Im a Celebrity get me Out of here !


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2006
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Anyone going to watch it tonight? starts at 9pm !

It always makes me sick when theyhave to eat those gross bugs ! :sick:
I used to love it, but don't you think the people that are going in aren't as interesting as previous contestants? :?
Hmmm I don't know - I loved Survivor when that was on. Bring back Survivor!!
Im not entirely sure who is going in actually!!
I know jason donovan ....used to love him !! :lol: :oops:
Me too Steph :D
Posters all over my wall *swoon*

am deff gonna watch it just to see that freak of nature David Gest crack up, he so doesn't have a clue what he has let himself in for :rofl: :rofl:
Davis Gest looks like a nutter ! :shock:

And Jason Donovan has aged a lot !! :lol:

Would so love to jump out that plane though ! prob poo my pants but the adreneline rush must be amazing !!! :D
stephlw25 said:
Davis Gest looks like a nutter ! :shock:

And Jason Donovan has aged a lot !! :lol:

Would so love to jump out that plane though ! prob poo my pants but the adreneline rush must be amazing !!! :D

i would love to but anit got the balls they all look freakish
I can't get into this at all but will happily watch celeb BB :D
I didn't watch it, i think it should be called Get me out of here, cause wheres the celebs!

I used to like jason Donovan too, it all started when I saw him at The palladium :-k...............anyway, he is really receeding isn't he? Bless him!

I will be watching the series, but already David Guest needs shooting, he is doing my head in, why on earth is his ego so big?!?! Weirdo!

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