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Im finally in the pregnancy club!! lol 4 weeks, so still early days..buddys??

Hi ladies,

How are you all today?

Nothing too interesting going on with me. I'm still getting 2-3 on CB digi (which is in line with my dates) - had a few mild cramps but nothing major. Oh and boobs are getting sorer I think.

I'm going to the docs on Friday so looking forward to that.
Hiya girls. Been busy busy with the children trying to keep them busy during the school hols.

Well, nothing major happening with me either. My boobs have got a bit heavier feeling and just this morning my nipples have become sore and more sensitive (great) lol My husband has a real attachment to my breasts and sore nips could become a bit of a pain...so to speak LOL.
Iv also had some twinges today, like a kind of period type ache and my left hip keeps feeling uncomfortable for some reason..not painfull just a odd feeling. Also my thighs have felt a little achey today too.

Its great we can all talk about our pregnancys like this :) I love talking about babys and and pregnancy symptoms, it just makes me so excited about whats happening to me. Im determined to enjoy every second of this pregnancy. I already feel love for my little bean!
I watched a programme this morning on BBC I Player called Midwifes, love that programme. Was crying at all the births lol. Ooooh I cant wait xxx
I am 4 weeks, 3 days today! Would be fun to talk through the tough times and just anything! :thumbup:
hi Im not quite sure of my dates Im either 3wks 4days or 4wks. Would be nice to make some new friends to share the 9 months with Xx
Hi, I would love to be bump buddies with you. I am 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant! I am 38 and not sure exactly in April when I will be due but according to the book I've been reading, it should be around the 21st. My next visit with ob/gyn is 27 Aug to see what's going on as I had 9 follies this month! This of course is slighty mind blowing, but according to statistics, the chances of me having twins is 8% and triplets or more only 1%.

I'm still amazed that I'm pregnant at all:cloud9:
My symptoms so far are AF pains since 7dpo, increasingly sore boobs and I'm definately hungry more often.

Good luck to all of you.

Welcome to the thread!! Happy to have you join us :flower:

Keep us updated with all your symptoms, I bet your a eager to find out if there is more than one little bundle of joy in there aren't you? lol

Happy 9 months xx
I would love to be bump buddies with you! I am 31, 32 in Nov and will be due on April 18th! This is my first so it would be great to have someone to message as we go along! :)

Welcome!! :flower:

Aww a first timer! :hugs: Well you can snuggle in with us and share every moment along the way :) xx
I am 4 weeks, 3 days today! Would be fun to talk through the tough times and just anything! :thumbup:

Hello and welcome :hugs:

Yeah will be lovely for us all to share our experiences together. So how are you feeling? Are you getting any symptoms yet? xx
hi Im not quite sure of my dates Im either 3wks 4days or 4wks. Would be nice to make some new friends to share the 9 months with Xx

Hello, welcome!! :hugs:

Its soooo exciting isnt it!!! Im sooo happy to finally be pregnant again, Im even enjoying the sore boobs and tiredness! :haha: xx
Just checking in ladies. Hope things are going well with all of you! Holey moley are my breast sore now! And if I sit for too long after 9pm I may as well just go to bed! No morning sickness yet, hopefully I'm lucky and avoid it all together. Pretty sure I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. Do any of you know how to calculate how many weeks you are if you have longer than a 28 day cycle?
Hi Sargentgirl. I would love to be bump buddies with you if you would like. I am just over 5 weeks along so also very early. I am 31 and have two older children as well. My youngest is 5. We seem to have a lot in common as my first was a surprise.

Hey tryingforkiddo3, Hows things going your end?? Im soo busy with the children being off school at the moment so the days are flying by for me lol Although its making it difficult to catch a nap when I feel the need xx
Just checking in ladies. Hope things are going well with all of you! Holey moley are my breast sore now! And if I sit for too long after 9pm I may as well just go to bed! No morning sickness yet, hopefully I'm lucky and avoid it all together. Pretty sure I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. Do any of you know how to calculate how many weeks you are if you have longer than a 28 day cycle?

Hiya!! Sorry to hear your your suffering with your breasts, mine are beginning to make themselves known too. Its my nipples that are really starting to get sore though now (Sorry TMI) lol. Im really tired also, but find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, so is sort of frustrating.

As for calculating how many weeks you are, the doctor will date you from the first day of your last period. I have a 30 day cycle and I am 4 weeks 4 days based on that. Some people like to date themselves from the day of conception (if they know it) but untill the dating scan, you will be calculated from the first day of your last period. Hope that helps xx
I feel achy, like cramps but not which is apparently "normal" according to google. My boobs are sore up by my armpits, and the thought of coffee and cream makes me want to toss my cookies but no I feel very "unpregnant" which considering this will be my first child I'm finding to be very concerning.
I don't have a family doctor either, but I went to the walk in today and they're referred me to a OBGYN. My first appointment is Thursday.

