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Im finally in the pregnancy club!! lol 4 weeks, so still early days..buddys??


Wife and mom of 2!! :)
May 8, 2012
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Hey everyone,

So like the title says, Im about 4 weeks pregnant. Im nearly 31 and I finally got my BFP on the 9th august on my 4th cycle ttc..should be due around 21st Aprill 2013! :happydance:

Its still so very early and Im a little nervous about getting too excited as there is still a chance something could go wrong. I already have 2 children and have had no previous miscarriages, so no reason I should really worry, but you never know...

This is the first pregnancy that has been planned..both my others were surprises, so Its a totally different experience this time round for me and my husband. My youngest is 5 years old and then my son is 12! I feel like Im starting from scratch again..welll I guess I am lol

Would be nice if I could find someone on here at the same stage of pregnancy as me, to talk too about it all :) xx
hey hun im not at the same stage but just wanted to say congratulations x
Hi Sargentgirl. I would love to be bump buddies with you if you would like. I am just over 5 weeks along so also very early. I am 31 and have two older children as well. My youngest is 5. We seem to have a lot in common as my first was a surprise.
Hi hun I hope you don't mind me posting. I just got my :bfp: after six years of trying and one chemical pregnancy, so Im with you in the nervous stakes. My due date should be round the 20th of April so it seems like we are on the same track.
Hi Sargentgirl. I would love to be bump buddies with you if you would like. I am just over 5 weeks along so also very early. I am 31 and have two older children as well. My youngest is 5. We seem to have a lot in common as my first was a surprise.

Hiya, Yeah we do seem to have alot in common lol. Would be fab if we could keep in touch through our pregnancys! :thumbup:
Hi hun I hope you don't mind me posting. I just got my :bfp: after six years of trying and one chemical pregnancy, so Im with you in the nervous stakes. My due date should be round the 20th of April so it seems like we are on the same track.

Hello, I dont mind you posting at all! Congratualtions on your fabulous news!! You must be over the moon after all those years of trying!! I found out 4 days before my period was due on one of those clear blue digi tests..my period would have been due today...so maybe thats why Im feelin so nervous today. I feel extremely pregnant with sore boobies and feeling like a pile of poo generally, not to mention the fact Iv developed a cold since yesterday so Im feeling very sorry for myself at the moment lol Although I keep getting an ear to ear grin every now and then when I remember why Im feeling like this. Im still in shock mode I think xxx
I'm right there with you, I'm 4-5 weeks pregnant (hard to tell when I have a 41 day cycle) and I'm nervous as hell!

I'd gladly be your buddy :flower:
Hello, I dont mind you posting at all! Congratualtions on your fabulous news!! You must be over the moon after all those years of trying!! I found out 4 days before my period was due on one of those clear blue digi tests..my period would have been due today...so maybe thats why Im feelin so nervous today. I feel extremely pregnant with sore boobies and feeling like a pile of poo generally, not to mention the fact Iv developed a cold since yesterday so Im feeling very sorry for myself at the moment lol Although I keep getting an ear to ear grin every now and then when I remember why Im feeling like this. Im still in shock mode I think xxx

I know the feeling, I am feeling very un pregnant right now though apart from the occasional stuffy nose, and hot, but seeing as we've been having hot weather Its not really a symptom I dont think. My boobs are a bit achey but then that could be from me continuosly poking them :haha:.
Hello, I dont mind you posting at all! Congratualtions on your fabulous news!! You must be over the moon after all those years of trying!! I found out 4 days before my period was due on one of those clear blue digi tests..my period would have been due today...so maybe thats why Im feelin so nervous today. I feel extremely pregnant with sore boobies and feeling like a pile of poo generally, not to mention the fact Iv developed a cold since yesterday so Im feeling very sorry for myself at the moment lol Although I keep getting an ear to ear grin every now and then when I remember why Im feeling like this. Im still in shock mode I think xxx

I know the feeling, I am feeling very un pregnant right now though apart from the occasional stuffy nose, and hot, but seeing as we've been having hot weather Its not really a symptom I dont think. My boobs are a bit achey but then that could be from me continuosly poking them :haha:.

Lol Oooh were you symptom spotting then! I was forever poking my boobs to see if it hurt.hahaa it did by the time Id finished with them! Im very hot too, I feel like I would quite like to step out of my skin for a while to cool down some .:haha:
I'm right there with you, I'm 4-5 weeks pregnant (hard to tell when I have a 41 day cycle) and I'm nervous as hell!

