if you could go back in time....


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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what would you change about your life?

mine would be the time between my 13 th and 14 th birthdays cos i was horrible 2 my mum, we didnt realise it then(either did she) but she was ill(manic depression) we just thought she never gave a damn, i wrote her a poem wen i was a bit older apologising, but i always feel bad wen i think of the hurtfull things i said :oops:
erm ... i dont know if i would change anything ... ive had a pretty bad childhood but its made me stronger and helped me deal with things in my life now.

Theres quite a few things i think of like what if.... what if i had rested more during my 2nd pregnancy, what if i never worked during the pregnancy... stuff like that.. i always think what if... that if i had done things differently then Sam would be here.... But then if Sam was here Louise wouldnt be... if u get what i mean.....

my mind is so messed up at the moment anyways prob not the best time to get a proper answer out of me hehehe
erm ... i dont know if i would change anything ... ive had a pretty bad childhood but its made me stronger and helped me deal with things in my life now.

Same as you!

However one thing I would go back & change is that first day I put a fag in my mouth!!

Education ~ Wish I'd taken it more seriously when I had the chance for it not to be too late!
The only thing I'd change is I wish we started TTC a few years ago.

I had a wonderful childhood with 3 younger sisters and my parents are still together so nothing there.

I met DH through work so I wouldn't change anything there either.

Sorry I'm boring.

i dont think i would change anything, but i would try and change the night my dad died so someone was there with him...still haunts me that we werent there...sorry :cry:
Im quite happy where we are but i do wish we'd carried on ttc instead of stoping then starting again (we had a 6 month break)
I would change the past 9months! The way im feeling at the moment is not good! I wouldnt change bubs but that would be part of it :(

After this weekend i wish id never split with my ex and i wish my current b/f wasnt the father but its all hormones and im fed up! :evil:
Not much at all to be honest! Just the odd silly thing! :D
Miss B said:
I would change the past 9months! The way im feeling at the moment is not good! I wouldnt change bubs but that would be part of it :(

After this weekend i wish id never split with my ex and i wish my current b/f wasnt the father but its all hormones and im fed up! :evil:

Oh hun did I miss something? I do hope your ok :hugs:
Miss B said:
I would change the past 9months! The way im feeling at the moment is not good! I wouldnt change bubs but that would be part of it :(

After this weekend i wish id never split with my ex and i wish my current b/f wasnt the father but its all hormones and im fed up! :evil:

aww i think everyone who posted here needs a hug :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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