If I read one more thread...

I've got someone like this in the family at the moment :dohh: having to bite my tongue.

I'm interested though, ladies who refuse intervention ie. sweep/induction what would you do if you went 2+ weeks overdue? I ask this because I was induced at 42 weeks and always wonder what would have happened if I refused? Maybe my birth experience would have been better. What is the point where you might say ok to intervention if at all?

Personally I would ask for monitoring, and wait it out until there was evidence of the placenta deteriorating, then induce!
I really cant believe many of the old wives tales of pinapple and curry etc are still being used, and from what I have seen to no avail lol.

I haven't heard of those working but perhaps it helps because the Mum is inpatient and those things give her something to do aside from just wait?

I would guess that by the time people have tried all of them then a few days would have passed :haha: Anything that provides distraction at the end has to be a good thing...I just dont think I will be doing them myself as it all sounds like too much hard work :sleep:

I think someone on third tri has just started a thread asking women which of the old wives tales have worked for them so it will be interesting to read. I always wonder how people can determine if something offset their labour of if it was coincidence :shrug:
OMG I couldnt agree more! I had my son at 39w2d after my OB offered a sweep, which I had actually never heard of before, and agreed to. I had my daughter at 38w after the same OB did a sweep. My second labour was so much more painful early on. With my first I was 6cm and in no pain whatsoever, they broke my water then the pain started. With my second, I was in enough pain to bring me to tears at only 4cm, and I was begging for an epidural. Im convinced it was because it was too early and my body wasnt ready for it, but when she offered the sweep at 38w, I just wasnt educated and figured she was a Dr so she knew what to do. Ive since done a lot of research and have no intentions of ever doing it before my due date again.
I've got someone like this in the family at the moment :dohh: having to bite my tongue.

I'm interested though, ladies who refuse intervention ie. sweep/induction what would you do if you went 2+ weeks overdue? I ask this because I was induced at 42 weeks and always wonder what would have happened if I refused? Maybe my birth experience would have been better. What is the point where you might say ok to intervention if at all?

I've supported women past 42 weeks :) they did come under pressure and accepted regular monitoring but all went in to labour spontaneously not long after 42 weeks with positive births and healthy mums and babies. I myself refused induction at 37 weeks when one scan appeared to show my baby had stopped growing. I knew they were not only unreliable as an accurate estimate of growth but also knew they were wrong. 2 weeks later the consultant admitted they had made a mistake and apologised to me. My boy was born more than 3 weeks after they would have forced him out. I did say that if I agreed that the baby was better out than in, that I would prefer a planned section to a failed induction ending in an emcs.
I've got someone like this in the family at the moment :dohh: having to bite my tongue.

I'm interested though, ladies who refuse intervention ie. sweep/induction what would you do if you went 2+ weeks overdue? I ask this because I was induced at 42 weeks and always wonder what would have happened if I refused? Maybe my birth experience would have been better. What is the point where you might say ok to intervention if at all?

I've supported women past 42 weeks :) they did come under pressure and accepted regular monitoring but all went in to labour spontaneously not long after 42 weeks with positive births and healthy mums and babies. I myself refused induction at 37 weeks when one scan appeared to show my baby had stopped growing. I knew they were not only unreliable as an accurate estimate of growth but also knew they were wrong. 2 weeks later the consultant admitted they had made a mistake and apologised to me. My boy was born more than 3 weeks after they would have forced him out. I did say that if I agreed that the baby was better out than in, that I would prefer a planned section to a failed induction ending in an emcs.

Wow that's great that they had positive birth after waiting, I have read about babies being born sleeping as the placenta stopped working quite abruptly even when women are being monitored so although I agree with refusing induction, if I had to make the choice 42+ weeks I would be so scared something would happen. Hoping the next baby will be 'on time' so I don't have to decide. I always wonder why healthcare proffessionals are so pro intervention whether it's examinations, sweeps, induction or sections it takes all the empowerment from the woman :shrug: god forbid a woman giving birth without being messed with in as many ways as possible :dohh:
In my case and I think in some other women's we have no choice about induction due to medical reasons (insulin dependant diabetic). The 'natural' ways to induce seem so less invasive and even though they probably won't work it gives you a sense of control and fills the time so you don't spend it worrying about all the horror stories of failed inductions.

My induction is tomorrow, I didn't want to be induced, I wanted my baby to stay where it wanted to be until he/she is ready but that choice was taken from me. So I've DTD, gone for long walks, bounced on my ball and even eaten spicy food so I at least enter tomorrow knowing I did everything I could.
I have seen some DUMB ass comments about seriously wishing they could get their babies out at 37 weeks. I mean, yeah I was "done" with pregnancy at that point but some babies are born at 41 weeks and still only weigh 6.5lbs! If they aren't coming naturally usually it means they aren't ready!
this really bugs me too. i've had a pretty rough time of it with this pregnancy and am in a fair bit of pain at the moment (have been for wks now:cry:). i would never wish for my baby to come before he's ready though, certainly not before 40wks. i just wish the next 2 wks would hurry up and put me out of my misery:baby:

sometimes when i read a thread title that says stuff like 'why isn't baby here yet, so fed up? i've tried everything' and then see they are only 37wks i think duh you're not even due yet!:dohh:

i know that due dates are a 'best guess' but we have them for a reason. if babies were meant to be born at roughly 37wks then that would be our due date.
Good luck tomorrow Krobbo :hugs:

I really do think it is the mentality pushed upon us from healthcare proffessionals (lots but not all), that 37 weeks is term and if baby is born then that all will be okay. So women aim towards that date rather than their actual EDD, so when baby doesnt come at 37+1 it is disheartening for some. If HCP's made it very clear that 40 weeks is full term and we should look towards that date and infact beyond then it might help women.
Good luck for tomorrow KRobbo! x (oops that should be today!)
I don't think any of you should be in a position to judge other people's decisions. You have no idea what conversations go on between the mother-to-be and their health care provider, and why they make the decisions they do. This thread has really annoyed me - judging people and their situations that you know nothing about. Grrrr....
I don't see why it's hard to understand women wanting the last bit of their pregnancy to be over with and hoping bubs comes along a bit early
I wasn't induced but I had my son at 38 Weeks & 6 Days, and he was perfectly fine, perfectly healthy, and never once got jaundice.. So them going to 40 or 41 weeks so theres nothing wrong with the baby is kind of silly too.. But I understand what your saying and what others are saying, by the end of my pregnancy, I was doing everything I could to get him out on his own, actually I had him the very day that they said if he didnt come by this day they were setting me up for an induction.
I don't think any of you should be in a position to judge other people's decisions. You have no idea what conversations go on between the mother-to-be and their health care provider, and why they make the decisions they do. This thread has really annoyed me - judging people and their situations that you know nothing about. Grrrr....
I believe the OP means elective inducement, not inducement due to health/emergency

I don't see why it's hard to understand women wanting the last bit of their pregnancy to be over with and hoping bubs comes along a bit early
I understand that totally, to want it yes, but not to force it before your body/baby decide it's time. But then one of my personal birth fears is medical inducement
I don't think any of you should be in a position to judge other people's decisions. You have no idea what conversations go on between the mother-to-be and their health care provider, and why they make the decisions they do. This thread has really annoyed me - judging people and their situations that you know nothing about. Grrrr....
I believe the OP means elective inducement, not inducement due to health/emergency

I don't see why it's hard to understand women wanting the last bit of their pregnancy to be over with and hoping bubs comes along a bit early
I understand that totally, to want it yes, but not to force it before your body/baby decide it's time. But then one of my personal birth fears is medical inducement

You wouldn't be allowed to be induced before it's ready though would you?
I don't think any of you should be in a position to judge other people's decisions. You have no idea what conversations go on between the mother-to-be and their health care provider, and why they make the decisions they do. This thread has really annoyed me - judging people and their situations that you know nothing about. Grrrr....
I believe the OP means elective inducement, not inducement due to health/emergency

I don't see why it's hard to understand women wanting the last bit of their pregnancy to be over with and hoping bubs comes along a bit early
I understand that totally, to want it yes, but not to force it before your body/baby decide it's time. But then one of my personal birth fears is medical inducement

You wouldn't be allowed to be induced before it's ready though would you?

Yes you can. At least, in some places here. Some OBGYNs do induction for: hitting 40 weeks (not 41,42), partner going on leave, convenience, etc.
You wouldn't be allowed to be induced before it's ready though would you?
I dunno, I thought the askers were asking about natural methods of inducing before 40 weeks.

I wouldn't have thought Doctors in the UK would induce you early (even if 37 weeks is 'considered' full term) unless was for medical reasons?

Yes you can. At least, in some places here. Some OBGYNs do induction for: hitting 40 weeks (not 41,42), partner going on leave, convenience, etc.
I have read UK midwives offering sweeps on ESTIMATED due dates if nothing has happened and earlier, I don't think some UK Docs will bat an eyelid inducing you as soon as over the EDD
YOu can be (early) induced privately here. I was at 39 weeks. I am under NHS care this time and every midwife I have come across says my induction was medically unnecessary.

Some people were asking about being induced at 37 weeks because thy are uncomfortable. I DO NOT blame them (i remember the feeling) but I don't agree that it should be done.
You wouldn't be allowed to be induced before it's ready though would you?
I dunno, I thought the askers were asking about natural methods of inducing before 40 weeks.

I wouldn't have thought Doctors in the UK would induce you early (even if 37 weeks is 'considered' full term) unless was for medical reasons?

Yes you can. At least, in some places here. Some OBGYNs do induction for: hitting 40 weeks (not 41,42), partner going on leave, convenience, etc.
I have read UK midwives offering sweeps on ESTIMATED due dates if nothing has happened and earlier, I don't think some UK Docs will bat an eyelid inducing you as soon as over the EDD

Ah I see. I have ever heard of people being induced in the Uk as early as 37 weeks just because they ask- though I guess if you go private it could be different?! I think those that ask at 37 about how t bring on labour in third tri aren't really being serious, they're just meaning they are fed up and want bubs here! I would try the things out but I dont really think it would work unless baby is ready anyway !
It has a lot to do with the whole full term at 37 weeks mantra. In many countries full term is regarded at 41weeks, changing this may change the tide of people wanting unnecessary inductions.

I feared being induced and refused every sweep offered right up until 2 weeks 'post dates'. An induction date was booked and I attended and opted for monitoring instead, 5 minutes into it baby had heart decels and then another so was wheeled off into labour ward. I was still reluctant to be induced and the OB asked me to sign a declaration releasing them off any responsibility if I left the hospital.

I did leave the hospital, to clear my head and went to dinner with DH and we decided it was in the babies interest to go in, and was eventually induced, which failed and ended in an emcs. I will never again opt to be induced and would rather have a straight section.

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