I'd gladly be your buddy :flower:

I think we are experiencing quite normal feelings really aren't we. I mean after wanting something so much and trying so hard, who wouldnt be nervous about it not going as planned. I think once a week has passed and Im officially 'late' on my period it will feel a bit more 'safe'.

How are your symptoms so far? Feeling anything yet? Iv literally felt pregnant since a few days after I conceived. My hubby kepy saying "Maybe you caught this month" and I was like "no way, we havent done it enough!" lol xxx
We are almost the same...I am 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant...exciting and worrysome this stage...
I've had the same symptoms as you ladies up until a couple of days ago. Now my boobs are just slightly tender especially first thing in the morning and I have nausea that comes and goes. I'm sure this is just a temporary reprieve and that I'll be feeling crappy again soon. Lol.
I feel achy, like cramps but not which is apparently "normal" according to google. My boobs are sore up by my armpits, and the thought of coffee and cream makes me want to toss my cookies but no I feel very "unpregnant" which considering this will be my first child I'm finding to be very concerning.
I don't have a family doctor either, but I went to the walk in today and they're referred me to a OBGYN. My first appointment is Thursday.
Lol Oooh were you symptom spotting then! I was forever poking my boobs to see if it hurt.hahaa it did by the time Id finished with them! Im very hot too, I feel like I would quite like to step out of my skin for a while to cool down some .:haha:

Lol I was terrible for symptom spotting and a poas addict, drove my dh batty bless him. feeling cooler today, Im so keen to get some massive symptom though, just to reassure myself everything is ok.
Hi ladies,

Everyone is so different during their pregnancy's, I dont think you can pin point any one of our symptoms..or lack of them as 'normal' lol

I am finding that this pregnancy so far is alot different to my last with my daughter, I had no real symptoms with her other than heartburn and weeing..I got nausea at around 8 weeks. This time around I feel very off color and tired (This may be my age!) lol

They do say every pregnancy is different and I def believe that. I would like to compare this pregnancy to my first...although Im having trouble remembering that far back as my son is now 12!! :haha:
Hi Sargentgirl,

I'd love to buddy up. I'm due on 21st April too! This is my first BFP ever (after 7 months of trying) and I'm 32.

I've got no major symptoms at the moment other than sore boobs (nothing too bad though) and an insatiable thirst (I normally don't drink anything!). I don't feel tired yet, and I'm still waiting for the morning sickness to kick in. I do find that I'm getting stronger hunger pangs though (which means I'm eating loads more)!

I'm going to the doctor on Friday for the first time. Will be nice to have it confirmed (assuming everything is still ok by then).
Hi Sargentgirl,

I'd love to buddy up. I'm due on 21st April too! This is my first BFP ever (after 7 months of trying) and I'm 32.

I've got no major symptoms at the moment other than sore boobs (nothing too bad though) and an insatiable thirst (I normally don't drink anything!). I don't feel tired yet, and I'm still waiting for the morning sickness to kick in. I do find that I'm getting stronger hunger pangs though (which means I'm eating loads more)!

I'm going to the doctor on Friday for the first time. Will be nice to have it confirmed (assuming everything is still ok by then).

Aww Congratulations!! 7 months and you finally got there. Its great isn't it!
I have found Im very thirsty too, infact before I found out...I kept getting dry lips and just couldnt seem to soothe them. My symptoms seem to have eased a little last night and today. I havent had any heartburn since I got my BFP either.
Iv been to the Dr's and Im now waiting for the midwife to contact me to arrange a booking in appointment. Its just sooo exciting!! Iv got everything crossed for us all :happydance: xx
I would love to be bump buddies with you! I am 31, 32 in Nov and will be due on April 18th! This is my first so it would be great to have someone to message as we go along! :)
Hi, I would love to be bump buddies with you. I am 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant! I am 38 and not sure exactly in April when I will be due but according to the book I've been reading, it should be around the 21st. My next visit with ob/gyn is 27 Aug to see what's going on as I had 9 follies this month! This of course is slighty mind blowing, but according to statistics, the chances of me having twins is 8% and triplets or more only 1%.

I'm still amazed that I'm pregnant at all:cloud9:
My symptoms so far are AF pains since 7dpo, increasingly sore boobs and I'm definately hungry more often.

Good luck to all of you.
Im 12 weeks and remember when I found out at 5 weeks i was fretting 24/7!
Best of luck! :)

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