Dont be concerned about your lack of symptoms, some women dont get any at throughout there pregnancys. I usually dont get anything significant untill around 8 weeks, so Im finding this pregnancy different for me. Good luck tomorrow at your appointment, please let us know how it goes and what happened? xxx
Well girls, I took another clearblue digital this morning..and Iv progressed a week!!:happydance: That has reassured me loads that everything is as it should be. Really happy.

Here it is, I know its not clear but its the best I could do with my rubbish camera lol It now says 2-3 weeks pregnant!!


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Hi ladies.

Anybody having really bad AF pains. Last night they were so bad they woke me up! Usually it's my sore boobs that wake me up these days :haha:
I checked with Doc today he said that because I have a retroverted uterus, it's natural to get these pains as it straighten's itself out. Just a little FYI incase someone else has the same thing.

Any of you keeping the news top secret for the moment?

Lovely to have you ladies to chat to.
Sargentgirl - Brillliant news! Always lovely and reassuring to see a level jumped up.

gonnabamom - I've had cramps over the last 2 days, although not too painful. I've read that it's pretty normal to suffer with cramps whilst the uterus stretches.

Nothing major with me - definatiely suffering with constipation now (sorry, tmu). Boobs aren't quite as sore now. Going to the doctors tomorrow.
Teabella, thanks. It def made me feel better x

Gonnabeamom, I had them quite strong during my last pregnancy with my daughter. They were very uncomfortable at times and she was fine. I have mild cramps that come and go at tje moment but I expect they will become more comman as time goes on in the first trimester. Xx
So, I went to the doctor and they dated me at 7 weeks based on my last cycle. However my cycles are crazier than the people from Jerry Springer so they've set me up for a dating ultra sound on the 31st. I also have to do blood work which I'm going for on Wednesday.

They didn't do a physical exam because "you're so early in, no point is bugging the baby just yet. You'll be seeing us lots in the coming months."

I'm still getting cramps occasionally, but they've tapered off a bit now. The doctor was a little concerned about the cramps but said that unless they're accompanied by bleeding not to worry too much. I am noticing however that when I'm walking around at my job (I stand for 8 hours at a time) that I am getting REALLY bloated, I look much further on than I am. Once I sit down for a little while it goes away. Total mind screw.

Anyway at this point I'm just waiting for my scan on the 31st and trying to figure out what the hell my body is doing. Also trying to convince myself not to buy another digi test to make sure that I have progressed a week on Sunday, because I REALLY don't need tooo. I have 7 pregnancy tests that say that I'm knocked up...I don't need another...no really...honest....
Sorry you sound quite stressed Sarahrei. Cross fingers for you that by your next visit everything will be just as it should be. :hugs:
So, I went to the doctor and they dated me at 7 weeks based on my last cycle. However my cycles are crazier than the people from Jerry Springer so they've set me up for a dating ultra sound on the 31st. I also have to do blood work which I'm going for on Wednesday.

They didn't do a physical exam because "you're so early in, no point is bugging the baby just yet. You'll be seeing us lots in the coming months."

I'm still getting cramps occasionally, but they've tapered off a bit now. The doctor was a little concerned about the cramps but said that unless they're accompanied by bleeding not to worry too much. I am noticing however that when I'm walking around at my job (I stand for 8 hours at a time) that I am getting REALLY bloated, I look much further on than I am. Once I sit down for a little while it goes away. Total mind screw.

Anyway at this point I'm just waiting for my scan on the 31st and trying to figure out what the hell my body is doing. Also trying to convince myself not to buy another digi test to make sure that I have progressed a week on Sunday, because I REALLY don't need tooo. I have 7 pregnancy tests that say that I'm knocked up...I don't need another...no really...honest....

Firstly, Congratulations on getting a date for your scan!! :happydance: How exciting! Your gonna see your little bundle of joy on screen :thumbup:

Secondly, try not to worry to much. For me, cramping is very common and sometimes very strong but both my children were fine and I had healthy pregnancy's. There is alot of stuff going on in your uterus especially in the first few months so its natural that you will feel things like twinges and cramping alot during that time.

As for buying another digi test..I have just done a THIRD and am over the moon that it is now saying 3+ weeks pregnant!! lol That was my last though, but I understand completely the need for constant reassurance that everything is ok with the pregnancy. Its hard in the early weeks, as we dont really have any contact with midwifes to make us FEEL like we are having a baby. I think once our scans are done, we will feel much better about everything, also knowing we can contact a midwife and be taken seriously about issues we may have, puts our mind at rest also.

Try and relax, enjoy your pregnancy. Because ultimately we are not in control anyways, just need to embrace our hormones and cramps and moodswings and bloatedness :) xxx

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