I'm debating breastfeeding, but I can't get over it possibly being "awkward"


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Jul 12, 2012
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Ok so I have really been wanting to breastfeed when I have this baby, I really want the baby to have all the benefits/nutrients and all that, even if I can only breast feed for a short amount of time due to pain or whatnot I want to at least get the first couple weeks in. But I have an issue with every time I imagine breast feeding I keep feeling like it's going to be weird having a child latched onto my breast. I even had a dream one night that I breast fed my daughter and I woke up with goosebumps because it just weirded me out to think of it. I feel like a terrible person because I hear all these women who love the sensation because of the bonding and I think it's a beautiful thing, for other people, but for me it just gives me the willies. I was considering just exclusive expressing but I have a hectic schedule and I don't know how I'm going to fit that into my time with everything else.

I guess what my question is, did any of you other ladies have this feeling? Where before you started breast feeding you just felt weird/awkward doing it and then it either didn't turn out to be as awkward as you thought, or you just got over it? I'm not even really talking about doing it in public, just the general act of it. I'm actually getting chills right now thinking of it, and as I said I feel horrible but I just can't help it, even though I really don't want to feel this way. I want to have that bond and all that but I just can't get over this feeling.
I think it's well worth a try for sure. I am a very private person myself and am terribly shy so I did think I would find it awkward but after giving birth, you kind of get over that quick after having had all sorts of people see and do things... :haha: I think if you are already concerned about it, it might be worth getting someone specialized to assist you with the latching technique as a proper latch will certainly help things along. However, if it's really something that bothers you a lot and you just don't feel comfy with it, it might be uncomfy for your lil one as well and make it more stressful. If it comes to that, you could always consider pumping? Then at least your little one would get the benefits of the breastmilk without the awkwardness. Still, I think it's well worth giving it a shot naturally first as there are benefits such as skin to skin apparently increasing production, bonding, etc. (Not that I think you cannot achieve things without it really) Give it a shot, you might be surprised by the whole experience! Just know that there are other options if it's really something that you do not want to do. :hugs:
I felt that way and still ended up BF my first for 12 months. It was different in practice than it was in theory for me :)
although I knew I wanted to bf I couldn't imagine how it would feel, but when I had newborn lo in my arms and I knew she needed to feed I just put her there and she suckled and it didn't feel weird at all.
Please do try it, even if you can only manage a short while it's better than nothing and you may find you feel differently once you start.
Above all, good luck with your impending arrival!
It is a bit weird in the beginning; even tho I knew I wanted to do it I couldn't imagine actually doing it. And I never got that bonding feeling either. To me it was feeding my baby and nothing more.

I'm glad I stuck with it tho because its really easy and I know my baby is getting everything she needs and its amazing because I'm the one making all those nutrients!

I suppose you could look at it that you are saving money and its quicker to get ready than a bottle. That's what I did!
I was very worried about feeling that way; but then my baby was born and it was more of a necessary obligation type of feeling. The feeling of needing/wanting to feed the baby trumps all other feelings and the mindset just shifts so easily.

My milk production is high, so I have to use a pump from time to time; it took me a full hour to express 3oz yesterday! And baby sucked it down like nothing! It is very time consuming for sure. But worth it if you're able to.
Pumping also makes me sore, but actually does hurt less than baby sometimes. Baby has a hard suck and a lighter suck. He often starts his feeds with a hard suck, which had me in tears yesterday.

I wish you much luck.
I think there's a whole lot about parenting that you just don't know how you will feel about until you do it. Giving birth, people poking around down there, pooing while you push, mooing/screaming like a banshee in front of your OH... changing dirty nappies, getting puke on your face/in your hair/in your mouth/down your bra... holding your own baby for the first time/breastfeeding your child/watching your child sleep... the first time they fall over/you drop them/they roll off a bed... I could go on :D

TBH I wouldn't worry about it. I think there is something that freaks all parents out before they actually have kids. I used to wonder how on earth I could clean up poo or sick... now I will happily (well, not quite happily) clean up the vilest baby poo ever from the floor then sit and dig it out of the gaps between the floorboards with a knife :rofl:. Before kids, I would have puked at even the thought! My personal feeling is that the more you think about it, the more in a tizz you will get yourself about it. Forget about it for now, then see what happens when you try it. It's most likely you will just be amazed that the baby came out of your body... after that, breastfeeding doesn't feel like such a huge deal.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. After reading all this it's kind of making me more at ease with it, I'm still feeling a little weird about it but I'm definitely at least going to give it a try and hopefully I'll either get over it, or all this worry will be over nothing =)
I can't say I was worried about it being awkward as such as I was super excited.

