I always wonder if these women realise that induction is a way more painful route than waiting for labour to happen naturally. I also find it disgusting that medical professionals woud be offering women unnecessary interventions. Parenting is a resonsiblity that begins before birth.
I wouldn't say induction was more painful. If it is then labor must be nothing at all. I didn't even know I was in labor (only rated the pain a 5 10 minutes before delivery). I also will likely be induced early, but not for no reason. The doctor told me if he suspects something that may harm the baby he will go on the side of caution and induce early. Having lost my first I agree with him.
I never had the internet when I was pregnant with ds1 so didnt even realise 37 weeks was considered full term at the time and panicked when my labour started naturally at 37 weeks.

I can understand induction when there is a medical reason for it but dont understand why anyone would want to go through it otherwise. To be honest most of the threads about naturally inducing labour just make me laugh as I really cant believe many of the old wives tales of pinapple and curry etc are still being used, and from what I have seen to no avail lol.
I really cant believe many of the old wives tales of pinapple and curry etc are still being used, and from what I have seen to no avail lol.

I haven't heard of those working but perhaps it helps because the Mum is inpatient and those things give her something to do aside from just wait?
how dare they be excited to meet their baby, shame on them! ;)
I don't blame them. I was like them and then my bubble burst.
how dare they be excited to meet their baby, shame on them! ;)
https://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/src:passionford.com/get/forum/images/smilies/icon_rolleyes.gif Aren't we all? I bet it's probably uncomfortable and you've had enough by that point, but we just have to be patient! :flow:
I've got someone like this in the family at the moment :dohh: having to bite my tongue.

I'm interested though, ladies who refuse intervention ie. sweep/induction what would you do if you went 2+ weeks overdue? I ask this because I was induced at 42 weeks and always wonder what would have happened if I refused? Maybe my birth experience would have been better. What is the point where you might say ok to intervention if at all?

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