I'm new have secondary unexplained infertility ttc since may 07


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Jul 12, 2011
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Hi all

I'm new to this site. As the header states me and my other half have been ttc our second child for a very long time. We have a son already who is nearly 6.

In short my story is that day 21 bloods, swabs, internal and external scan and lap and dye have all come back good. My partners semen analysis was classed as satisfactory. We have had 3 failed cycles of clomid and today I have been given 3 more months. My gynae has refused to give me a higher dosage and I'm on 50mg at the moment. My gynae has said that I am to have no further appointments as there is nothing more that they can do for me on the nhs. She says I should look into private ivf. I can't afford ivf but I am currently thinking of egg share in exchange for reduced cost ivf.

My life at the moment is hellish which I'm sure you all can understand as your all in the same boat which is why I'm here. I find it hard to talk to my family about this and have become quite distant from them since my sister announced her unplanned pregnancy 3 weeks ago.

I would love to talk to people who are experiencing the same. I think it will help a lot. I just don't know what to do or where to turn to at the moment everything is just so difficult at the moment for me. Thanks for reading. X x
Plenty of views no replys. Well this is a friendly site isn't it!!!!!!!!
Let's hope none of you just get left hanging there when your feeling down :mad:
Hello, I guess your situation is kinda frustrating, in a way it is good as you are in the clear, but at the same time it sucks as there is nothing to fix. I am sorry it is taking you so long. I have just had my third appointment today, i had the sonohysterogram, with the catheter in the cervix and they pump saline in and use an ultrasound instead of dye and x-ray. It has been 2 years for me. Does the NHS cover any of IVF? Have you tried IUI? I live in Canada but I am from the UK. :)
I'm so sorry to hear your story krho, my heart goes out to you.
It must be really hard for you at the moment and I can understand how terrible you must be feeling. Try to stay positive, even though that may seem an impossibility. Stress, anxiety and worry don't help with this TTC business at all, and although it seems like nothing is working, remember that anything can happen and often does in a good way.
My favourite saying in all this is "It'll be all right in the end, and if it's not all right, it's not the end."
Sending you lots of hugs xx :hugs:
Krho, I am new here also and I can completely understand the amount of frustration you are feeling about your situation. Here is a little about me. Age 32 with a DS-9 years old and a DD-6 years old. Did not try to become pregnant with either of them. Actually got pregnant with my son when I ran out of my birth control prescription and didn't take it for 7 days. How does that happen???? Anyhow, have been actively TTC since 3/2009. All the tests come back normal for me. DH's sperm analysis was borderline but RE felt it shouldn't be problematic. 3 cycles of Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI/Prometrium-BFN then in August 2010 a natural BFP!! Ended in miscarriage in September 2010. Another natural BFP in October 2010, only to end in an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured my fallopian tube and needed emergency surgery to remove. Waited until the new year to actively start TTC again, but with no success. Just this month, we went through a round of Gonal F injections/Ovidrel/timed intercourse/Prometrium. I am currently on Day 7PO during the two week wait but I am not feeling very positive. I think the most frustrating thing about secondary infertility is that people feel you should be just be happy with the children that you have and not be greedy, in regards to wanting more children. I think it is hard for others to understand that you have more love that you want to share and that growing your family is actually a joy/benefit to your other children as well....Ok that was really long, but the moral is...There are others who are out there experiencing some of these feelings with you. Don't lose the faith!! Lots of babydust!
I understand your frustration!!!!! My son asks us every day "why can't I have a brother or sister?". It is absolutley heartbreaking to want to expand your family and not have it happen. At this point my gyno has also told us to just relax and try on our own. Hubby's SA was also borderline....and im not getting any younger! I just pray that it will happen soon. GOOD LUCK girlie!!!
Hi welcome to LTTTC.

It's a little quiet in this section and you get mainly 'lurkers' who just read and don't post. Come over into the main Long term trying section, we're all very friendly.

Hi i am 26 have a son who is nearly 4 next month, only took 5 months to get him lol, now been trying for 2 years, find it very hard as i cant understand why it is taking so long, i have a clear blue ovulation kit so i know i ovulate, i have had a HSG done all clear, my partner is all good too, so then my doctor put me onto clomid , with IUI, started the 15/7/11 with IUI, and i am 9dpiui i feel pregnant but every month now i seem to feel more and more so, but i have more signs this month took an ealry test BFN as always i know its still ealry but i cant help myself, i have 10 friends pregnant and still waiting for my time to come, i am very alone and down about it all, as doctor said i only have 4 rounds of clomid and have to have a break each month, after that we r on our own as IVF we cant have as i have a child already, which really upsets me.
So thats my story,
Also i looked into egg shearing to get IVF but dont think i am strong enough for that as i have been trying so long to get pregnant and would hate to see someone get pregnant right away with my eggs would hurt, i know u dont get to know but thats how i am thinking!!!!!
I can totally understand how frustrated you must feel. I've just been told that I need to go on HRT and would more than likely need IVF to conceive, which is not available on NHS to couples who already have children to there current partner. That leaves me with a 25% chance of getting pregnant with one round of IVF at approx. £5000 a time! I'm trying to correct my hormone imbalance by sorting out my nutrition, exercise and lifestyle first of all. I don't think taking drugs is the answer, I am a great believer in following a natural path with regards to health. Perhaps some things are beyond our control for a reason:shrug: x
I understand all to well x

We have been trying for 6 years with one MC in December 2008, we have two girls and was once told by the doctor to go home and enjoy the children we have as the nhs will not even do any tests to see what was wrong!

Well I battled on for two more years saw another doctor and got referred and had tests which showed both tubes were blocked we have our next appoint this week after our lap and dye where they unblocked them both so am more hopeful than I have been for a long time.

It is so hard when you have little ones already as you get no help and unless you win the lottery there seems no way out.

Keep smiling x
I'm with you girls. After trying for 18 months for no.2 I was told that most likely there was nothing wrong as we already had a child, and I had to plead for tests. Of course, I got my BFP when I was waiting for my test results! We have been ttc no.3 for 20 months now and I'm loathe to go back and ask for any help because I will probably cry if I'm fobbed off, and tbh I wouldn't want to do ivf anyway (too stressful). So we just keep trying and hoping. I am wondering about getting a home sperm kit for hubby to try. Anyone ever bought one?

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