If I read one more thread...

Hi all, after I was induced with my first pregnancy at term+14, I became one of the women that started home induction techniques around 38 weeks and because of this (i believe) both my previous 2 children were born naturally without induction at 40+10. I was desperate for them to arrive on there own terms, however with my SPD I had been in constant agony since around 4mths and was offered induction for 38 weeks. I declined this as I wanted baby to come without all monitors etc. Strangely I really enjoyed all the little "tricks" and felt I was doing something to encourage baby to come and meet me, I tried nearly everything I found online, barring caster oil and a few others that I thought looked risky, I dont get the fuss around women doing this and even though these old wives tales probably do nothing it helps to keep you busy and entertained in a fairly long, possibly painful time :) basically im saying, so what if I wanna sit on a birthing ball while rubbing evening primrose oil on myself, eating spicy pineapple curry, drinking raspberry tea and stimulating my nipples while my partner massages my reflex points. we all know its probably doing nothing but im not really the knitting typa girl LOL xxx
I am really suprised that people are offended by this thread and I am sorry that it has affected anyone negatively.

Bar the conversation on unneccesary medical intervention (which is obviously going to be opposed on a natural birthing thread) the rest was all a bit tongue in cheek and not a serious debate. I (and I expect most ladies) really wouldnt pass jusgement on anyone for trying natural induction as we all know that it is just for fun and to pass time, If it makes someone feel good then thats all that matters. Even when you read the threads that are started about this subject in third tri they are often humerous - I have read all sorts about putting pinapples in the vagina etc etc - obviously someone wont do that lol.

All I wanted to say is please dont think that any of this thread was a judgement on people that try natural induction or need to be induced for medical reasons. It really was (IMO) just a discussion of what we all think with a little humour thrown in for good measure.

Oh and loobylou if I could multitask like that I would do a bit of knitting as well to save some money :) You never know you may uncover a new natural induction method lol xx
I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing concern about unnecessary induction, when girls aren't educated about the risks/complications.

I wasn't educated and my birth was a disaster, I paid the price for it. For some of us, it's not a personal judgement, it's just us not wanting another girl to go through the same thing. It was a horrible experience and sometimes not necessary.

A lot of people will say that birth doesn't matter as long as the baby comes out fine. Well, to a lot of women it does matter, a traumatic birth can take years to recover from. And not everyone's baby is "fine" from the trauma of induction, like mine. So we will speak up, just so girls will re-consider an unnecessary choice.

I'd like to say that doctors will not do unnecessary inductions but the truth is that they absolutely will and I think we all know that. So girls, protect yourselves by INFORMING yourselves.

Impatience/inconvenience is annoying. Dealing with complications from an improper induction can be traumatizing. Believe me, I know. It took 2 years for me to emotionally heal from it and several weeks for my son to recover from his complications of the birth.
Aliss, I think you stated it well. It's important to be informed and know your options!
Everything Aliss said 100% I just don't want some one else to go through what I did. Medical professionals can and will induce for reasons that are suspect. Bobby was born on a Friday night. The chances of a c-section are much higher on a Friday. They broke my waters at 12pm and he was born at 7.02pm!!! They barely gave him anytime.
I was induced with my DS1, due to high blood pressure at 39+3, it was a horrible experience. I went into it not wanting any medication epi or anything. I wanted my natural birth, but the pain became so excruciating that i couldnt handle it and got the epidural at 4cm. (mind you it didnt work properly). My labor and delivery took 18 hours. I left 3 days later because of sever swelling down below. 4 days at home and i woke up with the worst headache of my life. I woke my husband and told him i was going to die, thats how bad it was. This headache was caused by the epi.

So, with DS2 i was determined to have my natural birth i wanted. I started to get high blood pressure again around 36 weeks. My doc started talking induction at 38 weeks. I fought and fought and said NO! She kept pushing at every appointment I kept saying no. At 40 weeks and 2 days she said my amonic fluid lvls were lowering and my blood pressure was still high so she wanted to induce me now. I said No, cant we push it a bit further. She said Sunday at the latest. So I booked the appt for sunday. She offered a sweep. So i hopped on the chance because i thought a sweep would be a more natural form of induction then the meds. That night i started contracting at 7:30pm.. i stayed home until 3am the next morning... when my contractions were 2 minutes apart. Drove the 40 minutes to the hospital and when i got there i was 7cm.. dilated to 9 within 30 minutes then to a 10 after 40 minutes. pushed 3 times and my son was born. NATURAL!!!! ( i did have a hemmorage during recovery, but my birth was perfect)

Sorry for the long post, but i agree, I would never opt for an induction especially after my experience with it. Yes a natural birth hurts, but at the cost of a healthy baby and healthy mama. I wish more were educated on the topic of induction and the risks that can be associated with it.
Tink your post made me cry :cry: You have given me a glimmer of hope that I can also have a positive birth experience this time round. Thank you :hugs:
Thank you Modo. =) It was a fight, but well worth it. :hugs:
i got induced at 40+2 due to high blood pressure.. so not everyone that gets induced wants to get induced.. plus i had a reaction to the stuff they used too it sucked :wacko: so i hope next time there wont be any blood pressure issues for me and i can go right to 42 weeks! :)

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