I think I am 5dpo now... 'symptoms' so far:
* yesterday I had some weird sort of achy cramps going on... not painful just weird, heavy and achy...
* and backache - like a band right round my middle...
* I have been a bit snuffly, had a bit of a dull headache,
* and I think it was on 2dpo that I got a funny metallic taste in my mouth.
* Yesterday at work I could smell this really strange smell I dont know what it was - it was making me well paranoid but I still dont know what it was!
I seem to be getting a lot of 'symptoms' - too early for AF... cant help but get my hopes up but I am really scared as right from the weekend I have had this feeling that this is my month and I am frightened I have convinced myself of that so much that my symptoms are psychosomatic.
My temp is 36.4 today (97.5) but that is a slight drop from yesterday.
AGH Charts confuse me, symptoms confuse me... I even confuse me!!!