But I was a bit weirded.

For instance I got given a BF guide DVD and watching close ups of babies latching etc made me a bit uncomfortable.

And I saw a video of someone pumping and that freaked me out a bit.

But now I don't react to stuff like that negatively at all. You so quickly get used to it all.

You'll be fine Hun. X
I was so freaked out by bfing I dreamed several times I was bfing my dog. I also couldn't even be in the same room with my friend who was doing it. Now I'm bfing my second child and I'm so glad I've done it with both. It isn't awkward at all. It takes a lot of commitment, it's not easy but something it is is completely natural
I felt just like that before my daughter arrived but now I couldn't imagine not breastfeeding her. I would just take it as it comes and just do it as long as you can without putting any pressure on yourself.
I didn't have this feeling with my daughter but before I gave birth to my son I actually did feel a little weird. He was born five weeks early and latched on by himself within minutes of being born. It was a bliss :) the feeling that you can give so much comfort and so much nutrients to the little person who needs you the most.. It didn't feel weird at all, felt happy actually. That said I've done it before so it was so much easier this time, or maybe I just got lucky and he loves it :)
It's definitely a learning experience for both your LO and yourself but once you two learn, it'd be so rewarding (not to mention much easier than formula). Just stick to it for a couple months and you'll see Hun xx
I feel a bit weird when pumping, like I'm a cow or something haha. But I never feel funny while breastfeeding, it's so natural! I agree with the others, give it a try and you may surprise yourself.
I had that feeling.

I think for me, since I had always viewed y breast as a sexual object, it was hard to imagine them being used for my child...

I had my DD and unfortunately I was only able to BF for a month. But it felt totally normal the second I latched her on.

Before DS was born I once again felt his way. Fortunately, it also went away immediately :)

Though I can only have one mind set at a time. While I am bf , Dh is hands off lol
I had that feeling.

I think for me, since I had always viewed y breast as a sexual object, it was hard to imagine them being used for my child...

I had my DD and unfortunately I was only able to BF for a month. But it felt totally normal the second I latched her on.

Before DS was born I once again felt his way. Fortunately, it also went away immediately :)

Though I can only have one mind set at a time. While I am bf , Dh is hands off lol

I think this is the same reason why I have the feeling it'll be weird, I view them as pretty much completely sexual too, and even though I obviously won't be thinking it's sexual when the baby is latched it'll still be a big change from other activities they're usually used for lol

I've been really thinking about it more, and trying to keep more of a positive attitude about it and it's starting to not seem so weird. I think I just need to keep positive about it and not let myself think it may be weird and just give it a try and hope for the best once LO gets here.

Thanks for all the advise/tips/stories everyone
i felt a bit like this during my pregnancy - none of my friends/family had breastfed so it was completely new territory..

i had a section and my DD was placed on me under my gown in the recovery room and she was rooting to feed - she latched on and it felt completely normal and natural and i can't imagine not BF now!

good luck :)
I still feel like that and im just about to have my third baby who will be breastfed. Its hard to describe but as soon as i give birth its like "ah ok this is what my boobs are for" and i never really give it much thought, its only when im not breastfeeding and my boobs become "hubbys" that in my head i cant remember the natural feeling of breastfeeding!! I hope that makes sence lol
I always knew I was going to attempt breastfeeding, it was never up for debate. But I definitely wondered what it would feel like and how I would feel when I would be doing it.

But that first latch, and then each time after is just amazing. That special amazing bond knowing that I have grown her, and all she needs still on the outside is Mummy is amazing!

It doesn't feel weird at all. Now getting brave enough to get the baps out in public....takes some getting used to! ;)
The idea of breastfeeding is a lot weirder than the doing of it. It's really wonderful :), I don't feel at all awkward or weird.
It only feels awkward to think of it because you've never done it before.

Sex seems awkward too, until you do it. :)

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